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Windows Installer
fabionogueira edited this page Jun 16, 2015
8 revisions
- 7-Zip
- sed.exe
- Bat_To_Exe_Converter.exe
- Inno Setup 5
- Resourcer.exe
Directory tree created by the batch:
dist\release\{version}\start.exe dist\release\{version}\bin\application.exe dist\release\{version}\bin\nw.pak dist\release\{version}\bin\libEGL.dll dist\release\{version}\bin\... dist\installer\installer_{version}.exe dist\update\package.json dist\update\app_v{version}.zip
@echo off @cls set name=unity set version=1.0.1 set updater_url=http://url/to/update/package.json set path_dist=C:\path\to\dist set path_www=C:\path\to\www set path_icon=C:\path\to\icon.ico set path_7zip="C:\path\to\7-Zip\7z" set path_sed="C:\path\to\sed.exe" set path_bat2exe=C:\path\to\Bat_To_Exe_Converter.exe" set path_inno_setup_exe="C:\path\to\InnoSetup\ISCC.exe" set path_icon_resource="C:\path\to\Resource" set path_inno_setup_scp=C:\path\to\script.iss set path_bin=C:\path\to\nw_bin set path_bat=C:\path\to\start.bat set path_tools=C:\path\to\tools set mypath=%CD% @cd %mypath% rem cria a pasta release\%version%\bin %path_release_version% quando existia ficava bloqueada echo. echo starting compilation version "%version%"... set path_release_version=%path_dist%\release\%version% set path_update_version=%path_dist%\update\%version% if not exist %path_dist%\release md %path_dist%\release if not exist %path_dist%\update md %path_dist%\update if not exist %path_dist%\installer md %path_dist%\installer if exist %path_release_version% rd /s /q %path_release_version% if exist %path_update_version% rd /s /q %path_update_version% ping -n 1 > nul md %path_release_version% md %path_release_version%\bin md %path_release_version%\tools md %path_release_version%\sed md %path_release_version%\www md %path_update_version% del /q %path_release_version%\sed\* rem cria o executável inicial, start.bat para .exe echo creating started executable... %path_bat2exe% -overwrite -invisible -bat %path_bat% -save %path_release_version%\%name%.exe -icon %path_icon% > nul rem copia os binários echo copy binaries... copy %path_bin%\* %path_release_version%\bin > nul copy %path_tools%\* %path_release_version%\tools > nul if exist %path_release_version%\bin\package.json del %path_release_version%\bin\package.json rem cria o zip www. substitui {{version}} em package.json echo creating www.zip... xcopy %path_www%\* %path_release_version%\www /s > nul @cd %path_release_version%\sed %path_sed% -i "s/{{version}}/%version%/g" %path_release_version%\www\package.json @cd %path_release_version%\www %path_7zip% a -tzip %path_release_version%\www.zip * > nul @cd %mypath% rd %path_release_version%\www /s /q rd %path_release_version%\sed /s /q rem cria um executável único com os arquivos www echo creating application.exe... cd %path_icon_resource% Resourcer -op:upd -src:%path_release_version%\bin\nw.exe -type:14 -name:IDR_MAINFRAME -file:%path_icon% > nul copy /b %path_release_version%\bin\nw.exe+%path_release_version%\www.zip %path_release_version%\bin\application.exe > nul rem exclui alguns arquivos (limpeza) del %path_release_version%\www.zip del %path_release_version%\bin\nw.exe if exist %path_release_version%\bin\start.bat del %path_release_version%\bin\start.bat if exist %path_release_version%\bin\run.bat del %path_release_version%\bin\run.bat if exist %path_release_version%\bin\credits.html del %path_release_version%\bin\credits.html if exist %path_release_version%\bin\nwjc.exe del %path_release_version%\bin\nwjc.exe rem cria o zip para atualização automática echo creating bin update zip... cd %path_release_version%\bin %path_7zip% a -tzip %path_update_version%\%name%_%version%.zip * > nul cd %mypath% rem cria package.json echo {"version":"%version%","location":"%updater_url%","file":"%name%_%version%.zip"} > %path_update_version%\package.json rem cria o instalador echo creating installer... md %path_release_version%\sed\ copy %path_inno_setup_scp% %path_release_version%\sed\script.iss > nul @cd %path_release_version%\sed %path_sed% -i "s/{{version}}/%version%/g" %path_release_version%\sed\script.iss @cd %mypath% %path_inno_setup_exe% /cc %path_release_version%\sed\script.iss rd %path_release_version%\sed /s /q :end echo finish.
@echo off cd %CD% rem pausa por 3 segundos if "%1" == "--restart" ( ping -n 3 > nul ) if exist bin_new ( if exist bin ( ren bin bin_old ) ren bin_new bin ) if exist bin_old ( rd bin_old /s /q ) start /I bin\application.exe
#define MyAppName "MyAppName" #define MyAppVersion "{{version}}" #define MyAppPublisher "My Company, Inc." #define MyAppURL "http://my.url.to.app/" #define MyAppExeName "MyApp.exe" [Setup] AppId={{[email protected]} AppName={#MyAppName} AppVersion={#MyAppVersion} AppVerName={#MyAppName}v{#MyAppVersion} AppPublisher={#MyAppPublisher} AppPublisherURL={#MyAppURL} AppSupportURL={#MyAppURL} AppUpdatesURL={#MyAppURL} DefaultDirName=C:\{#MyAppName} DefaultGroupName={#MyAppName} OutputDir=C:\path\to\installer OutputBaseFilename=Unity_v{#MyAppVersion} Compression=lzma SolidCompression=yes [Languages] Name: "brazilianportuguese"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\BrazilianPortuguese.isl" [Tasks] Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; Flags: unchecked [Files] Source: "C:\path\to\dist\release\{#MyAppVersion}\bin\*"; DestDir: "{app}\bin"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "C:\path\to\dist\release\{#MyAppVersion}\tools\*"; DestDir: "{app}\tools"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "C:\path\to\dist\release\{#MyAppVersion}\Myapp.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion [Icons] Name: "{group}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}" Name: "{group}\{cm:UninstallProgram,{#MyAppName}}"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}" Name: "{commondesktop}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Tasks: desktopicon [Run] Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,{#StringChange(MyAppName, '&', '&&')}}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent
/** * @class Updater * @version 0.0.1 * @author Fábio Nogueira */ var Updater = (function(){ var fs = require('fs'), http = require('http'), path = require('path'), gui = require('nw.gui'), PATH_ALL_USER = process.env.ALLUSERSPROFILE + '/.ld/', //HOMEDRIVE DATA = { status: 0, version: '', newVersion: '', releaseNote: '', downloadPercent: 0, available: false, err: '' }, EXE, self, STATUS_NONE=0, STATUS_CHECKING=1, STATUS_DOWNLOADING=2, PATH_APP, FS, APP_NAME, Updater; FS = { copyFiles: function(sources, folder, next){ var i=-1; function runCopy(){ i++; if (i>=sources.length){ return next(); } console.log(i, sources[i] + ' > ' + folder + '/' + path.basename(sources[i])) FS.copy(sources[i], folder + '/' + path.basename(sources[i]), runCopy); } runCopy(); }, copy: function(source, target, next) { // copia um arquivo para outro local sobrescrevendo o atual, se existir. var rd, wr, cbCalled = false; rd = fs.createReadStream(source); rd.on("error", done); wr = fs.createWriteStream(target); wr.on("error", done); wr.on("close", function(ex) { done(); }); rd.pipe(wr); function done(err) { if (!cbCalled) { next(err); cbCalled = true; } } }, createPath: function(dir, next){ fs.lstat(dir, function (err, stats){ var exists; if (err) { exists = !(err.code==='ENOENT'); }else{ exists = stats.isDirectory(); } if (!exists){ fs.mkdir(dir, '0777', function(err){ next(err ? false : true); }); }else{ next(true); } }); }, removePath: function(path, next){ var files = []; if( fs.existsSync(path) ) { files = fs.readdirSync(path); files.forEach(function(file,index){ var curPath = path + "/" + file; if(fs.lstatSync(curPath).isDirectory()) { // recurse FS.removePath(curPath); } else { // delete file fs.unlinkSync(curPath); } }); fs.rmdirSync(path); if (next) next(false); } }, rename: function(oldName, newName, next, count){ count = count===undefined ? 5 : count; fs.rename(oldName, newName, function(err){ if (err){ count--; if (count>0){ setTimeout(function(){FS.rename(oldName, newName, next, count);}, 400); }else{ console.error(err); next(false); } }else{ next(true); } }); }, cmd: function(command, args, next){ var spawn = require('child_process').spawn, cmd; cmd = spawn(command, args, {detached: true});//, cwd:path.normalize(process.execPath+'/')}); if (next){ cmd.stdout.on('data', function(data) { }); cmd.on('exit', function(code){ if (next) next (code===0); }); cmd.on('error', function(err){ if (next) next (false, err.message); }); } }, unzip: function(file, dest, next){ var root = path.dirname(path.normalize(process.execPath+'/../')) + '/', command = root+'tools/unzip.exe', args = ['-o', file, '-d', dest]; command = command.replace(/\\/g, '/'); file = file.replace(/\\/g, '/'); dest = dest.replace(/\\/g, '/'); this.cmd(command, args, next); } }; //private functions: function readFile(file, next) { fs.readFile(file, 'utf8', function(err, data) { if (err){ dispatch(INSTALLER_CB, 'log', ' error, code: '+err.code+''); }else{ dispatch(INSTALLER_CB, 'log', ' OK'); } next(err ? null : data); }); } function writeFile(file, content, next){ dispatch(INSTALLER_CB, 'log', '\nwrite file "' + file + '"...'); fs.writeFile(PATH_APP + file, content, function (err){ if (err){ dispatch(INSTALLER_CB, 'log', ' error, code: '+err.code+''); }else{ dispatch(INSTALLER_CB, 'log', ' OK'); } next ? next(err ? false : true) : null; }); } function normalizeUrl(url){ url = url.replace(/\\/g,'/'); url = url.replace(/\/\//g,'/'); url = url.replace(/http:\//g,'http://'); return url; } Object.observe(DATA, function(){ self.onChange(DATA); }); self = { onChange: function(){}, data: function(){ return DATA; }, createPaths: function(next){ //cria os diret�rio: ALLUSERS/.livred/apps/[appname]/ var f = ['apps', APP_NAME]; dispatch(INSTALLER_CB, 'log', '\ncreate paths...'); function create(path, index){ FS.createPath(path, function(success){ if (success){ path += (f[index] + '/'); if (index < f.length){ index++; create(path, index); }else{ dispatch(INSTALLER_CB, 'log', ' OK'); next(true); } }else{ dispatch(INSTALLER_CB, 'log', ' error'); next(false); } }); } create(PATH_ALL_USER, 0); }, checkForUpdate: function(urls, next) { var index = -1; function check(url){ http.request(url, function(res, err) { if (err || res.statusCode !== 200) { DATA.err = err ? err.code : res.statusCode; nextUrl(); } else { res.on('data', function(chunk) { var result; try{ result = JSON.parse(chunk.toString()); if (result.version > DATA.newVersion){ DATA.newVersion = result.version; result.location = result.location || url; nextUrl(result); }else{ nextUrl(); } }catch(_e){ nextUrl(); } }); } }) .on('error', function(err) { nextUrl(); }) .end(); } function nextUrl(res){ index++; if ( res || !urls[index] ) { DATA.status = STATUS_NONE; return next(res || null); } check(urls[index]); } nextUrl(); }, download: function(url, dest, next){ var request; DATA.downloadPercent = 0; request = http.request(url, function (res, err) { var file, percent, oldPercent, count = 0, len = parseInt(res.headers['content-length'], 10); if (err || res.statusCode!==200) { DATA.err = 'download_error: (' + url + ') ' + (err ? err.code : res.statusCode); next(); } else { file = fs.createWriteStream(dest+'.part'); file.on('finish', function() { DATA.downloadPercent = 100 ; if (count===len){ FS.rename(dest+'.part', dest, function(success){ if (success){ next(true); }else{ DATA.err = 'error'; next(); } }); }else{ DATA.err = "download aborded."; next(); } }); res.pipe(file); res.on('data', function (chunk) { if (chunk.length){ count += chunk.length; percent = parseInt((count*100) / len); if (percent!==oldPercent){ DATA.downloadPercent = percent; } oldPercent = percent; } }); request.setTimeout(1200, function(){ request.abort(); //isso faz com que chame o file.on('finish', ... }); } }); request.on('error', function(err){ DATA.err = 'download_error: (' + url + ') ' + err.code; next(); }); request.end(); }, restart: function(){ var child, child_process, win, executable = path.dirname(path.normalize(process.execPath+'/../')) + '/' + EXE; child_process = require("child_process"); win = gui.Window.get(); child = child_process.spawn(executable, ['--restart'], {detached: true, cwd:path.dirname(executable)}); child.unref(); win.hide(); gui.App.quit(); }, init: function() { var manifest= gui.App.manifest, root = path.dirname(path.normalize(process.execPath+'/../')) + '/', urls, zipName; if (!manifest.updater) return; if (!manifest.updater.locations) return; manifest.updater.interval = manifest.updater.interval || 20000; EXE = path.basename(process.execPath); zipName = root + EXE + '_update.zip'; urls = manifest.updater.locations.split(';'); DATA.version = DATA.newVersion = (manifest.version || "0.0.0"); function nextCheck(){ if (DATA.err !== ''){ DATA.newVersion = DATA.version; } DATA.status = STATUS_CHECKING; DATA.err = ''; DATA.downloadPercent = 0; self.checkForUpdate(urls, function(res){ var urlFileDownload; if (res){ DATA.status = STATUS_DOWNLOADING; urlFileDownload = normalizeUrl(res.location+'/') + (res.file || EXE.replace('.exe', '_v'+res.version+'.zip')); self.download(urlFileDownload, zipName, function(success){ DATA.status = STATUS_NONE; if (!success) { DATA.newVersion = DATA.version; DATA.downloadPercent = 0; setTimeout(nextCheck, manifest.updater.interval); }else{ FS.unzip(zipName, root+'bin_new', function(success, err) { if (success) { DATA.available = true; //significa que tem uma nova vers�o em uma pasta bin_new //exclui o arquivo zipado fs.unlink(zipName, function(err) { setTimeout(nextCheck, manifest.updater.interval); }); }else{ DATA.err = err; setTimeout(nextCheck, manifest.updater.interval); } }); } }); }else{ DATA.status = STATUS_NONE; setTimeout(nextCheck, manifest.updater.interval); } }); } nextCheck(); return self; } }; return self; }());
<script src="Updater.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="log" style="display:none;position:absolute;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;height:200px;background:#fff"></div>
var title = 'Unity';
function jsonToString(data){
var i, html='<pre>{\n';
for (i in data){
html += (' "'+i+'": "'+data[i]+'"\n');
return html;
Updater.onChange = function(data){
document.getElementById('log').innerHTML = jsonToString(data)