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They tell very different stories and this often results in confrontation over who can really make an impact: rich countries with high per capita emissions, or those with a large population."/><link rel="canonical" href=""/><link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="/atom.xml"/><link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/apple-touch-icon.png"/><meta property="fb:app_id" content="1149943818390250"/><meta property="og:url" content=""/><meta property="og:title" content="Global inequalities in CO₂ emissions"/><meta property="og:description" content="There are two parameters that determine our collective carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions: the number of people, and quantity emitted per person. We either talk about total annual or per capita emissions. 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They tell very different stories and this often results in confrontation over who can really make an impact: rich countries with high per capita emissions, or those with a large population."/><meta name="twitter:image" content=""/><link href=",400,400i,700,700i|Playfair+Display:400,700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"/><link rel="stylesheet" href=""/><link rel="stylesheet" href=""/></head><body class=""><header class="site-header"><div class="wrapper site-navigation-bar"><div class="site-logo"><a href="/">Our World<br/> in Data</a></div><nav class="site-navigation"><div class="topics-button-wrapper"><a href="/#entries" class="topics-button"><div class="label">Articles <br/><strong>by topic</strong></div><div class="icon"><svg width="12" height="6"><path d="M0,0 L12,0 L6,6 Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></div></a></div><div><div class="site-primary-navigation"><form class="HeaderSearch" action="/search" method="GET"><input type="search" name="q" placeholder="Search..."/><div 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data-track-note="covid-banner-click">Explore our COVID-19 data</a></div></div><main><article class="page no-sidebar thin-banner"><div class="offset-header"><header class="article-header"><div class="article-titles"><h1 class="entry-title">Global inequalities in CO₂ emissions</h1></div></header></div><div class="content-wrapper"><div class="offset-content"><div class="content-and-footnotes"><div class="article-content"><section><div class="wp-block-columns is-style-sticky-right"><div class="wp-block-column"><div class="article-meta"><div class="authors-byline"><a href="/team">by Hannah Ritchie</a></div><div class="published-updated"><time>October 16, 2018</time></div></div><p>There are two parameters that determine our collective carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>) emissions: the number of people, and quantity emitted per person. We either talk about <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">total annual</a> or <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">per capita</a> emissions. They tell very different stories and this often results in confrontation over who can really make an impact: rich countries with high per capita emissions, or those with a large population.</p><p>To help us understand the global distribution of per capita emissions and population, we have visualized global CO<sub>2 </sub>emissions by (1) <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" target="_blank">World Bank income group</a> and (2) by world region.</p><p>The world’s total CO<sub>2</sub> emissions<a id="ref-1" class="ref" href="#note-1"><sup>1</sup></a> are shown on the basis of two axes: the height of the bar (y-axis) is the average <em>per capita</em> CO<sub>2</sub> emissions and the length of the box (x-axis) is the total population. Since total emissions are equal to per capita emissions multiplied by the number of people, the area of each box represents total emissions.<a id="ref-2" class="ref" href="#note-2"><sup>2</sup></a></p></div><div class="wp-block-column"></div></div><div class="wp-block-columns is-style-sticky-right"><div class="wp-block-column"><h4 id="emissions-by-country-s-income">Emissions by country’s income<a class="deep-link" href="#emissions-by-country-s-income"></a></h4></div><div class="wp-block-column"></div></div><div class="wp-block-columns is-style-sticky-right"><div class="wp-block-column"><p>When aggregated in terms of income, we see in the visualization that the richest half (high and upper-middle income countries) emit 86 percent of global CO<sub>2</sub> emissions. The bottom half (low and lower-middle income) only 14%. The very poorest countries (home to 9 percent of the global population) are responsible for just 0.5 percent. This provides a strong indication of the relative sensitivity of global emissions to income versus population. Even several billion additional people in low-income countries — where <a href="">fertility rates</a> and population growth is already highest — would leave global emissions almost unchanged. 3 or 4 billion low income individuals would only account for a few percent of global CO<sub>2</sub>. At the other end of the distribution however, adding only one billion high income individuals would increase global emissions by almost one-third.<a id="ref-3" class="ref" href="#note-3"><sup>3</sup></a></p><p>Note here that the summary by income is on the basis of country income groupings, rather than that of individuals. For example, ‘low income’ is the total emissions of all <em>countries</em> defined as low income, rather than the lowest income <em>individuals</em> in the world. These figures therefore don’t take account of inequalities in emissions within countries. It’s estimated that within-country inequalities in emissions <a href="">can be as large</a> as those between countries.<a id="ref-4" class="ref" href="#note-4"><sup>4</sup></a></p><p>If we were to calculate this distribution by the income of individuals, rather than countries, we’d see that the global inequalities in emissions would be even greater. The richest of the global population would be responsible for an even larger share of global emissions.</p></div><div class="wp-block-column"></div></div><div class="wp-block-columns is-style-sticky-right"><div class="wp-block-column"><h4 id="emissions-by-world-region">Emissions by world region<a class="deep-link" href="#emissions-by-world-region"></a></h4></div><div class="wp-block-column"></div></div><div class="wp-block-columns is-style-sticky-right"><div class="wp-block-column"><p>When aggregated by region we see that North America, Oceania, Europe, and Latin America have disproportionately high emissions relative to their population. North America is home to only five percent of the world population but emits nearly 18 percent of CO<sub>2</sub> (almost four times as much). Asia and Africa are underrepresented in emissions. Asia is home to 60 percent of the population but emits just 49 percent; Africa has 16 percent of the population but emits just 4 percent of CO<sub>2</sub>. This is reflected in per capita emissions; the average North American is more than 17 times higher than the average African.</p><p>This inequality in global emissions lies at the heart of why international agreement on climate change has (and continues to be) so contentious. The richest countries of the world are home to half of the world population, and emit 86 percent of CO<sub>2</sub> emissions. We want global incomes and living standards — especially of those in the poorest half — to rise. To do so whilst limiting climate change, it’s clear that we must shrink the emissions of high-income lifestyles. Finding the compatible pathway for levelling this inequality is one of the greatest challenges of this century.</p><p><em>[Clicking on the visualization will open it in higher-resolution].</em></p></div><div class="wp-block-column"><div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter"><img loading="lazy" width="546" height="550" src="" alt="Co2 emissions by income and region" class="wp-image-21171" srcset=" 546w, 150w, 397w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 546px) 100vw, 546px" data-high-res-src=""></figure></div></div></div></section>
</div><footer class="article-footer"><div class="wp-block-columns"><div class="wp-block-column"><div class="blog-info">Our World in Data presents the empirical evidence on global development in entries dedicated to specific topics.<br>This blog post draws on data and research discussed in our entry on <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">CO<sub>2</sub> and other Greenhouse Gas Emissions</a></strong>.</div><h3 id="endnotes">Endnotes</h3><ol class="endnotes"><li id="note-1"><p>All data is based on 2016 emissions data from the Global Carbon Project (GCP).</p>
<p>Note that this is based on domestic production (not accounting for embedded emissions in traded products i.e. consumption), and do not include cross-boundary emissions such as international aviation & shipping (often termed ‘bunkers’ within emissions accounts). If you want to see the difference between consumption and production-based emissions you can find them in our <a href="">main entry on this topic</a>.</p></li><li id="note-2"><p>This is based on the <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank">visualization used by the late David MacKay</a> in his book, <em>Sustainable Energy – Without the Hot Air</em>. His book is free to read and download online, <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p></li><li id="note-3"><p>Global emissions in 2016 (minus cross-boundary emissions), as the sum of those in the chart, was approximately 34 to 35 billion tonnes of CO<sub>2</sub>. Adding one billion individuals with a per capita footprint of 11.3 tCO<sub>2</sub> per person per year would equal an addition 11 billion tonnes of CO<sub>2</sub> per year (1 billion*11.3 = 11.3 billion tonnes). This is equivalent to almost one-third of global emissions in 2016.</p></li><li id="note-4"><p>See Chancel, L. and T. Piketty (2015), “Carbon and inequality: From Kyoto to Paris. Trends in the global inequality of carbon emissions (1998-2013) & Prospects for an equitable adaptation fund”, Paris School of Economics, Paris. Available at: <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank">Chancel and Piketty, 2015</a>.</p></li></ol><h3 id="licence">Reuse our work freely</h3><p>All visualizations, data, and code produced by Our World in Data are completely open access under the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Creative Commons BY license</a>. 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