The {{.Name}}
makes use of
to convert HTML into Markdown, which is using an HTML Parser to avoid the use of regexp
as much as possible, which can prevent some weird cases and allows it to be used for cases where the input is totally unknown.
$ html2md -i | head -3
[Skip to content](#start-of-content)
The most useful feature is to use and pass a goquery selection to filter for the content you want.
$ {{.Name}} -i -s ""
[go]( "Topic: go") [html]( "Topic: html") [markdown]( "Topic: markdown") [golang]( "Topic: golang") [converter]( "Topic: converter") [html-to-markdown]( "Topic: html-to-markdown") [goquery]( "Topic: goquery")
Works as expected:
$ echo '<strong>Bold Text</strong>' | html2md -i
**Bold Text**
$ echo '<strong>Bold Text</strong>' | html2md -i --opt-strong-delimiter="__"
__Bold Text__
$ echo '<ul><li><input type=checkbox checked>Checked!</li><li><input type=checkbox>Check Me!</li></ul>' | html2md -i -G
- [x] Checked!
- [ ] Check Me!
$ echo 'Only <del>blue ones</del> <s> left</s>' | html2md -i --plugin-strikethrough
Only ~~blue ones~~ ~~left~~
$ echo '<p>Lorem Ipsum:</p><p style="text-align: center;"><iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" width="560"></iframe></p>' | ./html2md -i --plugin-youtube
Lorem Ipsum:
$ cat $GOPATH/src/ | html2md -i -T | head -6
| Firstname | Lastname | Age |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Jill | Smith | 50 |
| Eve | Jackson | 94 |
| Empty | | |
| End |
$ cat $GOPATH/src/ | html2md -i -T --domain | diff -wU 1 $GOPATH/src/ -
@@ -41 +41,2 @@
| `var` | b | c |
\ No newline at end of file
$ cat $GOPATH/src/ | html2md -i --plugin-table-compat | head -6
Firstname · Lastname · Age
Jill · Smith · 50
Eve · Jackson · 94
$ cat $GOPATH/src/ | html2md -i --plugin-table-compat --domain | diff -wU 1 $GOPATH/src/ -
@@ -41 +41,2 @@
`var` · b · c
\ No newline at end of file
- Johannes Kaufmann's html-to-markdown that does the heavy lifting behind the scene.
- turndown (js), a very good library written in javascript.
- lunny/html2md, which is using regex instead of goquery, which exhibits a few edge cases which prompted
- jaytaylor/html2text, which is not converting to markdown but plain text.