Releases: openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-androidapp
Releases · openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-androidapp
2.8.7 New contribution experience
more details soon
Maintenance update
- Fixes the always running notification
- Quicker feedback if scan was successful
Faster product addition
- It's a bit faster to add a product: no more choosing between gallery and camera.
- New translations by Brindusa (Romanian), JC Caballero (Spanish) and Hendrik (Swedish), NCAA (Danish)
- Saumia removed that empty looking ingredient card when you add a new product. A completely new experience is coming soon
- Huzaifa provided a temporary fix for Oreo issue. A more stable fix is coming soon.
2.7.7 - Bugfix release
- Huzaifa made the loading message on the initial splash screen clearer.
- Sauia fixed the progress indicator in the offline mode
- Janmiga fixed a crash when opening the Save Offline view
- Progress in the Arabic, Turkish and Galician translations
- The release number is meant to bring the Play Store releases and F-Droid releases in line. Nothing more. - New scanning system
- New scanning experience by @huzaifaiftikhar - Please report any issues, including Android version and Device to [email protected]
- Quick fix to that annoying loading screen.
- Added right and left margin to offline card view. Thanks @SaumiaSinghal :-)
- Wording fixes by @Karljoones - Stability and refinements
- Fix app crash on scanning certain barcodes (#1647)
- Fix cropped ingredient card. (#1641)
- "Share to Open Food Facts" now shows a numeric keyboard if the barcode is not recognized (#1624)
- Remove the whitespace between cards. (#1631)
- "Your contributions" section is now fixed (#1611)
- Easier to explore and select categories (#1602) - Stability release
- Corrected issue with product addition in languages other than English
- Nutrition summary now appears in a nice card
0.9.0 - Contributors Release
- Easier to search by barcode
- You can now see who contributed to the product you're seeing
- Improved performance on the product page
- you can now explore the categories list offline
- new translations
- revamped navigation
- a new contributors tab and swipe to refresh on the product page
- enhancements for Open Beauty Facts and Open Products Facts
- a products to be completed page accessible from the menu
0.8.9 - Extra fixes
- Fixed additives
- You can search in categories
- Notification to remind you to send offline products you have contributed
- Notification when history export is complete
- Refreshed translations
- Language fix for older Android versions
- Fixed bug in onboarding
- New splash screen
- Calculate calories for given product weight
- Performance boost on first use
- Scan on shake