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File metadata and controls

343 lines (239 loc) · 9.22 KB


Handles operations with Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk), such as approve/reject HITS, grant bonuses, assign qualifications, etc.


It can be used as an interactive console or can be called programmatically.

As an interactive console, it can operate in two modes:

  • standalone mode: import a compatible results file from MTurk;
  • nodeGame mode: automatically scan the data folder of a nodeGame game and import all results files found.


  • Stable:
npm install nodegame-mturk
  • Development:
git clone
cd nodegame-mturk
npm install


Create file conf/mturk.conf.js using the template in the same directory.

Add your Amazon Web Service (AWS) Keys in the conf file:

  • accessKeyId: 'XXX',

  • secretAccessKey: 'YYY'

If you do not have your keys yet, please read here and here.

Optional Configuration Settings

  • region: the AWS server you want to connect to. Default: 'us-east-1'.

  • nodeGamePath: the absolute path, or relative path from the root folder of the nodegame-mturk directory, to a nodeGame installation directory. Needed only if you want to automatically import results files from nodeGame.

  • fields: object specifiying the names of the fields for non-standard results files (Important! MTurk default separator is ;).

  • filter: a function to filter items before importing them: must return falsy to skip, or truthy to keep. Default: items are skipped if type is equal to 'bot' or if 'skip' is truthy.

  • autoApprove: A boolean flag specifying to auto-approve all imported assignments. Default: false.

  • maxBonus: maximum bonus payable, an error will be raised otherwise. Default: 10USD.

  • minBonus: minimum bonus payable, an error will be raised otherwise. Default: 0USD.

  • autoApprove: A boolean flag specifying to auto-approve all imported assignments. Default: false.

  • sandbox: Operates in sandbox mode. Default: false

More options available directly in the configuration file.


Launch the program

Start the program from the command line:

node ng-amt.js

These are the main inline options to use when you start the program (the short and long form of each command are equivalent).

-c, --connect: Opens the connection with MTurk Server

-r, --resultsFile : Path to a results file with Exit and Access Codes

-g, --game [minRoom-maxRoom]: Path to a nodeGame game and optional room boundaries

-Q, --getQualificationTypeId: Fetches the last qualification type owned by requester

-H, --getLastHITId: Fetches the id of the latest HIT

-s, --sandbox: Activate sandbox mode

-h, --help: Output usage information

Other inline options

-C, --config : Specifies a configuration file

-i, --inputCodesFile : Path to a codes file with Exit and Access Codes

-t, --token [token]: Unique token for one-time operations

-d, --dry: Dry-run: does not actually send any request to server

-n, --nRetries : How many times a request is repeated in case of error (Def: 0)

-l, --retryInterval : Milliseconds to wait before a request is repeated (Def: 10000)

-o, --throttleInterval : Milliseconds between two consecutive requests (Def: 500)

-q, --quiet: No/minimal output printed to console

Interactive Prompt

After the you started the program, you have access to the interactive console with the following commands:

connect: Creates the AWS client.

uploadResults [options]: Uploads the results to AMT server (approval+bonus+qualification).

grantBonus [options]: Grants bonuses as specified in results codes.

assignQualification [options]: Assigns a Qualification to all results codes.

get : Fetches and stores the requested info.

load [options] : Loads a file.

show [options] : Prints out the requested info.

extendHIT [options]: Extends the HIT.

expireHIT: Expires the HIT.

help [command...]: Provides help for a given command.

exit: Exits application.

Use TAB to autocomplete commands and options.


  • Start the program with initial options

Here we load a results file, retrieve the last HIT Id and last Qualification Id.

$ node ng-amt -r path/to/results/file.csv -H -Q

info: sandbox-mode: on
info: results file: path/to/results/file.csv
info: validation level: 2
info: result codes: 9
info: creating mturk client...
info: done.
info: retrieved QualificationTypeId: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ("My Qualification")
info: retrieved last HIT id: YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ("My Task Name")
  • Show a summary
ng-amt~$ show Summary
info: **** Results ****
info: tot results: 9
info: to approve:  7
info: to reject:   2

info: **** Bonus ****
info: bonuses: 7
info: bonuses tot:  29.75
info: bonuses mean: 3.31
info: bonuses std:  0.55
info: bonuses min:  2.39
info: bonuses max:  4.06

info: **** Qualification ****
info: qualifications: 0

info: **** Balance ****
info: Your balance is: $1,000
  • Approve/Reject results
ng-amt$ uploadResults
info: tot results: 9
info: to approve:  9
info: to reject:   0

info: results processed: 9/9
info: approved: 7
info: rejected: 2
error: approve/reject failed: 0

info: Original balance: $1,000 New balance: $993 (diff: 7)
  • Grant a Bonus
ng-amt$ grantBonus -r "Thank You"

The reason (option -r) is required.

  • Assign a Qualification
ng-amt$ assignQualification -i 1

The option -i is required. It assigns an integer value for the qualification. Any positive value can be specified. You can use different values to differentiate between participants with the same qualifications.

  • Get HIT Id
ng-amt$ get HITId
info: retrieved last HIT id: ****************AADIVNV ("Name of the HIT")
ng-amt$ get HITStatus
info: **** HIT Status ****
info: id:            ****************AADIVNV
info: status:        NotReviewed
info: pending ass:   0
info: available ass: 49
info: completed ass: 0
info: expiration:    Tue Feb 14 2017 10:38:04 GMT-0500 (EST)
info: annotation:    BatchId:***641;OriginalHitTemplateId:****37243;

The command above returns the last created HIT. If your HIT is not the last one, you can search through the list of 10 most recent HITs.

ng-amt$ get HITIdList
? Select a HIT
  1) 7/20/2019 - ***********************YYNG27N Label Tweets ($1.00)
  2) 7/20/2019 - ***********************JS8T6I3 Ultimatum Game ($1.00)
  3) 7/19/2019 - ***********************UC8RXR8 Prisoner Dilemma ($3.00)
  4) 7/18/2019 - ***********************0IBHN5N Understanding Others ($0.85)
  5) 7/12/2019 - ***********************Z82S7GA Tell a joke ($0.25)
  6) 7/11/2019 - ***********************FCXM1KN Estimating product preferences ($1.00)
(Move up and down to reveal more choices)
  • Get Qualification Id
ng-amt$ get QualificationTypeId
info: set QualificationTypeId: ***************WZ8QQ6QO ("my_qualification")

The command above returns the last qualification. You can search through the list of the 10 most recent Qualifications.

ng-amt$ get QualificationTypeIdList 
? Select a QualificationType 
  1) 4/20/2019 my_qualification
  2) 11/20/2018 another_qualification
  3) 8/7/2018 what_is_this_for
  4) 7/4/2018 you_made_it
  5) 6/4/2018 you_are_definitely_qualified
  6) 6/3/2018 you_are_unqualifiable
(Move up and down to reveal more choices)

If you still do not find it, you can add a search query.

ng-amt$ get QualificationTypeIdList -s Finished
? Select a QualificationType 
  1) 7/21/2017 Finished_my_study
  • Get the Status of a running HIT
ng-amt$ get HITStatus
info: **** HIT Status ****
info: id:            ****************AADIVNV
info: status:        NotReviewed
info: pending ass:   0
info: available ass: 49
info: completed ass: 0
info: expiration:    Tue Feb 14 2017 10:38:04 GMT-0500 (EST)
info: annotation:    BatchId:***641;OriginalHitTemplateId:****37243;
  • Load all results from nodeGame
ng-amt$ load Game mygame -l 60-61

info: loading rooms of game mygame
info: scanning data folder minRoom=60 maxRoom=61
warn: no results in room room000060
info: loading results file: room000061
info: results file: C:\Users\me\nodegame-v5.0.0-dev\games\mygame\data\room000061\bonus.csv
info: result codes: 1

The commands looks for files saved as bonus.csv, results.csv, or codes.csv in each directory and loads them.

Use programmatically

// Require ngmt.
var ngmt = require('nodegame-mturk')();
// Or with a custom config file
// var ngmt = require('nodegame-mturk')({ config: 'path/to/config.js' });

// Connect, fetch last HIT Id (async), and then assign it to a worker.

ngmt.api.connect({ getLastHITId: true }, function() {
        WorkerId: XXXXXXXXX',
        QualificationTypeId: ngmt.config.qualificationId,
        IntegerValue: 1
