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Chris Maddock edited this page Dec 13, 2017 · 25 revisions

NUnit uses custom attributes to identify tests. All NUnit attributes are contained in the NUnit.Framework namespace. Each source file that contains tests must include a using statement for that namespace and the project must reference the framework assembly, nunit.framework.dll.

This table lists all the attributes supported by NUnit.

Attribute Usage
Apartment Attribute Indicates that the test should run in a particular apartment.
Author Attribute Provides the name of the test author.
Category Attribute Specifies one or more categories for the test.
Combinatorial Attribute Generates test cases for all possible combinations of the values provided.
Culture Attribute Specifies cultures for which a test or fixture should be run.
Datapoint Attribute Provides data for Theories.
DatapointSource Attribute Provides data for Theories.
Description Attribute Applies descriptive text to a Test, TestFixture or Assembly.
Explicit Attribute Indicates that a test should be skipped unless explicitly run.
Ignore Attribute Indicates that a test shouldn't be run for some reason.
LevelOfParallelism Attribute Specifies the level of parallelism at assembly level.
MaxTime Attribute Specifies the maximum time in milliseconds for a test case to succeed.
NonParallelizable Attribute Specifies that the test and its descendants may not be run in parallel.
OneTimeSetUp Attribute Identifies methods to be called once prior to any child tests.
OneTimeTearDown Attribute Identifies methods to be called once after all child tests.
Order Attribute Specifies the order in which decorated test should be run (against others).
Pairwise Attribute Generate test cases for all possible pairs of the values provided.
Parallelizable Attribute Indicates whether test and/or its descendants can be run in parallel.
Platform Attribute Specifies platforms for which a test or fixture should be run.
Property Attribute Allows setting named properties on any test case or fixture.
Random Attribute Specifies generation of random values as arguments to a parameterized test.
Range Attribute Specifies a range of values as arguments to a parameterized test.
Repeat Attribute Specifies that the decorated method should be executed multiple times.
RequiresThread Attribute Indicates that a test method, class or assembly should be run on a separate thread.
Retry Attribute Causes a test to be rerun if it fails, up to a maximum number of times.
Sequential Attribute Generates test cases using values in the order provided, without additional combinations.
SetCulture Attribute Sets the current Culture for the duration of a test.
SetUICulture Attribute Sets the current UI Culture for the duration of a test.
SetUp Attribute Indicates a method of a TestFixture called just before each test method.
SetUpFixture Attribute Marks a class with one-time setup or teardown methods for all the test fixtures in a namespace.
SingleThreaded Attribute Marks a fixture that requires all its tests to run on the same thread.
TearDown Attribute Indicates a method of a TestFixture called just after each test method.
Test Attribute Marks a method of a TestFixture that represents a test.
TestCase Attribute Marks a method with parameters as a test and provides inline arguments.
TestCaseSource Attribute Marks a method with parameters as a test and provides a source of arguments.
TestFixture Attribute Marks a class as a test fixture and may provide inline constructor arguments.
TestFixtureSetup Attribute Deprecated synonym for OneTimeSetUp Attribute.
TestFixtureSource Attribute Marks a class as a test fixture and provides a source for constructor arguments.
TestFixtureTeardown Attribute Deprecated synonym for OneTimeTearDown Attribute.
TestOf Attribute Indicates the name or Type of the class being tested.
Theory Attribute Marks a test method as a Theory, a special kind of test in NUnit.
Timeout Attribute Provides a timeout value in milliseconds for test cases.
Values Attribute Provides a set of inline values for a parameter of a test method.
ValueSource Attribute Provides a source of values for a parameter of a test method.
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