Login to Azure CLI
az login
- reply back your subscription
Set default location/region
az configure --defaults location=eastus
Create/Verify the you have a Resource Group
az group create --name <resource-group-name>-RG
Set default resource group
az configure --defaults group=<resource-group-name>-RG
List defaults
az configure -l
Neo4j docs - https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/kubernetes/quickstart-cluster/
az aks create -g drose-rg --name drose-demo2a --node-count=2 --os-sku Ubuntu
--load-balancer-sku Standard
--nodepool-name agentpool1 --node-osdisk-size 128 --node-vm-size Standard_D4ds_v5
--enable-addons azure-keyvault-secrets-provider --enable-oidc-issuer
--enable-workload-identity --generate-ssh-keys
az aks nodepool add --cluster-name drose-demo2a --name neo4jpool1 --resource-group drose-rg --mode User --node-count 3 --node-vm-size Standard_D4as_v5
- Azure resource group exists
- AKS cluster exists (e.g. neo4j-aks-cluster)
- Namespace within the AKS cluster exists (e.g neo4j)
# install the simple standalone chart
helm upgrade -i simplesa neo4j/neo4j -f simple_standalone.yaml
#look at the pods
kubectl get po
#describe the pods
kubectl describe po simplesa-0
kubectl get svc
# install the simple standalone chart
# populate licenses/gds.license and licenses/bloom.license with actual licenses
helm upgrade -i standalone neo4j/neo4j -f standalone.yaml
#look at the pods
kubectl get po
#describe the pods
kubectl describe po standalone-0
kubectl apply -f standalone-lb.yaml
kubectl get svc
#might say pending
kubectl describe svc standalone-lb
#look for errors
helm install server1 neo4j/neo4j --namespace neo4j -f neo4j-core-cluster.yaml
helm install server2 neo4j/neo4j --namespace neo4j -f neo4j-core-cluster.yaml
helm install server3 neo4j/neo4j --namespace neo4j -f neo4j-core-cluster.yaml
To uninstall, execute the following
helm uninstall server1 server2 server3
To fully remove all data and resources:
kubectl delete pvc --all --namespace neo4j
az aks delete --name neo4j-aks-cluster --resource-group jhair-RG
- Azure resource group exists
Execute ./scripts/startall.sh
The script will perform the following:
- Create an AKS cluster (e.g. neo4j-aks-cluster)
- Create a namespace within the AKS cluster (e.g. neo4j-hybrid)
- Create a nodepool within the AKS cluster (e.g. neo4j)
- Install the Neo4j services and pods
- Create load balancers for the core DB and the GDS node
Execute ./scripts/stopall.sh
Neo4j docs - https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/kubernetes/multi-dc-cluster/aks/
- Azure resource group exists