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opensas edited this page Sep 11, 2011 · 19 revisions

Welcome to the play-demo wiki!

Play-demo is a play! framework project built for demoing play's capabilities and to provide a detailed step-by-step guide to get you up and running with play framework.

This project is hosted here, on github, for anyone to study, learn and improve.

Moreover, the demo has been organized in several steps, each with it's own github branch, so that you can follow us in our journey.


  • Be willing to have fun once again developing web applications with java!
  • Install play framework.
  • Setting up your development environment

Step 0 - create an empty project

Here we show how to create a project and we talk about the structure of a play application

Step 1 - my first controller

Show live editing capabilities of play framework and it's error reports for human beings

Step 2 - working with models

First we show you how to configure your favorite IDE and then we create a couple of entities and persist them to database.

Step 3 - populating data

In this section we cover differents ways to load your database with info. We take a look at play's integrated db manager, the crud module and fixtures support.

Step 4 - styling

We give our app a better appearence using twitter's bootstrap toolkit.