Hello guys, this is my VzBot Skirt design!
The overall height from bottom extrusion is 50mm and will support electronics under the frame. If you like the design, you can also do the skirt just for looks!
The power plug in the rear skirt is the same plug from VzBot-BOM: (15A 250V BIQU) LINK
The ethernet/internet plug is a cat 6 D-Panel plug LINK
- the cool thing with D-Panel ports is this that they can be used for Cat6, HDMI, USB and a few others.
Fans are 40mm and you can use any thicknes of fan you like. I'm using 40x10mm fans.
I recommend printing skirts laying on their backs and add to small supports to the dovetail interlocks on each skirt. Be ready as this will be a retraction torture test (lol) I set my minimum travel after retraction to 4mm to reduce some unnecessary retractions and not loose print quality!
If using skirt just for looks and dont want electronics underneath you can print 2 sets of front skirts instead of the front and the rear!