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Percona Operator for MongoDB

Percona Operator for MongoDB allows users to deploy and manage Percona Server for MongoDB Clusters on Kubernetes. Useful links:


  • Kubernetes 1.28+
  • Helm v3


This chart will deploy the Operator Pod for the further Percona Server for MongoDB creation in Kubernetes.

Installing the chart

To install the chart with the psmdb release name using a dedicated namespace (recommended):

helm repo add percona
helm install my-operator percona/psmdb-operator --version 1.19.0 --namespace my-namespace

The chart can be customized using the following configurable parameters:

Parameter Description Default
image.repository PSMDB Operator Container image name percona/percona-server-mongodb-operator
image.tag PSMDB Operator Container image tag 1.19.0
image.pullPolicy PSMDB Operator Container pull policy Always
image.pullSecrets PSMDB Operator Pod pull secret []
replicaCount PSMDB Operator Pod quantity 1
tolerations List of node taints to tolerate []
annotations PSMDB Operator Deployment annotations {}
podAnnotations PSMDB Operator Pod annotations {}
labels PSMDB Operator Deployment labels {}
podLabels PSMDB Operator Pod labels {}
resources Resource requests and limits {}
nodeSelector Labels for Pod assignment {}
podAnnotations Annotations for pod {}
podSecurityContext Pod Security Context {}
watchNamespace Set when a different from default namespace is needed to watch (comma separated if multiple needed) ""
createNamespace Set if you want to create watched namespaces with helm false
rbac.create If false RBAC will not be created. RBAC resources will need to be created manually true
securityContext Container Security Context {}
serviceAccount.create If false the ServiceAccounts will not be created. The ServiceAccounts must be created manually true
serviceAccount.annotations PSMDB Operator ServiceAccount annotations {}
logStructured Force PSMDB operator to print JSON-wrapped log messages false
logLevel PSMDB Operator logging level INFO
disableTelemetry Disable sending PSMDB Operator telemetry data to Percona false

Specify parameters using --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install

Alternatively a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided like this:

helm install psmdb-operator -f values.yaml percona/psmdb-operator

Deploy the database

To deploy Percona Server for MongoDB run the following command:

helm install my-db percona/psmdb-db

See more about Percona Server for MongoDB deployment in its chart here or in the Helm chart installation guide.

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