- Workaround twig template deprecations that cause errors.
- Missing definitions when applying the glossary multiple times. (#5)
- Remove empty strings from terms breaking the frontend. (#7)
- Craft CMS 4 compatibility.
- Requires Craft CMS >= 4.0
- Update tippy.js to 6.3.7
- Escaping special regular expression characters.
- Add the term element to the term template variables. So you can now access the hole term element within the template.
- The custom fields values of a term in the term template are accessible by the handle, e.g.
{{ myCustomField }}
. This will be removed in the future. You should now access the custom field values using the term variable, e.g.{{ term.myCustomField }}
- Remove CP asset dependencies from frontend asset bundle.
- Deleting disabled terms is fixed.
- Fixed wrong schema version.
- Added translation. Added German translation (thanks to @emsuiko).
- You can now iterate over terms in templates like
{{ for term in craft.glossary.terms.glossary('myGlossary').all() }}
- Fixed an error when creating a new term and no default glossary exists.
- If the current user in the CP has only permissions to edit terms, the redirect will respect this now and redirects the user to the terms instead of the glossaries.
- In some circumstances you could have more than one default glossary. This is fixed.
- Initial release