QualiSystems CloudShell-Community Idea-box Discussions
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1. 📣 AnnouncementCategory ❶ : Announcements ℹ️Quali - Community Info -
💡 Quali's Community Idea Box
ℹ️Quali - Community Info
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Add an option to specify a file-type environment global input
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·8 💡 ActiveIdea state: Active AHspaceAH space AHIdeasAH space: Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Snap to grid option for Environment/Reservation diagram
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·10 💡 DeliveredIdea state: Delivered AHspaceAH space AHIdeasAH space: Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Re-reserve an ended reservation
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·3 💡 DuplicateIdea state: Duplicate AHspaceAH space AHIdeasAH space: Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Log of driver/script activity
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·2 💡 Not PlannedIdea state: Not Planned AHspaceAH space AHIdeasAH space: Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Common driver library repository
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·B 💡 Archived IdeasIdeas subcategory: Archived Ideas AHsubspaceAH subspace AHArchAH Ideas subspace: Archived Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Reduce number of clicks to view test report
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·8 💡 ActiveIdea state: Active AHspaceAH space AHIdeasAH space: Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Set max reservation time definition per group\domain
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·B 💡 Archived IdeasIdeas subcategory: Archived Ideas AHsubspaceAH subspace AHArchAH Ideas subspace: Archived Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Abstract attribute
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea _CloudShell 3·8 💡 ActiveIdea state: Active AHspaceAH space AHIdeasAH space: Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Prevent conflicted reservation through API
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea CloudShell 9.2 3·10 💡 DeliveredIdea state: Delivered AHspaceAH space AHIdeasAH space: Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Allow the many config options in CloudShell to be changed from the Web Portal and not just via config files
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·8 💡 ActiveIdea state: Active AHspaceAH space AHIdeasAH space: Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Export all my resources to a .csv file that is accepted by the mass resource creation test
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·5 💡 Alternative AvailableIdea state: Alternative Available AHspaceAH space AHIdeasAH space: Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 TOSCA Support
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·10 💡 DeliveredIdea state: Delivered AHspaceAH space AHIdeasAH space: Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Use of colon : character in resource names for IPV6
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·B 💡 Archived IdeasIdeas subcategory: Archived Ideas AHsubspaceAH subspace AHArchAH Ideas subspace: Archived Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Save & Restore of an environment
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·10 💡 DeliveredIdea state: Delivered AHspaceAH space AHIdeasAH space: Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Environment breadcrumb trail
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·B 💡 Archived IdeasIdeas subcategory: Archived Ideas AHsubspaceAH subspace AHArchAH Ideas subspace: Archived Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Upload a driver to the Driver bank from CloudShell Authoring directly
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·B 💡 Archived IdeasIdeas subcategory: Archived Ideas AHsubspaceAH subspace AHArchAH Ideas subspace: Archived Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Provide full configured control of env inputs - don't force choices
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·B 💡 Archived IdeasIdeas subcategory: Archived Ideas AHsubspaceAH subspace AHArchAH Ideas subspace: Archived Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Provide "export" capability from portal tables
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·B 💡 Archived IdeasIdeas subcategory: Archived Ideas AHsubspaceAH subspace AHArchAH Ideas subspace: Archived Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Enable multi-selection when creating routes
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·3 💡 DuplicateIdea state: Duplicate AHspaceAH space AHIdeasAH space: Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Tip of the Day Feature
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·2 💡 Not PlannedIdea state: Not Planned AHspaceAH space AHIdeasAH space: Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Adding a function to operate on a variable
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·2 💡 Not PlannedIdea state: Not Planned AHspaceAH space AHIdeasAH space: Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Tabbed Command Sets requested by Cisco.... however, need to know the TAB id.
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·B 💡 Archived IdeasIdeas subcategory: Archived Ideas AHsubspaceAH subspace AHArchAH Ideas subspace: Archived Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Link abstract resources with "Any" option for an attribute
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·8 💡 ActiveIdea state: Active AHspaceAH space AHIdeasAH space: Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Multi Line Text Box Option for Entering Input Parameters into a Library Function
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·2 💡 Not PlannedIdea state: Not Planned AHspaceAH space AHIdeasAH space: Ideas -
You must be logged in to vote 💡 Enable resource address edit from the cloudshell diagram
5. 💠 CloudShellCategory ❺ : CloudShell 3·A 💡 IdeaCategory ❸ : Idea 3·B 💡 Archived IdeasIdeas subcategory: Archived Ideas AHsubspaceAH subspace AHArchAH Ideas subspace: Archived Ideas