A language server for Nextflow scripts and config files.
The following language features are currently supported:
- code navigation (outline, go to definition, find references)
- completion
- diagnostics (errors, warnings)
- formatting
- hover hints
- rename
- semantic highlighting
- DAG preview for workflows
The language server requires Java 17 or later.
The language server exposes a set of configuration settings that can be controlled through the workspace/didChangeConfiguration
event. See the Nextflow VS Code extension for an example of how to set up these configuration settings with sensible defaults.
To build from the command line:
To run unit tests:
make test
To run the language server:
java -jar build/libs/language-server-all.jar
Protocol messages are exchanged using standard input/output.
Sometimes the language server might crash or get out of sync with your workspace. If this happens, you can restart the server from the command palette. You can also view the server logs from the "Output" tab under "Nextflow Language Server".
When reporting an issue, please include a minimal code snippet that triggers the issue as well as any error traces from the server logs.