- Interactive Spaces uses the Gradle build tool. There is no need to download Gradle,it will be downloaded automatically by the build process.
- The Interactive Spaces Dependency git repo
- Clone https://github.com/interactivespaces/interactivespaces-dependencies.git
- The Android SDK
- Create a file in the root folder of the Interactive Spaces project called gradle.properties.
This file should contain the following properties. Each of the properties ending in .home say where you have a package installed. The examples below give a fake place where each software package is installed, you will change these to match where you installed the particular packages.
android.sdk.home = /home/you/software/android/android-sdk-linux_86
interactivespaces.dependencies.home = /home/you/software/repos/interactivespaces-dependencies
- The Android controller is built for a given minimum version of Android. The following example shows building the Android controller for Ice Cream Sandwich.
android.platform = android-16
interactivespaces.dependencies.home should point at where you have installed the git repo clone for the Interactive Spaces Dependencies repo.
Install ROS on your computer. Install from www.ros.org. I usually install the desktop full version, though there may be a smaller version that will work.
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-desktop-full
- Place your interactivespaces repository on the ROS package path.
The recommended way to do this is to add the Interactive Spaces folder to your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.
Another way to do this is to place the Interactive Spaces repository in the ROS share directory, though this ties you to a ROS version.
sudo mv interactivespaces /opt/ros/indigo/share/
- The Interactive Spaces documentation is built with the Python documentation system Sphinx. It uses Latex for building the PDF documentation. On Linux, make sure you install texlive, textlive-latex-extra, and texlive-fonts-*. You also need pygments.
sudo apt-get install texlive texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-*
sudo pip install pygments
- You may also want to install pthread library:
sudo apt-get install libevent-pthreads-2.0-5
- Building installers:
If you want to build the installers, use the following command
./gradlew createInstallers
This will create installers for the master, controller, and workbench. The installers will be found in
where * can be master, controller, or workbench.
- Building an Image:
./gradlew -PimageHome=path createImage
where path is the root folder which will receive the image.
The image will contain a master, controller, and workbench.
- Updating a Dev instance from an Interactive Spaces Build:
Add the following to your gradle.properties file.
The value is where you have an instance of Interactive Spaces that you use for developing and testing Interactive Spaces activities. This folder should contain subfolders master, controller, workbench for each compoenent of an Interactive Spaces development environment.
- To build Interactive Spaces and install updated files into your development instance, use
./gradlew installDev