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Vivek Bhakta vbhakta8
WOMBO e/acc web 🌲

Leo Shimonaka leoshimo


Michel-André Chirita macistador
Swift / fullstack developer. Entrepreneur.

Paris, France

now_its_dark now-its-dark
interaction designer, artist, music maker; obsessed with studying the methods for creation and delivery of audio, visual and interactive works.
Steve Hales heyigor
now; @apple, @igorlabs, app designer & technologist, sensei, then; original 8 bit designer, was; beatnik, danger, @Voxer, @nestlabs, @zulihome

Igor's Software Labs LLC Palo Alto, CA

Danilo Altheman daltheman
This is my PERSONAL REPOSITORY. Not Apple Related!

Apple Inc. São Paulo - Brasil

anton podviaznikov
check my site

New York

An Tran antranapp
#Swift, #Mobile, #Minimalism


Satoshi Namai ainame
A mobile and backend engineer. I love Swift, Ruby, AWS's tech and Emacs. @fastlane Core Contributor

@cookpad Bristol UK

Cristian A Monterroza rismay
iOS Developer @ Google [San Francisco, CA]

wrkstrm San Francisco, CA

Jeet Mandaliya sereneinserenade
Frontend dev fluent in Tiptap & ProseMirror.

Editor Engineer(Tiptap & ProseMirror) @beehiiv

Joe Barbour thebarbican19
Maker of Apple featured apps and now solo founder or SprintDock

Ovatar Ltd

Tim Kersey tkersey
If you'd have asked me when I was 3 what I wanted to be when I grew up I would have said a bologna sandwich

@thisisartium Los Angeles, CA

Ben Bahrenburg benbahrenburg
Bringing Innovation to the enterprise. JS. Swift. Data. ML. Geo.

Vialto Partners San Francisco Bay Area

Rob Barber rob-barber
Someone of many talents who enjoys too many different things. I strive to build great products for myself and others. I originally fell in love with programm

Techne Coding LLC

Morten Just mortenjust
Isn't it cool how we all work together?
Dominik Hofer hfrdmnk
Curious. Creative. Coder.

Bern, CH

Willie Abrams willie
Production Go since 2011. Production C++ since 1993.

@VitalSource Searcy, AR

Wiktor Wójcik wiktorwojcik112
I like computers.


Jeff Dlouhy jeffd

Tamper LLC Paris, France

Yazan Agha-Schrader mounta11n
Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else. OS: F84.5


Daniel Bonates dbonates

Self Industry Florianopolis, Brazil