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Merge sort - Racket

Racket wizard Bill Abresch and I implemented a version of Merge sort in Racket.

  1. merge-sort-racket-vectors.rkt was implemnted using native Racket vector functions to access and write data. Short, simple, and the fastest of all our attempts.
  2. merge-sort-structs-and-special-casing.rkt. This version uses Racket structs to manage subvectors as well as special casing for subvectors of length 1, 2 and 3. The second fastest.
  3. merge-sort-custom-subvectors.rkt An early try. Shows how to use functions to create subvector indeces from a single input vector.


  • Dip down to insert sort after we see a pattern of 16 items
  • Clarify which optimizations made sense, and which did not.


Racket Vectors

items | cpu-ms | real-ms | (cpu-ms/items) * 1.0

(2 11 13 0 5.5)
(4 9 10 0 2.25)
(8 9 11 0 1.125)
(16 13 14 0 0.8125)
(32 9 11 0 0.28125)
(64 13 15 0 0.203125)
(128 10 12 0 0.078125)
(256 10 11 0 0.0390625)
(512 15 17 0 0.029296875)
(1024 10 12 0 0.009765625)
(2048 11 12 0 0.00537109375)
(4096 13 14 0 0.003173828125)
(8192 15 16 0 0.0018310546875)
(16384 31 33 0 0.00189208984375)
(32768 41 43 0 0.001251220703125)
(65536 70 72 0 0.001068115234375)
(131072 126 128 0 0.0009613037109375)
(262144 972 976 690 0.0037078857421875)
(524288 1180 1190 701 0.00225067138671875)
(1048576 1744 1758 773 0.0016632080078125)

Structs and special casing

No Special Casing
Even numbers of items.

(2 11 15 0 5.5)
(4 11 15 0 2.75)
(8 15 19 0 1.875)
(16 17 21 0 1.0625)
(32 18 21 0 0.5625)
(64 16 17 0 0.25)
(128 19 22 0 0.1484375)
(256 20 23 0 0.078125)
(512 19 22 0 0.037109375)
(1024 14 15 0 0.013671875)
(2048 27 29 0 0.01318359375)
(4096 13 17 0 0.003173828125)
(8192 45 50 0 0.0054931640625)
(16384 44 48 0 0.002685546875)
(32768 63 68 0 0.001922607421875)
(65536 100 104 0 0.00152587890625)
(131072 177 182 0 0.00135040283203125)
(262144 1440 1454 1078 0.0054931640625)
(524288 1806 1820 1107 0.003444671630859375)
(1048576 2709 2752 1263 0.0025835037231445312)

Special case for 2
Even numbers of items

(2 19 22 0 9.5)
(4 19 23 0 4.75)
(8 16 20 0 2.0)
(16 10 14 0 0.625)
(32 35 41 0 1.09375)
(64 16 20 0 0.25)
(128 14 18 0 0.109375)
(256 18 22 0 0.0703125)
(512 18 23 0 0.03515625)
(1024 19 23 0 0.0185546875)
(2048 20 24 0 0.009765625)
(4096 40 45 0 0.009765625)
(8192 20 24 0 0.00244140625)
(16384 41 44 0 0.00250244140625)
(32768 59 71 0 0.001800537109375)
(65536 95 99 0 0.0014495849609375)
(131072 161 166 0 0.00122833251953125)
(262144 304 308 0 0.00115966796875)
(524288 1707 1717 1084 0.0032558441162109375)
(1048576 2458 2482 1193 0.0023441314697265625)

With special cases for 2 and 3
Odd numbers of items

(3 27 41 0 9.0)
(5 11 12 0 2.2)
(9 11 11 0 1.2222222222222223)
(17 10 11 0 0.5882352941176471)
(33 14 15 0 0.42424242424242425)
(65 11 12 0 0.16923076923076924)
(129 11 11 0 0.08527131782945736)
(257 10 11 0 0.038910505836575876)
(513 10 12 0 0.01949317738791423)
(1025 11 11 0 0.010731707317073172)
(2049 11 13 0 0.005368472425573451)
(4097 14 15 0 0.003417134488650232)
(8193 18 18 0 0.0021969974368363236)
(16385 27 28 0 0.001647848642050656)
(32769 48 49 0 0.0014647990478806189)
(65537 78 79 0 0.0011901673863619025)
(131073 142 142 0 0.0010833657580127105)
(262145 277 279 0 0.0010566671117129833)
(524289 1187 1189 605 0.00226401850887583)
(1048577 1840 1845 651 0.0017547590687188447)