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Thomas Gazagnaire edited this page Aug 8, 2013 · 20 revisions has a number of machine resources available to it, and quite varied infrastructure to serve the source code mirrors, web pages, package management, and other features. This wiki exists to codify them so that we know who's in charge of security updates, backups, and other day-to-day maintenance of such things.

We would like to thank Rackspace Cloud for generously hosting the VMs here as part of their open-source developer relations program.

If you have any questions about this, please either contact the public [email protected] mailing list, or Anil Madhavapeddy if your enquiry is private or is regarding a security issue.

Running Projects

Proposed Projects


How to Request Resources

We're currently preparing templates of how to request VM resources for your own project. In the meanwhile, please mail the [email protected] and have a chat about what you'd like. It's generally quite easy to provision a VM for a short period of time, but longer running projects should specify who's in charge, and what the plan is to wind them down in case that person disappears.