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Martin Desruisseaux edited this page Feb 24, 2024 · 9 revisions

GeoAPI roadmap

The current release is GeoAPI 3.0.2, published as an Open Geospatial Consortium standard. All future versions numbered 3.x shall be binary compatible with GeoAPI 3.0. Future versions numbered 4.x may have incompatible changes. Content of the next planned versions may be:

  • GeoAPI 4.0: current content of geoapi directory on master branch, pending completion of the work documented in the status section below.
  • GeoAPI 3.1: the Java interfaces of GeoAPI 4.0 with incompatible changes replaced by API strictly compatible with GeoAPI 3.0.1. This release does not include Python classes since there is no backward-compatibility to preserve. The modified interfaces are in the 3.1 branch.
  • GeoAPI 4.1: content of GeoAPI 4.0 with addition of coverages interfaces currently in pending directory.
  • GeoAPI 3.2: same content than GeoAPI 4.1 with backward compatibility with GeoAPI 3.1 preserved.

Above roadmap is tentative and may change at any time. Completion status is given below. The current state of the work can be browsed at the following locations for convenience:

Completion status for GeoAPI 3.1 / 4.0

Functionality Java Python
Metadata (ISO 19115) done done
Data Quality (ISO 19157) done partial
Referencing (ISO 19111) need update to do
Java - Python bridge done in progress
Feature done may not apply
OGC specification in progress in progress
Conformance test need update done through bridge

See also the projects page.

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