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marcelo Marcelo-maga

Cuca Fresca Informática São Paulo, Brazil

Filipe Dias jfilipedias
Just a curious person.

Alpha Sistemas Fortaleza, Ceará

Rodrigo de Avila rdeavila
keeping systems online since 2000

@zenvia Porto Alegre, Brazil

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Marcus Grando marcusgrando
CTO of Azion Technologies

Azion Technologies Brazil

whoami micael MicaelRPereiraGTI
30 Y TDAH Life🌻 Wife Mirian💍Dev Back-End PHP 8 | Shell | MySQL | Oracle | at @IcaroTech | ADS - IFSul


Vinh Cao skaarlcooper
Sophomore Economics dropout to pursue a career in DevSecOps.
Alberto Cavalcante albertocavalcante
here, starting an unfinished project at a time. At @jpmorganchase having some fun work to do :)

@jpmorganchase Palo Alto, California

Isaque Böck isaquebock
23, programmer, livecoder, technology event organizer and open-source projects maintainer.

@boostingdevs Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul

Iury Chagas IuryChagas
Systems Analyst

GFT Group Curitiba, Brazil

Alan Lopes sisfenix
Simplesmente Simples

São Paulo / Salvador

André Campos oxdrtech
Desenvolvedor Fullstack | React • Node

Ômega Screen Indústria Caruaru PE

Tiago Krebs tiagokrebs

ADP Brazil Labs Porto Alegre, Brazil

rorosan rorosan
Psychic locks unlocked !
Augusto augustoscher
Improving Search Experience at @jusbrasil

@Jusbrasil Blumenau, SC

Bruno Mayer Paixão brunomrpx
Software developer

Azion Tramandaí/RS

Jake Hash jhash
No-code enthusiast focused on building SaaS applications using Javascript

WorkHands New York, NY

Benjamim Francisco ChernoBen

Computer Science at UFMT Itajaí-SC-Brasil

Moneem Saadaoui Moneemsaadaoui
◾ Software Developer ◾ Open-source Enthusiast ◾ Musician

@pembeia @RRDL @SkinifyApp São Paulo

grc at @aziontech

@aziontech Brasil

Vitor Adams Eltz VitorEltz

Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul

Lucas Generoso LucasGeneroso
Senior Software Engineer at @aziontech

@aziontech Leme, SP

Luis Felipe Silva felipersi

@dbserver_ti Porto Alegre/RS

Gabriel Santos gabrielpelo

São Paulo, SP - Brasil

Fernando Celmer FernandoCelmer
Python Developer

@mercadolibre Florianópolis, Brazil

(老外) doug nullniverse
我们在知识的海洋里求索。Vassal @ TCS LLC

特贸 Cyber Remote

Patrick Carriello Alves PatrickCarriello
Just a programmer

Carriello Brasil, Rio de Janeiro

Joice Caroline Felix JoiceFelix

@aziontech - Azyon Brazil

Renan Bastos renanbastos93
I've been working as a Software Engineer.


Henrique Mayer hmayer

Mayer - Tecnologia da Informação Imbituba - Santa Catarina - Brasil