From dde5874e6995c5d9a3e8235df40acc1417389a19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: sabine <> Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2024 15:57:32 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] (docs) comment out stray comment in Higher Order Functions tutorial (#2891) --- .../language/ | 68 ++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-) diff --git a/data/tutorials/language/ b/data/tutorials/language/ index dd684e556c..8af2ae0f6e 100644 --- a/data/tutorials/language/ +++ b/data/tutorials/language/ @@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ In OCaml, working with functions quickly becomes second nature. We like to think Take for example a function that says hello to a person by name: -```ocaml +```ocaml # let say_hi name = print_string ("Hello, " ^ name ^ "!\n") ;; val say_hi : string -> unit = ``` We can call this function several times, to say "hello" to several people: -```ocaml +```ocaml #say_hi "Xavier";; Hello, Xavier! - : unit = () @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Hello, Joe! If we wanted to say "hello" to the same person multiple times, we'd just _repeat_ the same line of code. -```ocaml +```ocaml # say_hi "Camel";; Hello, Camel! - : unit = () @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ Hello, Camel! One way we can avoid having to repeat these lines every time is by writing a function to say "hi" 3 times: -```ocaml +```ocaml # let say_hi_3_times name = say_hi name; say_hi name; @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ When this happens, it usually means that the function is making certain decision So instead, we will create a function that **let's the caller decide** how many times to say "hi." We do this by requiring a new argument, in this case, `times`: -```ocaml +```ocaml # let rec say_many_hi times name = if times < 1 then () else begin @@ -136,11 +136,11 @@ Hello, Camel! - : unit = () ``` -Unfortunately, reusing this _repetition_ behaviour isn't so easy because we have hard-coded our call to `say_hi`. +Unfortunately, reusing this _repetition_ behaviour isn't so easy because we have hard-coded our call to `say_hi`. To make this reusable, we can **let the caller decide** what our function should do: -```ocaml +```ocaml # let rec repeat times thing_to_do = if times < 1 then () else begin @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ val repeat : int -> 'a -> unit = But what should `thing_to_do` be? Our intuition may be that we can call: -```ocaml +```ocaml # repeat 3 (say_hi "Camel");; Hello, Camel! - : unit = () @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ And we can use `repeat` to recreate our original `say_many_hi`, or to repeat any ```ocaml # let say_many_hi times name = repeat times (fun () -> say_hi name);; val say_many_hi : int -> string -> unit = - + # let print_big_space () = repeat 10 print_newline;; val print_big_space : unit -> unit = ``` @@ -233,13 +233,13 @@ module StringSet : |> StringSet.of_list |> StringSet.iter fn;; val only_once : (string -> unit) -> string list -> unit = - + # let yell_hi name = name |> String.uppercase_ascii |> say_hi;; val yell_hi : string -> unit = - + # let call_for_dinner names = only_once yell_hi names;; val call_for_dinner : string list -> unit = ``` @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ In the wild, there's certain patterns that repeat over and over again. It's usef ### Currying and Uncurrying -Since in OCaml all functions really just take one parameter, when you call `add x y`, you're actually calling two functions! `((add x) y)` +Since in OCaml all functions really just take one parameter, when you call `add x y`, you're actually calling two functions! `((add x) y)` Sometimes it helps to apply _parts_ of a function in different orders, and sometimes it helps to make a function really take all its parameters _at once_. @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ The output function will have type `('a * 'b) -> 'c`. Notice how the arguments ` Here's our helper: -```ocaml +```ocaml (* [uncurry] takes a function that is normally curried, and returns a function that takes all arguments at once. *) # let uncurry f (x, y) = f x y;; @@ -393,14 +393,14 @@ Sometimes it makes sense to curry a function, and sometimes the clearer thing is For example, this is a pipeline with a lot of currying/uncurrying that would most likely be easier to read and maintain if we manually wrote out the wrapper functions: -```ocaml +```ocaml let do_and_return f x = f x; x ;; let flip (x, y) = (y, x) ;; -names +names |> (do_and_return (greet "👋🏼")) |> (Fun.flip List.assoc ( flip people)) |> List.iter (curry reveal "The OCamler") @@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ But this is not so easy read sometimes, especially as the number of functions gr To avoid this we have use the `|>` operator: ```ocaml -let c = foo () |> bar |> baz in +let c = foo () |> bar |> baz in (* ... *) ``` @@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ let (|>) x fn = fn x It receives a value `x` and a function `fn` and as soon as it has both, it calls `fn` with `x`. This lets us invert the order and build pipelines that read left-to-right or top-to-bottom instead of inside-out. -But what happens when our functions have more than one argument? +But what happens when our functions have more than one argument? Let's look at an example of string manipulation. We want to get the domain name from an email. @@ -500,9 +500,11 @@ email ;; ``` -(** NOTE(@leostera): this example kinda sucks, i'd like one where the use of labels greatly improves the readability but since `ListLabels.nth_opt` doesn't take an argument then we still need that nasty fun flip :( will get back t othis) + + - ### Iterating We usually think of iteration when we think of looping, and going through collections of things: @@ -516,7 +518,7 @@ Iterating in OCaml means that if there is a value (or more), we'd like to apply #### Iterating over Lists -A list in OCaml is a linked-list that is composed by a head (the first element) and a tail (the rest of the list). +A list in OCaml is a linked-list that is composed by a head (the first element) and a tail (the rest of the list). We can iterate over lists by pattern matching on then. When doing so, we either get an empty list (`[]`), or we get a pattern with a head and a tail (`n :: rest`). On the branch with a head and a tail, we can directly use the head value and apply a function to it, and then recurse with the tail. @@ -560,7 +562,7 @@ let run_if_some opt fn = | Some value -> fn value | None -> () ;; - + let run_if_ok res fn = match res with | Ok value -> fn value @@ -580,10 +582,10 @@ With either of those functions, we can put together an iterator over maps or set ```ocaml let iter values collection fn = - let values : 'a list = values collection in + let values : 'a list = values collection in List.iter fn values ;; - + module StringSet = Set.Make(String);; module IntMap = Map.Make(Int);; @@ -604,10 +606,10 @@ But some data is _lazy_, and it only lets us access one element at a time. So if Lazy sequences in OCaml are represented with the `Seq` module, which has a function called `uncons` to get the next element. This function also returns the new sequence that we can use to get the 2nd element, and so on. ```ocaml -let rec iter seq fn = +let rec iter seq fn = match Seq.uncons seq with | None -> () - | Some (value, seq2) -> + | Some (value, seq2) -> fn value; iter seq2 fn ;; @@ -625,7 +627,7 @@ We'll define our tree type to include 2 constructors. One for a leaf node, which ```ocaml type 'value tree = - | Leaf of 'value + | Leaf of 'value | Node of 'value tree * 'value ;; ``` @@ -648,10 +650,10 @@ Now before we define our iteration function, its important to define what iterat For our example, we'll iterate from the top down as we go along: ```ocaml -let rec iter tree fn = +let rec iter tree fn = match tree with | Leaf value -> fn value - | Node (tree2, value) -> + | Node (tree2, value) -> fn value; iter tree2 fn ;; @@ -749,7 +751,7 @@ If we wanted to implement a sum over the custom tree type we saw in the Iteratin ```ocaml type 'value tree = - | Leaf of 'value + | Leaf of 'value | Node of 'value tree * 'value ;; @@ -772,7 +774,7 @@ let rec fold_tree tree fn = But we quickly run into a problem: our `fn` function is meant to combine two items, so in the `Leaf` branch, what is the second item? -Folding requires us to define a _zero value_, a starting point for an accumulator, that will be used when the collection or data type is "empty". +Folding requires us to define a _zero value_, a starting point for an accumulator, that will be used when the collection or data type is "empty". Some data types don't have a good "empty" value. Our tree for example does not. Lists do have an empty list. Options have a `None` constructor. Results' don't have a good "empty" value either. @@ -787,7 +789,7 @@ let rec fold_tree tree fn acc = ``` And voila! Our function now types correctly and we can use it to reduce our trees down to any value. - + ### Sorting Another common behavior usually implemented with higher-order functions is sorting collections. @@ -955,7 +957,7 @@ type ('input, 'output) operations = {