- Participants
Gerben Danen (Alliander), Jeroen Gommans (Alliander), Frédéric Didier (RTE), Benoît Jeanson (RTE), Alexandra Guironnet (RTE), Valére Longa (RTE), Guillaume Trimbach (RTE)
Cancelling recurring TSC invitations from Hanae: Not doable, please delete them from your calendars (they’re only for 2021)
Can anyone write back to the TSC mailing list to propose topics? Checked on the admin interface → OK
Investigate moving from Jira to GitHub issues (script it?) → we actually even went ahead with it! OK
Create and start using Slack channel on the LFEnergy Slack instead of project Slack → OK
LFE has established its own DockerHub account
Calls to share any planned project or community meetings that could be interesting for other projects
LFE wants to have TFiR do video interviews of all projects, preferably before the end of the year
7/10 minutes long
Good opportunity to have promotion material for the project
Prepare possible questions/discussion topics then send an email to marketing@lfenergy.org to get on the schedule
Everyone present agrees that it’s an interesting opportunity to generate interest around the project. It doesn’t have to be one person speaking from a script for the whole video. For past videos LFiR worked weaved small interviews from different people into a coherent video. BJE says that SGO can help with this topic (how to talk about the project etc.)
@ALL Prepare topics / questions and we can discuss it at our next technical meeting
Security Working Group
OperatorFabric Annual Review
Share slide deck? Where? ⇒ GitHub.io ?
Committers file: initialized, future changes will need to be approved by TSC
Criteria for the different stages: see Technical Project Lifecycle
Mostly OK with Early Adoption (our current stage) Criteria except growth plan and CII Badge ⇒ nearly there
But for the next stage (Graduated) we lack diversity in contribution and governance:
Have a defined governing body of at least 5 or more members (owners and core maintainers), of which no more than 1/3 is affiliated with the same employer. In the case there are 5 governing members, 2 may be from the same employer.
Have a healthy number of contributions or committers from at least three organizations, with any one organization not composing more than 50% of the contributions or committers. Committers must be identified within the project in a COMMITTERS file.
Questions about the geographical visualization of data and PowSyBl/GridSuite
MMI mentioned that project SOGNO was presented this year (March) to the conference NextGen SCADA Europe 2021, and that it could be a good place to present OperatorFabric next year.
Next review : 12/07/2022 (see Project Review Cycle on the LFE wiki)
Open for discussion here.
VOTE After discussion, all present TSC voting members agree with the removal of that feature as proposed.
We have started working on this topic. Progress is tracked with this milestone.
VOTE All present TSC voting members agree with a pause in the release cycle (except for bug fixes) until the core features for release 3.0.0 (i18n removal and external sound devices) can be delivered.
From this blog it looks like limitations on image retention as initially announced by DockerHub in late October 2020 are no longer in order. All the OperatorFabric versions ever published are still available on DockerHub.
200 pulls / 6h for authenticated users (see https://www.docker.com/pricing), 100 for anonymous users. Unlikely to be an issue for developers locally. Our Travis CI pipeline uses an authenticated users (service account), and has to pull 3 images/build (RabbitMQ, MongoDB and Keycloak) so that’s over 130 builds / 12h. The number of pulls/build might increase if we parallelize some stages of the build but even 9/builds would let us do around 45 builds / 12h.
It’s possible to apply for open source project qualification to raise the pull limit.
⇒ The current limitations are not a problem for the foreseeable future.