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Hani Alnahas hanialnahas
B.Sc. Computer Science

Freiburg, Germany

Sarieh sarieh
Computer Scientist


Luis Barragan luisbgn
M.Sc. Student in Computer Science @ The University of Freiburg

Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Munish Sharma munish7771
those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it


Shrija M shrijam
Master Student | Deep Learning & Computer Vision | Specializing in Image Analysis, NLP & SLAM
Pranav Kolar Bhaskarpantula kbpranav
Deep Learning and Machine Vision Enthusiast!!

Freiburg, Germany

Santosh SantoshParit

Robert Bosch GmbH Germany

吴凯荣 KairongWu
The world now, I don't want. Let me coding a world for myself.

GDUT China.Guangdong.Guangzhou

Daniel danrgll
Master's student in Computer Science

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Halima Bouzidi HalimaBouzidi
Postdoc @ University of California, Irvine

AICPS@UCI Irvine, California

IrisDinge IrisDinge
Glatze, Ferderweiße Lieberin;) PAUKEN WEITER

LUH German

D. Jabs nobodyPerfecZ
Interested in Python, (Automated) Machine learning, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning.

Leibniz University Hannover Hannover

Tobias Vente tobiasvente

University of Siegen Siegen