All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Fail early when an incorrectly configured MySql/MariaDB instance is found to prevent update errors and data loss
- Do not mark articles read when shift + a + ctrl/meta/alt is pressed
- Re-order mark read to first position
- Fix admin section on latest master (fix only works with a version newer than 12.0.0-beta4), #145
- Do not show tooltip when hovering over headlines in compact mode, #151
- Dropped support for Nextcloud 11
- Fix articles appearing as unread when updating to Nextcloud 12 beta
- Partly fix frontend styles that were changed in 12
- Experimental support for Nextcloud 12
- Update picoFeed and HTMLPurifier libs to the latest version
- Parse CSRF token directly from source rather than using a global variable which never got updated. This fixes the login warnings that appeared after you left the News app open for a longer period of time which forced you to reload the page.
- Show favicons in expanded mode's subtitle section if a folder is viewed
- Updated PHP and JS libraries
- Dropped support for Nextcloud 10
- Include changelog in release download
- More App Store improvements
- Switch to new update API
- Do not fail to mark items as read if they do not exist on the server anymore when using the API
- Show "Settings" label for settings area button
- Changed explore url colors to fit Nextcloud theme
- Pad API last modified timestamp to milliseconds in updated items API to return only new items. API users however need to re-sync their complete contents, #24
- Do not pad milliseconds for non millisecond timestamps in API
- Prevent browsers like Chrome from auto-filling your Nextcloud login credentials into Basic Auth form. This could lead users to accidentally saving their credentials in the database and disclosing them to the feed source when the feed is added/updated
- Do not return millisecond lastModified timestamps in API, #20
- Drop PHP 64bit requirement due to helpful suggestions
- Removed support for Nextcloud 9 and older
- Removed support for PHP 32bit
- Removed ability to update to 9.0.0 from versions prior to 8.8.0 due complex database schema changes
- Further cleanups for the Nextcloud app store
- Fix cronjob updates on Nextcloud 10
- Limit iframes to 100% width, #10
- Cleanups for the Nextcloud app store