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Andrzej Bułeczka AndrzejBuleczka
I'm a philosopher and logician, driven by curiosity and urge to understand reality around me, currently growing in a JavaScript Developer job.

@blacklabel Kraków

Michał Żywicki Wulthus
"What's interesting about this is that it follows along certain kind of fascination people have with technology in making inanimate object seem animate ... "

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Jomar Hønsi jomar-honsi
Freelance software developer.


Manuel manuel12
QA Engineer & Full-Stack Developer - Python/Django - JS/React - JS/Cypress

Krakow, Poland

Cesar Verano CesarVerano
Developer full stack BIP Latam


Sebastian Hajdus hihajdus
Software developer


Rupert Russell rupertrussell
See me on redbubble at

Australian Catholic University Ballarat, Victoria Australia

Dawid Draguła ddragula

Black Label Kraków | Brzozów (PL)

Rafał raf18seb
Highcharts developer and Team Leader at Black Label.

@blacklabel Kraków