diff --git a/main/HSSF/UserModel/EscherGraphics.cs b/main/HSSF/UserModel/EscherGraphics.cs
index d54c682c1..c4ae8e9d8 100644
--- a/main/HSSF/UserModel/EscherGraphics.cs
+++ b/main/HSSF/UserModel/EscherGraphics.cs
@@ -70,6 +70,9 @@ public class EscherGraphics : IDisposable
private Font font;
private static POILogger Logger = POILogFactory.GetLogger(typeof(EscherGraphics));
+ // Default dpi
+ private static int dpi = 96;
* Construct an escher graphics object.
@@ -289,7 +292,8 @@ public void DrawString(String str, int x, int y)
Font excelFont = new Font(SystemFonts.Get(font.Name.Equals("SansSerif") ? "Arial" : font.Name),
(int)(font.Size / verticalPixelsPerPoint), font.FontMetrics.Description.Style);
- int width = (int)((TextMeasurer.Measure(str, new TextOptions(excelFont)).Width * 8) + 12);
+ var textOptions = new TextOptions(excelFont) { Dpi = dpi };
+ int width = (int)((TextMeasurer.MeasureSize(str, textOptions).Width * 8) + 12);
int height = (int)((font.Size / verticalPixelsPerPoint) + 6) * 2;
y -= Convert.ToInt32((font.Size / verticalPixelsPerPoint) + 2 * verticalPixelsPerPoint); // we want to Draw the shape from the top-left
HSSFTextbox textbox = escherGroup.CreateTextbox(new HSSFChildAnchor(x, y, x + width, y + height));
diff --git a/main/NPOI.Core.csproj b/main/NPOI.Core.csproj
index a7def2ca6..089ca2971 100644
--- a/main/NPOI.Core.csproj
+++ b/main/NPOI.Core.csproj
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
diff --git a/main/SS/Util/SheetUtil.cs b/main/SS/Util/SheetUtil.cs
index 8e00e6a4b..659999dfa 100644
--- a/main/SS/Util/SheetUtil.cs
+++ b/main/SS/Util/SheetUtil.cs
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ public class SheetUtil
// */
private static char defaultChar = '0';
+ // Default dpi
+ private static int dpi = 96;
// /**
// * This is the multiple that the font height is scaled by when determining the
// * boundary of rotated text.
@@ -269,19 +272,19 @@ public static IRow CopyRow(ISheet sheet, int sourceRowIndex, int targetRowIndex)
public static double GetRowHeight(IRow row, bool useMergedCells, int firstColumnIdx, int lastColumnIdx)
- double width = -1;
+ double height = -1;
for (int cellIdx = firstColumnIdx; cellIdx <= lastColumnIdx; ++cellIdx)
ICell cell = row.GetCell(cellIdx);
if (row != null && cell != null)
- double cellWidth = GetCellHeight(cell, useMergedCells);
- width = Math.Max(width, cellWidth);
+ double cellHeight = GetCellHeight(cell, useMergedCells);
+ height = Math.Max(height, cellHeight);
- return width;
+ return height;
public static double GetRowHeight(ISheet sheet, int rowIdx, bool useMergedCells, int firstColumnIdx, int lastColumnIdx)
@@ -366,8 +369,7 @@ private static int GetNumberOfRowsInMergedRegion(ICell cell)
private static double GetCellConetntHeight(double actualHeight, int numberOfRowsInMergedRegion)
- var correction = 1.1;
- return Math.Max(-1, actualHeight / numberOfRowsInMergedRegion * correction);
+ return Math.Max(-1, actualHeight / numberOfRowsInMergedRegion);
private static string GetCellStringValue(ICell cell)
@@ -416,7 +418,7 @@ private static Font GetWindowsFont(ICell cell)
private static double GetRotatedContentHeight(ICell cell, string stringValue, Font windowsFont)
var angle = cell.CellStyle.Rotation * 2.0 * Math.PI / 360.0;
- var measureResult = TextMeasurer.Measure(stringValue, new TextOptions(windowsFont));
+ var measureResult = TextMeasurer.MeasureAdvance(stringValue, new TextOptions(windowsFont) { Dpi = dpi });
var x1 = Math.Abs(measureResult.Height * Math.Cos(angle));
var x2 = Math.Abs(measureResult.Width * Math.Sin(angle));
@@ -426,7 +428,7 @@ private static double GetRotatedContentHeight(ICell cell, string stringValue, Fo
private static double GetContentHeight(string stringValue, Font windowsFont)
- var measureResult = TextMeasurer.Measure(stringValue, new TextOptions(windowsFont));
+ var measureResult = TextMeasurer.MeasureAdvance(stringValue, new TextOptions(windowsFont) { Dpi = dpi });
return Math.Round(measureResult.Height, 0, MidpointRounding.ToEven);
@@ -480,7 +482,7 @@ public static double GetCellWidth(ICell cell, int defaultCharWidth, DataFormatte
String[] lines = rt.String.Split("\n".ToCharArray());
for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
- String txt = lines[i] + defaultChar;
+ String txt = lines[i];
//AttributedString str = new AttributedString(txt);
//copyAttributes(font, str, 0, txt.length());
@@ -514,7 +516,7 @@ public static double GetCellWidth(ICell cell, int defaultCharWidth, DataFormatte
if (sval != null)
- String txt = sval + defaultChar;
+ String txt = sval;
//str = new AttributedString(txt);
//copyAttributes(font, str, 0, txt.length());
windowsFont = IFont2Font(font);
@@ -530,25 +532,20 @@ private static double GetCellWidth(int defaultCharWidth, int colspan,
//Rectangle bounds;
double actualWidth;
- FontRectangle sf = TextMeasurer.Measure(str, new TextOptions(windowsFont));
+ FontRectangle sf = TextMeasurer.MeasureSize(str, new TextOptions(windowsFont) { Dpi = dpi });
if (style.Rotation != 0)
double angle = style.Rotation * 2.0 * Math.PI / 360.0;
double x1 = Math.Abs(sf.Height * Math.Sin(angle));
double x2 = Math.Abs(sf.Width * Math.Cos(angle));
actualWidth = Math.Round(x1 + x2, 0, MidpointRounding.ToEven);
- //bounds = layout.getOutline(trans).getBounds();
- {
- //bounds = layout.getBounds();
- actualWidth = Math.Round(sf.Width, 0, MidpointRounding.ToEven);
- }
- // entireWidth accounts for leading spaces which is excluded from bounds.getWidth()
- //double frameWidth = bounds.getX() + bounds.getWidth();
- //width = Math.max(width, ((frameWidth / colspan) / defaultCharWidth) + style.getIndention());
- var correction = 1.1;
- width = Math.Max(width, (actualWidth / colspan / defaultCharWidth * correction) + cell.CellStyle.Indention);
+ actualWidth = Math.Round(sf.Width, 0, MidpointRounding.ToEven);
+ int padding = 5;
+ double correction = 1.05;
+ width = Math.Max(width, ((actualWidth + padding) / colspan / defaultCharWidth * correction) + cell.CellStyle.Indention);
return width;
@@ -610,13 +607,9 @@ public static double GetColumnWidth(ISheet sheet, int column, bool useMergedCell
public static int GetDefaultCharWidth(IWorkbook wb)
IFont defaultFont = wb.GetFontAt((short)0);
- //AttributedString str = new AttributedString(String.valueOf(defaultChar));
- //copyAttributes(defaultFont, str, 0, 1);
- //TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(str.getIterator(), fontRenderContext);
- //int defaultCharWidth = (int)layout.getAdvance();
Font font = IFont2Font(defaultFont);
- return (int)Math.Ceiling(TextMeasurer.Measure(new string(defaultChar, 1), new TextOptions(font)).Width);
+ return (int)Math.Ceiling(TextMeasurer.MeasureSize(new string(defaultChar, 1), new TextOptions(font) { Dpi = dpi }).Width);
diff --git a/testcases/main/HSSF/UserModel/TestHSSFSheet.cs b/testcases/main/HSSF/UserModel/TestHSSFSheet.cs
index d0de58a34..e19ee0971 100644
--- a/testcases/main/HSSF/UserModel/TestHSSFSheet.cs
+++ b/testcases/main/HSSF/UserModel/TestHSSFSheet.cs
@@ -854,10 +854,7 @@ public void TestAutoSizeRow()
Assert.AreNotEqual(100, row.Height);
- // there's slight difference due to fonts
- var expectedRowHeight = RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) ? 506 : 528;
- Assert.AreEqual(expectedRowHeight, row.Height);
+ Assert.AreEqual(540, row.Height);
diff --git a/testcases/main/SS/UserModel/BaseTestBugzillaIssues.cs b/testcases/main/SS/UserModel/BaseTestBugzillaIssues.cs
index f6b6f5e5c..f87c5a89e 100644
--- a/testcases/main/SS/UserModel/BaseTestBugzillaIssues.cs
+++ b/testcases/main/SS/UserModel/BaseTestBugzillaIssues.cs
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ public abstract class BaseTestBugzillaIssues
private ITestDataProvider _testDataProvider;
+ private static int dpi = 96;
protected BaseTestBugzillaIssues(ITestDataProvider TestDataProvider)
@@ -445,12 +446,14 @@ public void Bug51622_testAutoSizeShouldRecognizeLeadingSpaces()
// if the default font or margins change.
double expectedRatioThreshold = 1.2f;
double leadingWhitespaceRatio = ((double)leadingWhitespaceColWidth) / noWhitespaceColWidth;
- double trailingWhitespaceRatio = ((double)leadingWhitespaceColWidth) / noWhitespaceColWidth;
+ double trailingWhitespaceRatio = ((double)trailingWhitespaceColWidth) / noWhitespaceColWidth;
assertGreaterThan("leading whitespace is longer than no whitespace", leadingWhitespaceRatio, expectedRatioThreshold);
assertGreaterThan("trailing whitespace is longer than no whitespace", trailingWhitespaceRatio, expectedRatioThreshold);
- Assert.AreEqual(leadingWhitespaceColWidth, trailingWhitespaceColWidth,
- "cells with equal leading and trailing whitespace have equal width");
+ //This is not correct https://github.com/SixLabors/Fonts/discussions/349
+ //Assert.AreEqual(leadingWhitespaceColWidth, trailingWhitespaceColWidth,
+ //"cells with equal leading and trailing whitespace have equal width");
@@ -487,7 +490,8 @@ private double ComputeCellWidthManually(ICell cell0, IFont font)
//TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(str.getIterator(), fontRenderContext);
//width = ((layout.getBounds().getWidth() / 1) / 8);
Font wfont = SheetUtil.IFont2Font(font);
- width = (double)TextMeasurer.Measure(txt, new TextOptions(wfont)).Width;
+ var textOptions = new TextOptions(wfont) { Dpi = dpi };
+ width = (double)TextMeasurer.MeasureSize(txt, textOptions).Width;
return width;
@@ -495,7 +499,8 @@ private double ComputeCellWidthFixed(IFont font, String txt)
double width;
Font wfont = SheetUtil.IFont2Font(font);
- width = (double)TextMeasurer.Measure(txt, new TextOptions(wfont)).Width;
+ var textOptions = new TextOptions(wfont) { Dpi = dpi };
+ width = (double)TextMeasurer.MeasureSize(txt, textOptions).Width;
return width;
diff --git a/testcases/ooxml/XSSF/UserModel/TestXSSFSheet.cs b/testcases/ooxml/XSSF/UserModel/TestXSSFSheet.cs
index 93a929566..065de81f1 100644
--- a/testcases/ooxml/XSSF/UserModel/TestXSSFSheet.cs
+++ b/testcases/ooxml/XSSF/UserModel/TestXSSFSheet.cs
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ public void TestAutoSizeRow()
Assert.AreNotEqual(100, row.Height);
- Assert.AreEqual(550, row.Height);
+ Assert.AreEqual(540, row.Height);