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CompositeLayer Class

The CompositeLayer class is a subclass of the Layer Class, that customizes various layer lifecycle methods to help create sublayers and handle events from those layers.

If you intend to implement a layer that generates other layers, you should extend this class.

For more information consult the Composite Layers article.


Define a composite layer that renders a set of sublayers, one of them conditionally

class MyCompositeLayer extends CompositeLayer {
  renderLayers() {
    return [
      this._renderGroupOfSubLayers(), // returns an array of layers
      this.props.showScatterplot && new ScatterplotLayer(...)


new CompositeLayer(...props);


  • props (Object) - Layer properties.


Inherits from all Base Layer properties.

_subLayerProps (Object) EXPERIMENTAL

Key is the id of a sublayer and value is an object used to override the props of the sublayer. For a list of ids rendered by each composite layer, consult the Sub Layers section in each layer's documentation.

Example: make only the point features in a GeoJsonLayer respond to hover and click

import {GeoJsonLayer} from '';

new GeoJsonLayer({
  // ...other props
  pickable: false,
  _subLayerProps: {
    points: {
      pickable: true

Example: use IconLayer instead of ScatterplotLayer to render the point features in a GeoJsonLayer

import {IconLayer, GeoJsonLayer} from '';

new GeoJsonLayer({
  // ...other props
  _subLayerProps: {
    points: {
      type: IconLayer,
      iconAtlas: './icon-atlas.png',
      iconMapping: './icon-mapping.json',
      getIcon: d =>,
      getColor: [255, 200, 0],
      getSize: 32,
      updateTriggers: {
        getIcon: triggerValue



A composite layer does not render directly into the WebGL context. The draw method inherited from the base class is therefore never called.


Allows a layer to "render" or insert one or more layers after itself. Called after a layer has been updated.


  • null, a single Layer instance, or a (nested) array of layers.

The default implementation of renderLayers returns null.

renderLayers can return a nested arrays with null values. will automatically flatten and filter the array. See usage above.


Called when a sublayer is being hovered or clicked, after the getPickingInfo of the sublayer has been called. The composite layer can override or add additional fields to the info object that will be passed to the callbacks.


  • pickParams (Object)
    • (Object) - The current info object. By default it contains the following fields:

      • x (Number) - Mouse position x relative to the viewport.
      • y (Number) - Mouse position y relative to the viewport.
      • coordinate ([Number, Number]) - Mouse position in world coordinates. Only applies if the coordinateSystem prop is set to COORDINATE_SYSTEM.LNGLAT.
      • color (Number[4]) - The color of the pixel that is being picked. It represents a "picking color" that is encoded by layer.encodePickingColor().
      • index (Number) - The index of the object that is being picked. It is the returned value of layer.decodePickingColor().
      • picked (Boolean) - true if index is not -1.
    • pickParams.mode (String) - One of hover and click

    • pickParams.sourceLayer (Layer) - the sublayer instance where this event originates from.


  • An info object with optional fields about what was picked. This object will be passed to the layer's onHover or onClick callbacks.
  • null, if the corresponding event should be cancelled with no callback functions called.

The default implementation returns without any change.


This utility method helps create sublayers that properly inherit a composite layer's basic props. For example, it creates a unique id for the sublayer, and makes sure the sublayer's coordinateSystem is set to be the same as the parent.


  • subLayerProps (Object)
    • id (String, required) - an id that is unique among all the sublayers generated by this composite layer.
    • updateTriggers (Object) - the sublayer's update triggers.
    • Any additional props are optional.

Returns a properties object used to generate a sublayer, with the following keys:

  • id - a unique id for the sublayer, by prepending the parent layer id to the sublayer id.
  • updateTriggers - merged object of the parent layer update triggers and the sublayer update triggers.
  • Base layer props that are directly forwarded from the base layer:
    • opacity
    • pickable
    • visible
    • parameters
    • getPolygonOffset
    • highlightedObjectIndex
    • autoHighlight
    • highlightColor
    • coordinateSystem
    • coordinateOrigin
    • wrapLongitude
    • positionFormat
    • modelMatrix
  • Any other additional props from the input parameter are directly forwarded.
  • Any overriding props specified in _subLayerProps.

Called to determine if a sublayer should be rendered. A composite layer can override this method to change the default behavior.


  • id (String) - the sublayer id
  • data (Array) - the sublayer data

Returns true if the sublayer should be rendered. The base class implementation returns true if either data is not empty or the _subLayerProps prop contains override for this sublayer.


Called to retrieve the constructor of a sublayer. A composite layer can override this method to change the default behavior.


  • id (String) - the sublayer id
  • DefaultLayerClass - the default constructor used for this sublayer.


Constructor for this sublayer. The base class implementation checks if type is specified for the sublayer in _subLayerProps, otherwise returns the default.


Used by adapter layers) to decorate transformed data with a reference to the original object.


  • row (Object) - a custom data object to pass to a sublayer.
  • sourceObject (Object) - the original data object provided by the user
  • sourceObjectIndex (Object) - the index of the original data object provided by the user


The row object, decorated with a reference.


Used by adapter layers) to allow user-provided accessors to read the original objects from transformed data.


  • accessor (Function|Any) - the accessor provided to the current layer.


  • If accessor is a function, returns a new accessor function.
  • If accessor is a constant value, returns it as is.

