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Anumolu Hemanth Kumar anumolu-hemanth
Graduate Student

University of North Carolina at Charlotte Charlotte, North Carolina

Baris Sonmez sbarissonmez
DevOps Engineer


Daniel Ari Friedman docxology

Active Inference Institute Internet

Fernanda Somohano fersomort
Computer Science Student at NJIT and Cybersecurity Fellow at TKH

New York

Bryan blopez024

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Dylan K. Picart dylanpicart
Just A Rather Vicariously Introspective Student. Data Science Alum at The Knowledge House. Deep Learning Student at Neuromatch Academy. Community-oriented.

Partnership With Children New York, NY

Andrew Alson andrewalson

Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Chelsea Quindipan quindipc
Full Stack Developer


TechBabe techbabe23
I write code| Speaker

South Africa

Surojit Mondal mondalsurojit
Samsung SFT'24 Top-5 (IIT-D), Accenture IC'24 2nd || Ex-Intern @BHARATTECH-ECOSYSTEMS , @CodeSpeedy || GSSoC'24, SSoC'24

Kolkata, WB, India

Ramakanth A ramakanth98
Full Stack Engineer | AI Enthusiast
Gloria V. ggrossvi
Full Stack Developer eager to learn and create applications that improve people's lives.
Dari darithedev
Full-Stack Developer \\ Passionate about web3 and all things blockchain. CS50x & #100Devs
Eduardo Vazquez vazquezea96
Software Developer @ Destiny Technologies International. Software Developer @ Asian Connections Hub (nonprofit). Dad. Husband.

@sunnyside-org Greater Seattle Area

Brian Kyalo kyalo3
Backend software Developer || Open-source contributor🤝 || UN SDGs advocate🌍


Rakhim Abdullayev Rakhimjon

IMV Axborot Texnologilari Markazi Tashkent

Walaa AlSalmi alsalmiw

snap-mobile California


Lenapehoking / New York, NY

anaymous mpa-mxiang
Development - ReactJS | Python Looking for new opportunities:D

Waterloo, ON

Shuhua Liu Shuhua-L
I love math and coding

Massachusetts, USA

Kubra Tapan kubra90
Software Developer


Tushar Shukla 12219829 shuklatushar12219829
I am Tushar Shukla i am pursuing BTech CSE at Lovely Professional University .I have completed my 10+2 from St Mary's Orthodx School. I am a great learner.

Phagwara, Punjab

Aman Negi AmanNegi
GSoC'24 @RocketChat | Former GitHub Octern at @AppFlowy-IO | Mobile and Web Developer

Uttarakhand, India

Shannon shannonmatloob

@Neat-Strategies Los Angeles, CA

Jitto Joyes Jittojoyes98
Occasional open source contributor. SDE @qburst | Building, breaking and Building again.

Qburst Kochi

ana URL anaURL
Software Developer | MERN stack | @recursecenter alum

#100devs Berlin

Angel Corona AngelCorona117
Neon lights and neon dreams
David Chapuis davidchapuis
Software engineer | Mentor | Tech writer
Ethan Price eprice555
Support Engineer III @github


Isaac Guerrero i-guerrero
Full Stack Software Engineer | Accenture App Developer | Postgres, Express, React, Node | AWS 1x Certified | Python | SQL

Accenture NYC