The Directions control
Array? Override default layer properties of the directions source. Documentation for each property are specified in the Mapbox GL Style Reference.options.accessToken
String Required unlessmapboxgl.accessToken
is set globally (optional, defaultnull
String Override default routing endpoint url (optional, default""
Boolean Enable/Disable mouse or touch interactivity from the plugin (optional, defaulttrue
String Routing profile to use. Options:mapbox/driving-traffic
(optional, default"mapbox/driving-traffic"
Boolean Whether to enable alternatives. (optional, defaultfalse
Boolean Whether to enable congestion along the route line. (optional, defaultfalse
String Options:"simplified"
(optional, default"simplified"
String Measurement system to be used in navigation instructions. Options:imperial
(optional, default"imperial"
Function Provide a custom function for generating instruction, compatible with osrm-text-instructions. (optional, defaultnull
Object? Accepts an object containing the query parameters as documented here.options.controls
Boolean Hide or display the inputs control. (optional, defaulttrue
Boolean Hide or display the instructions control. (optional, defaulttrue
Boolean Hide or display the default profile switch with options for traffic, driving, walking and cycling. (optional, defaulttrue
Number If no bbox exists from the geocoder result, the zoom you set here will be used in the flyTo. (optional, default16
String If set, this text will appear as the placeholder attribute for the origin input element. (optional, default"Choose a starting place"
String If set, this text will appear as the placeholder attribute for the destination input element. (optional, default"Choose destination"
Boolean If false, animating the map to a selected result is disabled. (optional, defaulttrue
var MapboxDirections = require('../src/index');
var directions = new MapboxDirections({
unit: 'metric',
profile: 'mapbox/cycling'
// add to your mapboxgl map
Returns MapboxDirections this
Removes the control from the map it has been added to. This is called by map.removeControl
which is the recommended method to remove controls.
Returns Control this
Turn on or off interactivity
Boolean sets interactivity based on a state oftrue
Returns MapboxDirections this
Returns the origin of the current route.
Returns Object origin
Sets origin. Note: calling this method requires the map load event to have run.
Returns MapboxDirections this
Returns the destination of the current route.
Returns Object destination
Sets destination. Note: calling this method requires the map load event to have run.
Returns MapboxDirections this
Swap the origin and destination.
Returns MapboxDirections this
Add a waypoint to the route. Note: calling this method requires the map load event to have run.
Number position waypoint should be placed in the waypoint arraywaypoint
(Array<number> | Point) can be a GeoJSON Point Feature or [lng, lat] coordinates.
Returns MapboxDirections this;
Change the waypoint at a given index in the route. Note: calling this method requires the map load event to have run.
Number indexed position of the waypoint to updatewaypoint
(Array<number> | Point) can be a GeoJSON Point Feature or [lng, lat] coordinates.
Returns MapboxDirections this;
Remove a waypoint from the route.
Number position in the waypoints array.
Returns MapboxDirections this;
Fetch all current waypoints in a route.
Returns Array waypoints
Fetch all current points in a route.
Returns Array route points
Removes all routes and waypoints from the map.
Returns MapboxDirections this;
Subscribe to events that happen within the plugin.
String name of event. Available events and the data passed into their respective event objects are:- clear{ type: } Type is one of 'origin' or 'destination'
- loading
{ type: } Type is one of 'origin' or 'destination'
- profile
{ profile } Profile is one of 'driving', 'walking', or 'cycling'
- origin
{ feature } Fired when origin is set
- destination
{ feature } Fired when destination is set
- route
{ route } Fired when a route is updated
- error `{ error } Error as string
- loading
Function function that's called when the event is emitted.
Returns MapboxDirections this;
Unsubscribe to events
String name of event. Available events are outlined inon
Function optional. The function that's called when the event is emitted.
Returns Directions this;