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Evan J. Williams evanwilliamsconsulting
HI! Evan Williams Consulting, LLC is a small company specializing in Open Source and Embedded Development.

Evan Williams Consulting, LLC Somerset, NJ

ahmet serdar ahmetserdar

Gebze Technical University Turkey

Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana

KI4GDN curtiswilliams
Electronics. I like them.

Alabama, United States

Anxo Tato Arias anxotato
R&D engineer at @Gradiant

@Gradiant Galiza, Spain

RonaLiu_2004 Rona-2034
Undergraduate student in communication engineering
K4rm4 Cipher2600
Relatively new to GitHub. I am currently working on my Ph.D. in computing. My area of expertise is in Controller Area Networks (CAN). Specifically vehicles.

University of South Alabama Mobile, Alabama

W. Tad Morgan tadmorgan
Software Engineer at ispace US, OMSCS alum at Georgia Tech. Opinions my own.

Parker, CO


Beijing, China.

ryand2d ryand2d


Aaron mcd1992
Moved to Gitlab


NR cell scanner on PI4
AHS Ali6114

Information Technology University (ITU)

shankar Shankar18204
EEE undergrad at BITS pilani FPGA Design Engineer at MMRFIC Technology
Nicholas Sledgianowski Sevii
Software Engineer working mainly in the backend of cloud applications. My blog is at

Sledgeworx Software Scottsdale, Arizona

James Morris xjamesmorris
Linux kernel developer. W7TXT

Microsoft Seattle, WA

Rik KM tslrkm
Geocacher, crypto-wonk, ageing GM, hopeless lockpicker, sometime gamer, 3D printer tinkerer, amateur radio operator (M7YIB) and all round screw up. kthxbai!

Tsiolkovsky Creations

Brendan Minish bminish

Westnet Castlebar, Co Mayo, Ireland

Larry Gadallah techn0mad

NM7A/VE6VQ Pacific Northwest

Samantha Luber saluber
Techno Engineer / C++ Sorceress / Codec Queen

@cplusplus @cynical-media Somewhere in the Midwest