This helm chart deploys Percona Everest.
Useful links:
helm repo add percona
helm repo update
helm install everest-core percona/everest \
--namespace everest-system \
- This command deploys the Everest components in the
namespace. Currently, we do not support specifying a different namespace for Everest. - Additionally, it also deploys a new namespace called
for your databases and the database operators. - If you prefer to manage your database namespace separately, you may set
. - You may override the name of the database namespace using the
parameter. - By default, all database operators are installed in your database namespace. You may override this by specifying one or more of the following: [
]. - We currently do not support installation without the use of chart hooks. I.e, the use of
is not supported during installation.
Once the installation is complete, you may retrieve the admin credentials using the following command:
kubectl get secret everest-accounts -n everest-system -o jsonpath='{.data.users\.yaml}' | base64 --decode | yq '.admin.passwordHash'
You may open the Everest UI by port-forwarding the service to your local machine:
kubectl port-forward svc/everest -n everest-system 8080:8080
- The default username to login to the Everest UI is
. - You may specify a different default admin password using
parameter during installation. - The default admin password is stored in plain text. It is highly recommended to update the password using
to ensure that the passwords are hashed.
After Everest is successfully running, you may create additional database namespaces using the everest-db-namespace
Helm chart.
If you had set dbNamespaces.enabled=false
in the previous step, you may deploy a database namespaces using the following command:
helm install everest \
percona/everest-db-namespace \
--create-namespace \
--namespace everest
- By default, all database operators are installed in your database namespace. You may override this by specifying one or more of the following: [
]. - We currently do not support installation without the use of chart hooks. I.e, the use of
is not supported during installation.
If you have an existing database namespace and would like to deploy additional operators to it, you may do so using the following command:
helm upgrade everest \
percona/everest-db-namespace \
--namespace [NAMESPACE]
--pxc=true \
The above example assumes that the MongoDB operator is already installed in the database namespace and you would like to install the Percona XtraDB Cluster and PostgreSQL operators.
- Removing a database operator from a namespace is not supported. You may only add additional operators.
If you created any database namespaces (apart from the one installed by default), you must delete them first.
helm uninstall everest -n <your_db_namespace>
kubectl delete ns <your_db_namespace>
- This runs a chart hook that cleans up your database resources first. While it is not recommended, you may skip this step by specifying
helm uninstall everest-core -n everest-system
kubectl delete ns everest-system
As of Helm v3, CRDs are not automatically updated during a Helm upgrade. You must manually upgrade the CRDs.
VERSION=<Next version> # e.g. v1.3.0
kubectl apply -k$(VERSION) --server-side
Upgrade the Helm release for Everest (core components):
helm upgrade everest-core percona/everest --namespace everest-system --version $(VERSION)
Upgrade the Helm release for the database namespace (if applicable):
helm upgrade everest percona/everest-db-namespace --namespace [DB NAMESPACE] --version $(VERSION)
⚠️ When specifying values during an upgrade (i.e, using--set
, etc.), Helm resets all the other values to the defaults built into the chart. To preserve the previously set values, you must use the--reuse-values
flag. Alternatively, provide the full set of values, including any overrides applied during installation.- It is recommended to upgrade 1 minor release at a time, otherwise you may run into unexpected issues.
- It is recommended to upgrade to the latest patch release first before upgrading to the next minor release.
- To ensure that the upgrade happens safely, we run a pre-upgrade hook that runs a series of checks. This can be disabled by setting
. However, in doing so, a safe upgrade cannot be guaranteed.
The following table shows the configurable parameters of the Percona Everest chart and their default values.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
compatibility.openshift | bool | false |
Enable OpenShift compatibility. If set, ignores olm.install and olm.namespace settings. |
createMonitoringResources | bool | true |
If set, creates resources for Kubernetes monitoring. |
dbNamespace.enabled | bool | true |
If set, deploy the database operators in everest namespace. The namespace may be overridden by setting dbNamespace.namespaceOverride . |
dbNamespace.namespaceOverride | string | "everest" |
If dbNamespace.enabled is true , deploy the database operators in this namespace. |
namespaceOverride | string | "" |
Namespace override. Defaults to the value of .Release.Namespace. |
olm.catalogSourceImage | string | "perconalab/everest-catalog" |
Image to use for Everest CatalogSource. |
olm.image | string | "" |
Image to use for the OLM components. |
olm.install | bool | true |
If set, installs OLM in the provided namespace. |
olm.namespace | string | "everest-olm" |
Namespace where OLM is installed. Do no change unless you know what you are doing. |
olm.packageserver.tls.caCert | string | "" |
CA certificate for the PackageServer APIService. Overrides the tls.type setting. |
olm.packageserver.tls.tlsCert | string | "" |
Client certificate for the PackageServer APIService. Overrides the tls.type setting. |
olm.packageserver.tls.tlsKey | string | "" |
Client key for the PackageServer APIService. Overrides the tls.type setting. |
olm.packageserver.tls.type | string | "helm" |
Type of TLS certificates. Supported values are "helm" and "cert-manager". For production setup, it is recommended to use "cert-manager". |
operator.enableLeaderElection | bool | true |
Enable leader election for the operator. |
operator.env | list | [] |
Additional environment variables to pass to the operator deployment. |
operator.healthProbeAddr | string | ":8081" |
Health probe address for the operator. |
operator.image | string | "perconalab/everest-operator" |
Image to use for the Everest operator container. |
operator.metricsAddr | string | "" |
Metrics address for the operator. |
operator.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"500m","memory":"128Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"5m","memory":"64Mi"}} |
Resources to allocate for the operator container. |
server.apiRequestsRateLimit | int | 100 |
Set the allowed number of requests per second. |
server.env | list | [] |
Additional environment variables to pass to the server deployment. |
server.image | string | "perconalab/everest" |
Image to use for the server container. |
server.initialAdminPassword | string | "" |
The initial password configured for the admin user. If unset, a random password is generated. It is strongly recommended to reset the admin password after installation. |
server.jwtKey | string | "" |
Key for signing JWT tokens. This needs to be an RSA private key. This is created during installation only. To update the key after installation, you need to manually update the everest-jwt Secret or use everestctl. |
server.oidc | object | {} |
OIDC configuration for Everest. These settings are applied during installation only. To change the settings after installation, you need to manually update the everest-settings ConfigMap. |
server.rbac | object | {"enabled":false,"policy":"g, admin, role:admin\n"} |
Settings for RBAC. These settings are applied during installation only. To change the settings after installation, you need to manually update the everest-rbac ConfigMap. |
server.rbac.enabled | bool | false |
If set, enables RBAC for Everest. |
server.rbac.policy | string | "g, admin, role:admin\n" |
RBAC policy configuration. Ignored if rbac.enabled is false. |
server.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"200m","memory":"500Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"20Mi"}} |
Resources to allocate for the server container. |
telemetry | bool | true |
If set, enabled sending telemetry information. |
upgrade.preflightChecks | bool | true |
If set, run preliminary checks before upgrading. It is strongly recommended to enable this setting. |
versionMetadataURL | string | "" |
URL of the Version Metadata Service. |