- https://hiplan.thi.de/webservice/production2/index.php
- POST request
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent:Embarcadero RESTClient/1.0
Only the House plan uses: https://hiplan.thi.de/webservice/raumplan.html
username: <username>
passwd: <password>
service: session
method: open
format: json
Note the third value in the data
list seems to be related to the account type. E.g. for an employee account it was 0
"data": ["<session token>", "<username>", 3],
"date": "02.11.2020",
"status": 0,
"time": "20:28:40"
service: session
method: close
format: json
session: <session token>
"data": "STATUS_OK",
"date": "02.02.2022",
"status": 0,
"time": "22:35:40"
service: session
method: isalive
format: json
session: <session token>
"data": "STATUS_OK",
"date": "02.11.2020",
"status": 0,
"time": "20:34:28"
service: thiapp
method: persdata
format: json
session: <session token>
"data": [
"pcounter": "<printing credits e.g. 42.13€>",
"persdata": {
"aaspf_echt": "<B for bachelor, M for master>",
"bibnr": "<library number>",
"email": "<personal email>",
"fachrich": "<course of study e.g. Informatik, Robotik, ...>",
"fhmail": "<thi email>",
"mtknr": "<Matrikelnummer>",
"name": "<second name>",
"ort": "<city>",
"plz": "<city postcode>",
"po_url": "<URL of the Pruefungsordnung>",
"pvers": "<version number of the Pruefungsordnung>",
"rchtg": null,
"rue": "1",
"rue_sem": "WS 2020/21",
"stg": "<short course of study e.g. ROB>",
"stgru": "<semester number>",
"str": "<home street>",
"swpkt": "{NULL,NULL,NULL}",
"telefon": "",
"user": "<thi username>",
"vname": "<first name>"
"date": "02.11.2020",
"status": 0,
"time": "20:46:21"
service: thiapp
method: exams
format: json
session: <session token>
"data": [
"ancode": "001",
"anm_date": "2020-11-04",
"anm_time": "18:39:21",
"anmerkung": "Termin durch Prüfer bestimmt",
"exam_rooms": null,
"exam_seat": null,
"exam_time": null,
"exm_date": null,
"fs_semesterzeiten": "39",
"hilfsmittel": "{\"3 DIN-A4 Blätter handschriftliche Formelsammlung\",\"nicht programmierbarer Taschenrechner / pocket calculator, not programmable\",\"3 DIN-A4 Blätter handschriftliche Formelsammlung\",\"nicht programmierbarer Taschenrechner / pocket calculator, not programmable\",\"3 DIN-A4 Blätter handschriftliche Formelsammlung\",\"nicht programmierbarer Taschenrechner / pocket calculator, not programmable\"}",
"modus": "1",
"prf_katalog_id": "109477",
"pruefer_namen": "<prof name>",
"pruefungs_art": "schrP90 - schriftliche Prüfung, 90 Minuten",
"pruefvorgezogen": "2021-01-19",
"sem": "220",
"stg": "<short course of study e.g. ROB>",
"titel": "Elektrotechnik",
"uname": "<username>"
// MORE...
"date": "04.11.2020",
"status": 0,
"time": "21:40:00"
service: thiapp
method: grades
format: json
session: <session token>
"data": [
"anrech": "",
"ects": "5,0",
"fristsem": "",
"frwpf": "null",
"kztn": "z_",
"note": "<your grade, e.g. 1,0 or 4,0>",
"pon": "110",
"stg": "<short course of study e.g. ROB>",
"titel": "Computer-Forensik"
"anrech": "",
"ects": "5,0",
"fristsem": "",
"frwpf": "null",
"kztn": "z_",
"note": "<your grade, e.g. 1,0 or 4,0>",
"pon": "210",
"stg": "<short course of study e.g. ROB>",
"titel": "Security Engineering in der IT"
// more...
"date": "02.11.2020",
"status": 0,
"time": "20:46:49"
Setting details
to 1
results in the fields inhalt
, literatur
and ziel
to be filled with HTML code with further information.
service: thiapp
method: stpl
format: json
session: <session token>
day: 02
month: 11
year: 2020
details: 0
"data": [
"WS 2020",
"datum": "2020-11-01",
"name": "Allerheiligen"
"bis": "09:45:00",
"datum": "2020-10-26",
"dozent": "Mustermann, M.",
"ectspoints": "5",
"fach": "Technische Mechanik 1",
"inhalt": null,
"literatur": null,
"pruefung": "schrP90 - schriftliche Prüfung, 90 Minuten",
"raum": "E_Online",
"stg": "ROB-B",
"stgru": "ROB1",
"sws": "4",
"teilgruppe": "0",
"veranstaltung": "ROB-TM1",
"von": "08:15:00",
"ziel": null
"bis": "11:25:00",
"datum": "2020-10-27",
"dozent": "Doe, J.",
"ectspoints": "5",
"fach": "Elektrotechnik",
"inhalt": null,
"literatur": null,
"pruefung": "schrP90 - schriftliche Prüfung, 90 Minuten",
"raum": "E_Online",
"stg": "ROB-B",
"stgru": "ROB1",
"sws": "4",
"teilgruppe": "0",
"veranstaltung": "ROB-ET",
"von": "09:00:00",
"ziel": null
// MORE! ...
"bis": "2020-11-13",
"intervall": "Prüfungsanmeldung",
"von": "2020-11-04"
"date": "02.11.2020",
"status": 0,
"time": "20:57:14"
service: thiapp
method: rooms
format: json
session: <session token>
day: 02
month: 11
year: 2020
"data": [
"email": null,
"rooms": [
"datum": "2020-11-02",
"rtypes": [
"raumtyp": "Kleiner Hörsaal (40-79 Plätze)",
"stunden": {
"1": {
"bis": "09:00",
"raeume": "B108, D113, D115, D213, D305, D312, D314, D315, D316, E001, E002, E101, E102, E103, G102, G105, G108, G202, G204, G208, G302, G304, G309",
"von": "08:15"
"2": {
"bis": "09:45",
"raeume": "B108, D113, D115, D213, D305, D312, D314, D315, D316, E001, E002, E101, E102, E103, G102, G204, G208, G302, G304, G309",
"von": "09:00"
// ...
"raumtyp": "PC Pool",
"stunden": {
"raumtyp": "Seminarraum (< 40 Plätze)",
"stunden": {
// more days ...
"date": "02.11.2020",
"status": 0,
"time": "20:59:31"
service: thiapp
method: mensa
format: json
session: <session token>
"data": [
"gerichte": {
"1": {
"name": [
"Hähnchen Cordon Bleu mit Zitrone ",
"2,38 €",
"3,38 €",
"4,76 €"
"zusatz": "Wz,Mi"
"2": {
"name": ["", "Ungarische Krautnudeln ", "2,29 €", "3,40 €", "4,58 €"],
"zusatz": "1,Wz,So"
"tag": "Montag 02.11.2020"
// more days...
"date": "02.11.2020",
"status": 0,
"time": "21:13:17"
In the official app the UI using this request is hidden from all users except employees.
The area TG Gießerei Hochschule
refers to the area of the THI itself, guarded by
barries and only accesible to employees and some mebers of the students council.
service: thiapp
method: parking
format: json
session: <session token>
"data": [
"timestamp:2021-05-06 23:34:34.427",
"name": "Congressgarage",
"max": "352",
"free": "171",
"availstatus": "0",
"tendency": "3"
"name": "TG Gießerei Hochschule",
"max": "89",
"free": "80",
"availstatus": "0",
"tendency": "3"
"date": "06.05.2021",
"time": "23:35:02",
"status": 0
service: thiapp
method: thiwebinfo
format: json
session: <session token>
"data": ["<html source code>", "<html source code>"],
"date": "02.11.2020",
"status": 0,
"time": "21:14:31"
service: thiapp
method: impressum
format: json
session: <session token>
"data": ["1", "<html snippet>"],
"date": "02.03.2021",
"status": 0,
"time": "00:00:28"
service: thiapp
method: jobs
query: categories
format: json
session: <session token>
"data": [
"areas": [
"Ingenieurwissenschaften & Technik",
"Kommunikation & Design",
"classes": [
"Betreute Abschlussarbeit",
"date": "02.03.2021",
"status": 0,
"time": "00:02:07"
service: thiapp
method: jobs
query: offers
days: 10
format: json
session: <session token>
"data": "Service not available",
"date": "02.03.2021",
"status": -112,
"time": "00:02:29"
service: thiapp
format: json
session: <session token>
method: stpllecturers
"data": [
"einsichtnahme": "14. März um 10.30 Uhr UND 31. März 12 Uhr; Raum: H-666 (geändert am: 16.02.2021)",
"email": "[email protected]",
"funktion": "Professor(in)",
"id": "1337",
"ist_intern": "t",
"name": "Mustermann",
"organisation": "Fakultät Elektro- und Informationstechnik",
"raum": "H666",
"sprechstunde": "SS 2021: Montag (Monday) 14.00 - 10.00 Uhr (geändert am: 07.03.2021)",
"tel_dienst": "0841/ 9348-1234",
"titel": "Prof. Dr.",
"vorname": "Max"
// more ...
"date": "30.03.2021",
"status": 0,
"time": "19:49:07"
service: thiapp
method: lecturers
format: json
session: <session token>
from: a
to: c
"date": "30.03.2021",
"time": "19:37:23",
"data": [
"id": "1337",
"name": "Doe",
"vorname": "Jane",
"titel": "",
"raum": "",
"email": "Kontaktinformationen bitte der Dozentenseite in Moodle entnehmen",
"tel_dienst": " ",
"sprechstunde": "Bitte im Dekanat Ihrer Fakultät erfragen.",
"einsichtnahme": "Bitte die Angaben aus Moodle entnehmen.",
"ist_intern": "f",
"organisation": "Sprachenzentrum or Professor(in)",
"funktion": "Lehrbeauftragte(r)"
// more profs / teachers / etc.
"status": 0