diff --git a/script/rss2html.ml b/script/rss2html.ml
index a5ad663c1..a4dbf3faa 100644
--- a/script/rss2html.ml
+++ b/script/rss2html.ml
@@ -590,6 +590,10 @@ let delete_author title =
let caml_list_re =
Str.regexp_case_fold "^\\(Re: *\\)*\\(\\[[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\] *\\)*"
+ (*Remove the unsubscribe emails*)
+let unsubscribe_email_re =
+ Str.regexp_case_fold ".*unsubscribe.*"
(** [email_threads] does basically the same as [headlines] but filter
the posts to have repeated subjects. It also presents the subject
better. *)
@@ -603,12 +607,13 @@ let email_threads ?n ~l9n url =
let title = delete_author title in
{ e with Atom.title = Atom.Text title } in
let posts = List.map normalize_title posts in
- (* Keep only the more recent post of redundant subjects. *)
+ (* Keep only the more recent post of redundant subjects and filter out the unsubscribe emails *)
let module S = Set.Make(String) in
let seen = ref S.empty in
let must_keep (e: Atom.entry) =
let title = string_of_text_construct e.Atom.title in
if S.mem title !seen then false
+ else if Str.string_match unsubscribe_email_re title 0 then false
else (seen := S.add title !seen; true) in
let posts = List.filter must_keep posts in
let posts = (match n with