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0x0d4y 0x0d4y-MalwareReseacher
Don't be afraid! Fear is the Mind Killer.

0x0d4y Blog

CX330 CX330Blake
Undergraduate | Hacker | Developer | CTF | Python | JavaScript | C | Java | React | - Build the universe with me


EvilFootPrint bkbiradar
I am Cyber security professional with 20+ Years Involved in Endpoint product Development/Malware analysis/End Point Detection/Reverse Engineering/Managed teams.

@Proland@Webroot@Norman@Bluecoat@Symantec@Microsoft India

Frequency of Bachelor/BSc in INFORMATICS Engineering @ University of Minho & Portuguese Open University.


txqi tx-qi
Nothin much,just love to learn and procrastinate..

Kerajaan Langit