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NI RFmx LTE ModAcc Attributes

Dane Stull edited this page Feb 27, 2022 · 2 revisions

ModAcc Attributes


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to enable the ModAcc measurement.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is RFMXLTE_VAL_FALSE.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetMeasurementEnabled
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetMeasurementEnabled


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to use a filter to suppress the interference from out of band emissions into the carriers being measured.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetMulticarrierFilterEnabled
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetMulticarrierFilterEnabled
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_MULTICARRIER_FILTER_ENABLED_FALSE (0) The measurement does not use the multicarrier filter.
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_MULTICARRIER_FILTER_ENABLED_TRUE (1) The measurement filters out interference from out of band emissions into the carriers being measured.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether the measurement is performed from the frame or the slot boundary.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

Refer to the LTE Modulation Accuracy (ModAcc) topic for more information about synchronization mode.

The default value is RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_SYNCHRONIZATION_MODE_SLOT. When you set the Link Direction attribute to Downlink, the measurement supports only Frame synchronization mode.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetSynchronizationMode
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetSynchronizationMode
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_SYNCHRONIZATION_MODE_FRAME (0) The frame boundary is detected, and the measurement is performed over the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute, starting at the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_OFFSET attribute from the frame boundary. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_TRIGGER_TYPE_DIGITAL_EDGE, the measurement expects a trigger at the frame boundary.
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_SYNCHRONIZATION_MODE_SLOT (1) The slot boundary is detected, and the measurement is performed over the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute starting at the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_OFFSET attribute from the slot boundary. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_TRIGGER_TYPE attribute to Digital Edge, the measurement expects a trigger at any slot boundary.
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_SYNCHRONIZATION_MODE_MARKER (2) The measurement expects a marker (trigger) at the frame boundary from the user. The measurement takes advantage of triggered acquisitions to reduce processing resulting in faster measurement time. Measurement is performed over the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute starting at RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_OFFSET attribute from the frame boundary.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the measurement offset to skip from the synchronization boundary. The synchronization boundary is specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_SYNCHRONIZATION_MODE attribute. This value is expressed in slots.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is 0. For uplink, the upper limit is 19. For downlink, the upper limit is (2*DL Num Subframe - 1).

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetMeasurementOffset
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetMeasurementOffset


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the number of slots to be measured. This value is expressed in slots.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is 1.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetMeasurementLength
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetMeasurementLength

IQ Impairmenets


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to estimate IQ origin offset.

Note: IQ origin offset estimation is supported only when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_LINK_DIRECTION attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_LINK_DIRECTION_UPLINK or RFMXLTE_VAL_LINK_DIRECTION_SIDELINK.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetIQOriginOffsetEstimationEnabled
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetIQOriginOffsetEstimationEnabled
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_IQ_ORIGIN_OFFSET_ESTIMATION_ENABLED_FALSE (0) IQ origin offset estimation and correction is disabled.
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_IQ_ORIGIN_OFFSET_ESTIMATION_ENABLED_TRUE (1) IQ origin offset estimation and correction is enabled.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to estimate IQ mismatch such as gain imbalance, quadrature skew, and timing skew.

Note: Timing skew value is estimated only when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_LINK_DIRECTION attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_LINK_DIRECTION_UPLINK.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetIQMismatchEstimationEnabled
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetIQMismatchEstimationEnabled


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to enable IQ gain imbalance correction.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetIQGainImbalanceCorrectionEnabled
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetIQGainImbalanceCorrectionEnabled


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to enable IQ quadrature error correction.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetIQQuadratureErrorCorrectionEnabled
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetIQQuadratureErrorCorrectionEnabled


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to enable IQ timing skew correction.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetIQTimingSkewCorrectionEnabled
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetIQTimingSkewCorrectionEnabled


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether the spectrum of the measured signal is inverted. The inversion happens when the I and the Q components of the baseband complex signal are swapped.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetSpectrumInverted
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetSpectrumInverted
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_SPECTRUM_INVERTED_FALSE (0) The spectrum of the measured signal is not inverted.
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_SPECTRUM_INVERTED_TRUE (1) The measured signal is inverted and the measurement corrects the signal by swapping the I and the Q components.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the method used for the channel estimation for the ModAcc measurement.

The measurement ignores this attribute, when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_LINK_DIRECTION attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_LINK_DIRECTION_DOWNLINK.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is Reference+Data.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetChannelEstimationType
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetChannelEstimationType
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_CHANNEL_ESTIMATION_TYPE_REFERENCE (0) Only the demodulation reference signal (DMRS) symbol is used to calculate the channel coefficients.
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_CHANNEL_ESTIMATION_TYPE_REFERENCE_AND_DATA (1) Both the DMRS symbol and the data symbol are used to calculate the channel coefficients, as specified by the 3GPP 36.521 specification, Annexe E.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the units of the EVM results.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetEVMUnit
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetEVMUnit
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE (0) The EVM is reported as a percentage.
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB (1) The EVM is reported in dB.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the FFT window type used for the EVM calculation for the ModAcc measurement.

Refer to the LTE Modulation Accuracy (ModAcc) topic for more information about FFT window type.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetFFTWindowType
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetFFTWindowType
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_FFT_WINDOW_TYPE_3GPP (0) The maximum EVM between the start window position and the end window position is returned according to the 3GPP specification. The FFT window positions are specified by the attribute. Refer to the Annexe E.3.2 of 3GPP TS 36.521 specification for more information on the FFT window.
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_FFT_WINDOW_TYPE_CUSTOM (1) Only one FFT window position is used for the EVM calculation. FFT window position is specified by RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_FFT_WINDOW_OFFSET attribute.


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the position of the FFT window used to calculate the EVM. The offset is expressed as a percentage of the cyclic prefix length. If you set this attribute to 0, the EVM window starts at the end of cyclic prefix. If you set this attribute to 100, the EVM window starts at the beginning of cyclic prefix.

The default value is 50. Valid values are 0 to 100, inclusive.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetFFTWindowOffset
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetFFTWindowOffset


Data Type: float64
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeF64
Description: Specifies the FFT window length (W). This value is expressed as a percentage of the cyclic prefix length. This attribute is used when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_FFT_WINDOW_TYPE attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_FFT_WINDOW_TYPE_3GPP, where it is needed to calculate the EVM using two different FFT window positions, Delta_C-W/2, and Delta_C+W/2. Refer to the Annexe E.3.2 of 3GPP 36.521 specification for more information.

Refer to the LTE Modulation Accuracy (ModAcc) topic for more information about FFT Window Length.

The default value is as given in the 3GPP specification. The default value is 91.7 %CP for 10M bandwidth. Valid values range from -1 to 100, inclusive.

When this attribute is set to -1, RFmx populates the FFT Window Length based on carrier bandwidth automatically, as given in the Annexe E.5.1 of 3GPP 36.104 specification.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetFFTWindowLength
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetFFTWindowLength


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether the same Reference Clock is used for the local oscillator and the digital-to-analog converter in the transmitter. When the same Reference Clock is used, the carrier frequency offset is proportional to Sample Clock error.

The modacc measurement ignores this attribute, when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_LINK_DIRECTION attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_LINK_DIRECTION_DOWNLINK.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetCommonClockSourceEnabled
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetCommonClockSourceEnabled
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_COMMON_CLOCK_SOURCE_ENABLED_FALSE (0) The Sample Clock error is estimated independently.
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_COMMON_CLOCK_SOURCE_ENABLED_TRUE (1) The Sample Clock error is estimated from carrier frequency offset.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to exclude some portion of the slots when calculating the EVM. This attribute is applicable only when there is a power change at the slot boundary. Refer to section of the 3GPP TS 36.521-1 specification for more information about exclusion.

The measurement ignores this attribute, when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_LINK_DIRECTION attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_LINK_DIRECTION_DOWNLINK.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetEVMWithExclusionPeriodEnabled
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetEVMWithExclusionPeriodEnabled
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_WITH_EXCLUSION_PERIOD_ENABLED_TRUE (1) EVM is calculated on truncated slots. The power changes at the slot boundaries are detected by the measurement, and the defined 3GPP specification period is excluded from the slots being measured.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the frequency ranges at which to measure spectral flatness.

The measurement ignores this attribute, when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_LINK_DIRECTION attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_LINK_DIRECTION_DOWNLINK.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetSpectralFlatnessCondition
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetSpectralFlatnessCondition
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_SPECTRAL_FLATNESS_CONDITION_NORMAL (0) Uses the frequency range defined in the section, and table of 3GPP 36.521 specification.
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_SPECTRAL_FLATNESS_CONDITION_EXTREME (1) Uses the frequency range defined in the section, and table of 3GPP 36.521 specification.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the in-band emissions mask type to be used for measuring in-band emission margin (dB) and subblock in-Band emission margin (dB) results.

Refer to section of the 3GPP 36.521-1 specification for more information.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is Release 8-10 for bandwidths other than 200 KHz and RFMXLTE_ATTR_EMTC_ANALYSIS_ENABLED is False. It is Release 11 Onwards, otherwise.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetInBandEmissionMaskType
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetInBandEmissionMaskType
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_IN_BAND_EMISSION_MASK_TYPE_RELEASE_8_10 (0) Specifies the mask type to be used for UE, supporting 3GPP Release 8 to 3GPP Release 10 specification.
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_IN_BAND_EMISSION_MASK_TYPE_RELEASE_11_ONWARDS (1) Specifies the mask type to be used for UE, supporting 3GPP Release 11 and higher specification.

Modacc Averaging Attributes


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to enable averaging for the ModAcc measurement.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.


Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetAveragingEnabled
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetAveragingEnabled
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_AVERAGING_ENABLED_FALSE (0) The measurement is performed on a single acquisition.
RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_AVERAGING_ENABLED_TRUE (1) The measurement is averaged over multiple acquisitions. The number of acquisitions is obtained by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_AVERAGING_COUNT attribute.


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the number of acquisitions used for averaging when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_AVERAGING_ENABLED attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_AVERAGING_ENABLED_TRUE.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is 10.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetAveragingCount
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetAveragingCount


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies whether to enable the traces to be stored and retrieved after performing the ModAcc measurement.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is RFMXLTE_VAL_FALSE.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetAllTracesEnabled
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetAllTracesEnabled


Data Type: int32
Access: read/write
Functions: RFmxLTE_SetAttributeI32
Description: Specifies the maximum number of threads used for parallelism for the ModAcc measurement. The number of threads can range from 1 to the number of physical cores. The number of threads you set may not be used in calculations. The actual number of threads used depends on the problem size, system resources, data availability, and other considerations.

You do not need to use a selector string to configure or read this attribute for the default signal instance. Refer to the Selector Strings topic for information about the string syntax for named signals.

The default value is 1.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetNumberOfAnalysisThreads
Set Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccSetNumberOfAnalysisThreads

Modacc Results Attributes


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of the RMS EVMs calculated on all the configured channels, over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMeanRMSCompositeEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the maximum value of the peak EVMs calculated on all the configured channels over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMaximumPeakCompositeEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the RMS mean value of the composite magnitude error calculated over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute on all the configured channels.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

This result is valid only when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_LINK_DIRECTION attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_LINK_DIRECTION_UPLINK.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMeanRMSCompositeMagnitudeError


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the peak value of the composite magnitude error calculated over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute on all the configured channels.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

This result is valid only when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_LINK_DIRECTION attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_LINK_DIRECTION_UPLINK.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMaximumPeakCompositeMagnitudeError


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the RMS mean value of the composite phase error calculated over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute on all the configured channels. This value is expressed in degrees.

This result is valid only when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_LINK_DIRECTION attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_LINK_DIRECTION_UPLINK.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMeanRMSCompositePhaseError


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the peak value of phase error calculated over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute on all thee configured channels. This value is expressed in degrees.

This result is valid only when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_LINK_DIRECTION attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_LINK_DIRECTION_UPLINK.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMaximumPeakCompositePhaseError


Data Type: int32
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeI32
Description: Returns the slot index where the ModAcc maximum peak composite EVM occurs.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPeakCompositeEVMSlotIndex


Data Type: int32
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeI32
Description: Returns the symbol index of the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_RESULTS_MAXIMUM_PEAK_COMPOSITE_EVM attribute.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPeakCompositeEVMSymbolIndex


Data Type: int32
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeI32
Description: Returns the subcarrier index where the maximum peak composite EVM for ModAcc occurs.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPeakCompositeEVMSubcarrierIndex

Modacc Downlink Attributes

Modacc PDSCH Attributes


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of RMS EVMs calculated on PDSCH data symbols over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPDSCHMeanRMSEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of RMS EVMs calculated on all QPSK modulated PDSCH resource blocks over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPDSCHMeanRMSQPSKEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of RMS EVMs calculated on all 16QAM modulated PDSCH resource blocks over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPDSCHMeanRMS16QAMEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of RMS EVMs calculated on all 64 QAM modulated PDSCH resource blocks over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPDSCHMeanRMS64QAMEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of RMS EVMs calculated on all 256 QAM modulated PDSCH resource blocks over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPDSCHMeanRMS256QAMEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of RMS EVMs calculated on all 1024 QAM modulated PDSCH resource blocks over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPDSCHMeanRMS1024QAMEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of RMS EVMs calculated on RS resource elements over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMeanRMSCSRSEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of RMS EVMs calculated on primary synchronization signal (PSS) channel over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMeanRMSPSSEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of RMS EVMs calculated on secondary synchronization signal (SSS) channel over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMeanRMSSSSEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of RMS EVMs calculated on PBCH channel over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMeanRMSPBCHEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of RMS EVMs calculated on PCFICH channel over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMeanRMSPCFICHEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of RMS EVMs calculated on PDCCH channel over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMeanRMSPDCCHEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of RMS EVMs calculated on PHICH channel over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMeanRMSPHICHEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of power calculated on cell-specific reference signal (CSRS) resource elements over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsDownlinkRSTransmitPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of power calculated in one OFDM symbol over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsDownlinkOFDMSymbolTransmitPower


Data Type: int32
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeI32
Description: Returns the detected cell ID value.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsDownlinkDetectedCellID


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the in-band emission margin. This value is expressed in dB.

The margin is the lowest difference between the in-band emission measurement trace and the limit trace. The limit is defined in section of the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification.

The in-band emissions are a measure of the interference falling into the non-allocated resources blocks.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsInBandEmissionMargin

Spectral Flatness Attributes


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the peak-to-peak ripple of the EVM equalizer coefficients within the frequency Range1. This value is expressed in dB.

The frequency Range1 is defined in section of the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsSpectralFlatnessRange1MaximumToRange1Minimum


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the peak-to-peak ripple of the EVM equalizer coefficients within the frequency Measurement Offset parameter. This value is expressed in dB.

The frequency Measurement Offset parameter is defined in section of the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsSpectralFlatnessRange2MaximumToRange2Minimum


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the peak-to-peak ripple of the EVM equalizer coefficients from the frequency Range1 to the frequency Measurement Offset parameter. The frequency Range1 and frequency Measurement Offset parameter are defined in the section of the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification. This value is expressed in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsSpectralFlatnessRange1MaximumToRange2Minimum

Modacc Uplink Attributes

Modacc PUSCH Attributes


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of the RMS EVMs calculated on the physical uplink shared channel (PUSCH) data symbols over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPUSCHMeanRMSDataEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the maximum value of the peak EVMs calculated on the physical uplink shared channel (PUSCH) data symbols over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPUSCHMaximumPeakDataEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of the RMS EVMs calculated on the PUSCH DMRS over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPUSCHMeanRMSDMRSEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the maximum value of the peak EVMs calculated on PUSCH DMRS over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPUSCHMaximumPeakDMRSEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of the power calculated on the physical uplink shared channel (PUSCH) data symbols over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPUSCHMeanDataPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of the power calculated on the PUSCH DMRS over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPUSCHMeanDMRSPower

Modacc SRS Attributes


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of RMS EVMs calculated on the SRS symbols over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMeanRMSSRSEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of power calculated on SRS over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute. This values is expressed in dBm.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMeanSRSPower

Modacc NPUSCH Attributes


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of RMS EVMs calculated on the narrowband physical uplink shared channel (NPUSCH) data symbols over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to percentage, the result is returned as a percentage, and when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the result is returned in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsNPUSCHMeanRMSDataEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the maximum value of peak EVMs calculated on the narrowband physical uplink shared channel (NPUSCH) data symbols over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to percentage, the result is returned as a percentage, and when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the result is returned in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

The default value is 0.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsNPUSCHMaximumPeakDataEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of RMS EVMs calculated on the narrowband physical uplink shared channel (NPUSCH) DMRS over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the result is returned as a percentage, and when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the result is returned in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

The default value is 0.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsNPUSCHMeanRMSDMRSEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the maximum value of peak EVMs calculated on NPUSCH DMRS over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the result is returned as a percentage, and when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the result is returned in dB.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

The default value is 0.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsNPUSCHMaximumPeakDMRSEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of the power calculated on the narrowband physical uplink shared channel (NPUSCH) data symbols over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

The default value is 0.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsNPUSCHMeanDataPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of the power calculated on the narrowband physical uplink shared channel (NPUSCH) DMRS over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to configure or read this attribute.

The default value is 0.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsNPUSCHMeanDMRSPower

Uplink Spectral Flatness Attributes


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the peak-to-peak ripple of the EVM equalizer coefficients from frequency Measurement Offset parameter to frequency Range1. This value is expressed in dB.

The frequency Range1 and frequency Measurement Offset parameter are defined in section of the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsSpectralFlatnessRange2MaximumToRange1Minimum


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the in-band emission margin of a subblock aggregated bandwidth. This value is expressed in dB.

The margin is the lowest difference between the in-band emission measurement trace and the limit trace. The limit is defined in section 6.5.2A.3 of the 3GPP TS 36.521 specification.

The in-band emissions are a measure of the interference falling into the non-allocated resources blocks. The result of this attribute is valid only when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_TRANSMITTER_ARCHITECTURE attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_TRANSMITTER_ARCHITECTURE_LO_PER_SUBBLOCK.

Use 'subblock(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsSubblockInBandEmissionMargin

Modacc Sidelink Attributes

Modacc PSSCH Attributes


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of the RMS EVMs calculated on the physical sidelink shared channel (PSSCH) data symbols over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPSSCHMeanRMSDataEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the maximum value of the peak EVMs calculated on the physical sidelink shared channel (PSSCH) data symbols over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPSSCHMaximumPeakDataEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of the RMS EVMs calculated on the PSSCH DMRS symbols over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPSSCHMeanRMSDMRSEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the maximum value of the peak EVMs calculated on PSSCH DMRS symbols over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_PERCENTAGE, the measurement returns this result as a percentage. When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_EVM_UNIT attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_MODACC_EVM_UNIT_DB, the measurement returns this result in dB.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPSSCHMaximumPeakDMRSEVM


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of the power calculated on the physical sidelink shared channel (PSSCH) data symbols over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPSSCHMeanDataPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the mean value of the power calculated on the PSSCH DMRS symbols over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute. This value is expressed in dBm.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsPSSCHMeanDMRSPower


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the estimated carrier frequency offset averaged over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute. This value is expressed in Hz.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMeanFrequencyError


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the estimated I/Q origin offset averaged over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute. This value is expressed in dBc.

This result is valid only when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_LINK_DIRECTION attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_LINK_DIRECTION_UPLINK. This result will not be measured in case of downlink.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMeanIQOriginOffset


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the estimated I/Q gain imbalance averaged over the measurement length. The I/Q gain imbalance is the ratio of the amplitude of the I component to the Q component of the I/Q signal being measured. This value is expressed in dB.

Note: When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_COMPONENT_CARRIER_BANDWIDTH attribute to 200.0 k and the RFMXLTE_ATTR_NPUSCH_NUMBER_OF_TONES attribute to 12, this result is available. For other values of RFMXLTE_ATTR_NPUSCH_NUMBER_OF_TONES, this result will be reported as NaN.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMeanIQGainImbalance


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the estimated quadrature error averaged over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute. This value is expressed in degrees.

Quadrature error is a measure of the skewness of the I component with respect to the Q component of the I/Q signal being measured.

When you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_COMPONENT_CARRIER_BANDWIDTH attribute to 200.0 k and the RFMXLTE_ATTR_NPUSCH_NUMBER_OF_TONES attribute to 12, this result is available. For other values of RFMXLTE_ATTR_NPUSCH_NUMBER_OF_TONES, this result will be reported as NaN.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMeanQuadratureError


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the estimated IQ timing skew averaged over measured length. IQ timing skew is the difference between the group delay of the in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) components of the signal. This value is expressed in seconds.

Use 'carrier' or 'subblock/carrier' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMeanIQTimingSkew


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the time difference between the detected slot or frame boundary and the reference trigger location depending on the value of RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_SYNCHRONIZATION_MODE attribute. This value is expressed in seconds.

Use 'carrier' or 'subblock/carrier' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMeanTimeOffset


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the estimated symbol clock error averaged over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute. This value is expressed in ppm.

Use 'carrier(k)' or 'subblock(n)/carrier(k)' as the selector string to read this result.

Use 'carrier' or 'subblock/carrier' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsMeanSymbolClockError


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the estimated I/Q origin offset averaged over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute in the subblock. This value is expressed in dBc.


Use 'subblock(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsSubblockMeanIQOriginOffset


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the estimated I/Q gain imbalance averaged over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute. This value is expressed in dB. The I/Q gain imbalance is the ratio of the amplitude of the I component to the Q component of the I/Q signal being measured in the subblock.

This result is valid only when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_LINK_DIRECTION attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_LINK_DIRECTION_UPLINK and the RFMXLTE_ATTR_TRANSMITTER_ARCHITECTURE attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_TRANSMITTER_ARCHITECTURE_LO_PER_SUBBLOCK. Otherwise, this parameter returns NaN, as measurement of this result is currently not supported.

Use 'subblock(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsSubblockMeanIQGainImbalance


Data Type: float64
Access: read only
Functions: RFmxLTE_GetAttributeF64
Description: Returns the estimated quadrature error averaged over the slots specified by the RFMXLTE_ATTR_MODACC_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH attribute. This value is expressed in degrees. Quadrature error is a measure of the skewness of the I component with respect to the Q component of the I/Q signal being measured in the subblock.

This result is valid only when you set the RFMXLTE_ATTR_LINK_DIRECTION attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_LINK_DIRECTION_UPLINK and the RFMXLTE_ATTR_TRANSMITTER_ARCHITECTURE attribute to RFMXLTE_VAL_TRANSMITTER_ARCHITECTURE_LO_PER_SUBBLOCK. Otherwise, this parameter returns NaN, as measurement of this result is currently not supported.

Use 'subblock(n)' as the selector string to read this result.

Get Function: RFmxLTE_ModAccGetResultsSubblockMeanQuadratureError

Table of Contents

Internal Development

Creating and Setting Up a gRPC Server

Server Security Support

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gRPC Client Examples

Session Utilities API Reference

Driver Documentation

gRPC API Differences From C API

Sharing Driver Sessions Between Clients

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NI-RFmx Bluetooth
NI-RFmx Instr
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