All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- feat(version): added release option to set version t1.0 manually 8e51009
- feat: added release command aabfb9b
- fix: minor fixes b4fe4f2
- chore(release): Release v0.4.0 79f4a54
- fix(release): changed release description 2f2dc6f
- fix(log): reversed log output order (last commit shown last) 699de83
- fix(log): added tag to log output df5897b
- fix(log): added line after the commit print 90eda02
- feat: added config command to display the config f104df1
- feat: added release notes generation e04c14c
- feat(changelog): added config for types included in the changelog 682534c
- feat(release): added allow_dirty option to release e68c766
- feat(release): added option to commit the release explicitly 37a6017
- feat: added message to hook scripts fd5382d
- feat(hooks): added custom hooks a5db2b6
- feat(release): added push workflow to release 4191740
- feat(release): added release command c61f149
- feat(bump): added info line indicating not tagged ebdd1f3
- feat: added change log commit url f3195d3
- feat: added changelog generatiom 560f1d7
- feat: added lowercase checks 9cba0cc
- feat: added commit parsing 7ba6a17
- feat(commit): added ammend option b2c2b0e
- feat(commit): removed displayed commit message on push eaef3ea
- feat(commit): added push option to commit 1e4020c
- fix: misc fixes 3536dee
- fix: fixed release notes format d6b40d8
- fix: changed type descriptions 386d686
- fix: added 'v' prefix to git tags 5a4edbd
- fix: moved commit scope prompt 24b79cd
- fix: fixed commit order in changelog 14ecefe
- fix: fixed get_tags when there is no tag in the repo 4b3273e
- fix(hooks): fixed install-hooks script 3480daa
- fix(bump): set current directory of custom bump commands 4a9d5bf
- fix(bump): fixing bump script 3613d5b
- fix(bump): fixing bumping script 4182323
- fix(bump): fixing cargo bump script 452e920
- fix: fixed Cargo.lock file 1625754
- fix(bump): fixedcustom bumop scripts execution c80f9e2
- fix(bump): added cargo bump to repo gitx config 54bc79e
- fix(release): fixed typo 351e8b2
- fix: fixed commit body not separated from the subject when fetching ad664a0
- fix(tags): fixed annotated tags not picking up the commit hashes 814a107
- fix(config): config looked up recursively and not created automatically 0640b88
- fix(publish): added extra info to manifest for publishing 66a631d
- fix(hooks): removed file extension on scripts 24e1901
- fix: fixed install-hooks b96db05
- fix(release): added git add to release workflow fbff27d
- fix: fixed changelog c5356ec
- fix(bump): modified bump option 'print-only' -> 'tag' 815e439
- fix(bump): fixed bump abort if no commits 1dcaaee
- fix(bump): changed bump option 'set' to 'print-only' 01441ff
- fix(changelog): fixed incorrect group title f21b492
- fix: fixed lint issue 1071470
- fix: modified config object aec8464
- fix: added misc changes aeba006
- fix: added misc stuff eed1ef3
- fix: misc changes b799a06
- fix: remove gitt file from root b869a54
- fix: misc fixes 20903f5
- fix: added stdout for git add wrapper c3a868d
- fix: added unix exit codes 55d7982
- fix(commit): removed displayed commit message on push 3dd7532
- fix(commit): removed commit message on push b8ea739
- fix(commit): removed print message e8cc423
- docs: fixed documentation 45734a2
- cd: removed publish=false in Cargo.toml 6a8189d
- cd: fixed CD workflow 0f7ee1b
- cd: fixed Github Actions jobs dependencies a50aeb5
- cd: removed Dagger setup, moved back to Github Actions a749198
- cd: fixed CD workflow f39e6e7
- cd: fixed release version not being picked up 19b618a
- cd: ignored .DS_Store file 1d42794
- cd: fixed CD deployment f9955cf
- ci: added CI dagger jobs and Github Actions dad72c9
- test commit 944bbc1
- test commit 2611585
- chore!: refactoring e88dae6
- chore(dev test): test for development 99e35b6
- Reset b50e8e3
- refactor(git_log): moved git_log() to another file d5d56c7
- Merge branch 'main' of 6f18189
- refactor: Refactored code c59010b
- refactor: Refactored code 7065dfa
- test f94c13a
- feat: ABCD 66d51bb
- Merge branch 'main' of a178085
- first commit b9861b6