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Performance troubleshooting for Azure SQL Database

Managing and tuning the performance of relational databases is a challenging task that requires significant expertise and time investment. Query Performance Insight allows you to spend less time troubleshooting database performance by providing the following:

  • Deeper insight into your databases resource (DTU) consumption.
  • The top queries by CPU/Duration/Execution count, which can potentially be tuned for improved performance.
  • The ability to drill down into the details of a query, view its text and history of resource utilization.
  • Performance tuning annotations that show actions performed by SQL Azure Database Advisor


  • Query Performance Insight requires that Query Store is active on your database. If Query Store is not running, the portal prompts you to turn it on.


The following role-based access control permissions are required to use Query Performance Insight:

  • Reader, Owner, Contributor, SQL DB Contributor, or SQL Server Contributor permissions are required to view the top resource consuming queries and charts.
  • Owner, Contributor, SQL DB Contributor, or SQL Server Contributor permissions are required to view query text.

Using Query Performance Insight

Query Performance Insight is easy to use:

  • Open Azure portal and find database that you want to examine.

    • From left-hand side menu, under support and troubleshooting, select “Query Performance Insight”.
  • On the first tab, review the list of top resource-consuming queries.

  • Select an individual query to view its details.

  • Open SQL Azure Database Advisor and check if any recommendations are available.

  • Use sliders or zoom icons to change observed interval.

    performance dashboard


A couple hours of data needs to be captured by Query Store for SQL Database to provide query performance insights. If the database has no activity or Query Store was not active during a certain time period, the charts will be empty when displaying that time period. You may enable Query Store at any time if it is not running.

Review top CPU consuming queries

In the portal do the following:

  1. Browse to a SQL database and click All settings > Support + Troubleshooting > Query performance insight.

    Query Performance Insight

    The top queries view opens and the top CPU consuming queries are listed.

  2. Click around the chart for details.
    The top line shows overall DTU% for the database, while the bars show CPU% consumed by the selected queries during the selected interval (for example, if Past week is selected each bar represents one day).

    top queries

    The bottom grid represents aggregated information for the visible queries.

    • Query ID - unique identifier of query inside database.

    • CPU per query during observable interval (depends on aggregation function).

    • Duration per query (depends on aggregation function).

    • Total number of executions for a particular query.

      Select or clear individual queries to include or exclude them from the chart using checkboxes.

  3. If your data becomes stale, click the Refresh button.

  4. You can use sliders and zoom buttons to change observation interval and investigate spikes: settings

  5. Optionally, if you want a different view, you can select Custom tab and set:

    • Metric (CPU, duration, execution count)

    • Time interval (Last 24 hours, Past week, Past month).

    • Number of queries.

    • Aggregation function.


Viewing individual query details

To view query details:

  1. Click any query in the list of top queries.


  2. The details view opens and the queries CPU consumption/Duration/Execution count is broken down over time.

  3. Click around the chart for details.

    • Top chart shows line with overall database DTU%, and the bars are CPU% consumed by the selected query.

    • Second chart shows total duration by the selected query.

    • Bottom chart shows total number of executions by the selected query.

      query details

  4. Optionally, use sliders, zoom buttons or click Settings to customize how query data is displayed, or to pick a different time period.

Review top queries per duration

In the recent update of Query Performance Insight, we introduced two new metrics that can help you identify potential bottlenecks: duration and execution count.

Long-running queries have the greatest potential for locking resources longer, blocking other users, and limiting scalability. They are also the best candidates for optimization.

To identify long running queries:

  1. Open Custom tab in Query Performance Insight for selected database

  2. Change metrics to be duration

  3. Select number of queries and observation interval

  4. Select aggregation function

    • Sum adds up all query execution time during whole observation interval.

    • Max finds queries which execution time was maximum at whole observation interval.

    • Avg finds average execution time of all query executions and show you the top out of these averages.

      query duration

Review top queries per execution count

High number of executions might not be affecting database itself and resources usage can be low, but overall application might get slow.

In some cases, very high execution count may lead to increase of network round trips. Round trips significantly affect performance. They are subject to network latency and to downstream server latency.

For example, many data-driven Web sites heavily access the database for every user request. While connection pooling helps, the increased network traffic and processing load on the database server can adversely affect performance. General advice is to keep round trips to an absolute minimum.

To identify frequently executed queries (“chatty”) queries:

  1. Open Custom tab in Query Performance Insight for selected database

  2. Change metrics to be execution count

  3. Select number of queries and observation interval

    query execution count

Understanding performance tuning annotations

While exploring your workload in Query Performance Insight, you might notice icons with vertical line on top of the chart.

These icons are annotations; they represent performance affecting actions performed by SQL Azure Database Advisor. By hovering annotation, you get basic information about the action:

query annotation

If you want to know more or apply advisor recommendation, click the icon. It will open details of action. If it’s an active recommendation you can apply it straight away using command.

query annotation details

Multiple annotations.

It’s possible, that because of zoom level, annotations that are close to each other will get collapsed into one. This will be represented by special icon, clicking it will open new blade where list of grouped annotations will be shown. Correlating queries and performance tuning actions can help to better understand your workload.


Query Performance Insight helps you understand the impact of your query workload and how it relates to database resource consumption. With this feature, you will learn about the top consuming queries, and easily identify the ones to fix before they become a problem.