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CODEF codef-io-dev

Hectodata Co,. Ltd. Seoul, KR

Gwanwoo Shin tlsrhksdn

Kookmin University Seoul.Korea

Buyeon Hwang ArpaAP
KNU CSE 24 / Korean student developer - interested in Native, Web, Mobile, AI / Main developer of Infinite Studio

Kyungpook Nat'l Univ. @InfiniteTeam Republic of Korea

Hyunsoo Jung junghyunsoo24
Andorid Developer

Kumoh National Institute of Technology ComputerSoftware Department Deagu, South Korea

Yegun Kim ibocon

MANGOSLAB Republic of Korea

nice1378 nice1378
Game Programmer Language : C++, C#, JavaScript 3D : UnrealEngine4.x, Unity5Up, Gamebryo Network : TCP, UDP,SuperSocket

RedSahara korea

dypark pdy1207

Some FreeLancers Republic of Korea

Matt Cho (조동욱) mattcho

한국ESG데이터 South Korea

polymorph dahyeong-yun
Talk is cheap. Show me the code.


JeongHo Mun munjeongho

Incheon, South Korea