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Philippe Cutillas pcutillas
Software Engineer @ Viasat

Viasat Inc. Orange County, CA

49241036 ynadtiy19
pretty love your look


John Wicks jwwicks
Chronicling the life of a cubicle hobbit struggling to create well-written programs and avoid death due to boredom.

Jwx Enterprises Taft, Ca

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Cương Nguyễn cuong0993
Self-taught engineer

Optimizely Ha Noi

Satya Prakash saty-a
Software Engineer | Flutter & Android Developer | Open Source Enthusiast


Miloš Jovović milosjovovic
Cyber Security enthusiast

Banja Luka | Bosnia and Herzegovina

Andres Garcia tech-andgar
Flutter FullStack Developer


Ahmed Elsayed AhmedLSayed9
Senior Software Engineer | Dart & Flutter Geek

@tryLocals Egypt, Al-Sharqia

Randy Bias randybias
If you know, you know...

Mirantis Philippines

Paul Chambers paul-chambers

@NymbleTechnology San Jose, California

Software Engineer and Founder of @zyrrio

@zyrrio Vienna, Austria

Lokesh Sharma Lksharma906
Just a simple firmware engineer who like to explore and learn new things into embedded domain comprising of various Microcontrollers, Processors, C, C++, Linux
Jason T. ByteToHex
Graduate Diploma in Systems Analysis


SGM Phil sgmphil

Oracle America Titus, AL

Hamid Hussainy Hamid313-coder
Flutter Developer || Flutter & Mobile App Development Enthusiast💙

@jeyhuntechnology Herat, Afghanistan

Karol Sotomski sotomski
Expect all kinds of crazy and unrelated things I've done over the years ;-) Wrocław, Poland

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Prayag Biswas Prayag-X
GSoC Mentor @LiquidGalaxyLAB || SDE @FastCodeAI || Flutter

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kalyani Kalyani, West Bengal, India

Charith Madhuranga charithmadhuranga
🚀Self Learn Passionate Open Source Contributor in Automation, Edge Computing,Computer Vision,machine learning, Ecommerce and IoT 🌐

@Vioneta Sri Lanka

sp//dr Geeblack


Ahmed Osama ahmedosama07
Add a Bio

@https-github-com-MiaRoboticsTeam || @IEEE-AlexSB-Technical-Committee || @IEEE-AlexSB-SW-team Alexandria, Egypt

Pascal Schmitt PaezRice
juggling bits and bytes


Natasha Naorem natt-n
Software Engineering student in Internet of Things specialization
Hadi Alsinan Hadi-Alsinan
A software engineer

TaqaPay Saudi Arabia

Royce Mathew royce-mathew
Software Developer, Student @OntarioTechUniversity

Ontario, Canada

Ahmad jz ahmadjz
I am a Flutter developer with experience in building mobile, web, and windows applications. I have worked on projects utilizing advanced state management tools
Yii Chen chyiiiiiiiiiiii
Flutter Boy || Organizer FlutterTaipei || Writer, Speaker || wanna make Flutter strong in Taiwan.

Taipei, TW

Collins Swai collins-swai
Android Developer || Java || Kotlin || Self-taught developer || Open source enthusiast || ALC 4.0 Learner || ALC 5.0 Mentor || BuildForSDG Mentor


Desmond Moonga DezMoon
I am a web developer with a vast array of knowledge in many different front-end and back-end languages, responsive frameworks, databases, and best code practice


Ahmad Maaz AhmadMaazz
AI sophomore. Flutter enthusiast. Excited to explore the possibilities at the intersection of AI and mobile development.

Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute Topi Swabi

Michael Koranteng mikekwabs
currently building 🏗️
Ebube Joshua Josh-dev69
Currently learning full stack software engineering with ALX
Wasiu Adebowale Yusuf Diamond1910
A front-end web developer. Stack: JavaScript, Typescript, Bootstrap, Sass, Tailwind, jQuery, React.js, Next.js.


Michael Appiah Dankwah Terre8055
Did curiosity really kill the cat?


Benjamin Rukundo rukundob451
Open Source enthusiast |Healthcare AI & ML

student Kampala, Uganda