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File metadata and controls

259 lines (208 loc) · 9.09 KB


API REST written in Ruby using the Sinatra framework and Sequel.

Running Locally

After you have Ruby, Bundler and SQLite3 installed on your machine:

# In a debian/ubuntu distribution install the following packages as root / sudo
apt-get install ruby bundler sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev

Clone the repository, install locally the dependencies, create the database and start the web server as follows:

# Run these commands as user, NEVER AS ROOT/SUDO!
git clone
cd ipm-movie-database
bundle install --without production # Install development dependencies 
bundle exec sequel -m db/migrations/ sqlite://db/data.db  # Create the database
bundle exec foreman start   # Run the web server

Your app should now be running on localhost:5000.


SQLite3 is used as database engine in this project. Data is stored in the file db/data.db. Use the sequel command line tool for database management.

Other databases

Sequel supports several databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite or Oracle.

This application uses a SQLite3 database for development. If you want to change the database engine, first create the database and the tables:

sequel -m db/migrations/ DATABASE_URL

Note that the url format depends on the database engine. For example, in PostgreSQL, a database url takes the form postgresql://user:password@host:port/database

Finally, configure the database url in the development section of the fileenvironments.rb and the dependencies for that particular database in the Gemfile.

sequel command line tool

You can perform several actions with the sequel command line tool. Some useful actions are:

  • Migrate database to the lastest version
bundle exec sequel -m path/to/migrations/dir DATABASE_URL
  • Migrate database to a specific version (up or down)
bundle exec sequel -M VERSION -m path/to/migrations/dir DATABASE_URL

The directory db/migrations includes two database versions. The first one creates the tables in the database and the second one populates the database with test data.


This section describes the API REST created for the movie database.


  • Log in the app
POST /login username=XXX&passwd=XXX

This request returns a key in a cookie. Use this cookie to identify the user in those requests that require authentication.


$ curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/login --data  "username=test1&passwd=pass1" --cookie-jar cookies.txt

{"request":"POST /login","result":"success"}
  • Check the session status
GET /session


$ curl http://localhost:5000/session --cookie cookies.txt

{"request":"GET /session","result":"success","data":"test1"}
  • Log out
GET /logout


$ curl http://localhost:5000/logout --cookie cookies.txt

{"request":"GET /logout","result":"success"}


  • Get all the movies in the database
GET /movies


$ curl http://localhost:5000/movies

{"request":"GET /movies","result":"success","data":[{"id":1,"title":"The Godfather","url_image":"","year":1972},{"id":2,"title":"The Dark Knight","url_image":",0,214,317_AL_.jpg","year":2008},{"id":3,"title":"Fight Club","url_image":"","year":1999}]}
  • Get movies page by page (10 movies by default)
GET /movies/page/<n>


$ curl http://localhost:5000/movies/page/1

{"request":"GET /movies/page/1","result":"success","data":[{"id":1,"title":"The Godfather","url_image":"","year":1972},{"id":2,"title":"The Dark Knight","url_image":",0,214,317_AL_.jpg","year":2008},{"id":3,"title":"Fight Club","url_image":"","year":1999}]}
  • Get the details of a movie
GET /movies/<id>


$ curl http://localhost:5000/movies/2

{"request":"GET /movies/2","result":"success","data":{"id":2,"title":"The Dark Knight","synopsis":"When Batman, Gordon and Harvey Dent launch an assault on the mob, they let the clown out of the box, the Joker, bent on turning Gotham on itself and bringing any heroes down to his level.","url_image":",0,214,317_AL_.jpg","year":2008,"category":"Action","username":"test1","email":"[email protected]"}}
  • Post a new movie (requires authentication)
POST /movies title=XXX&synopsis=XXX&url_image=XXX&year=XXX&category=XXX

If there is no error, this request returns the id of the new movie.


$ curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/movies --data "title=Guardians of the Galaxy&synopsis=A group of space criminals must work together to stop a fanatic from destroying the galaxy.&category=Action&year=2014&url_image=" --cookie cookies.txt 

{"request":"POST /movies","result":"success","data":4}
  • Update a movie (requires authentication)
PUT /movies/<id> title=XXX&synopsis=XXX&url_image=XXX&year=XXX&category=XXX

Users have privileges to modify only the movies they have posted.


$ curl -X PUT http://localhost:5000/movies/4 --data "title=Guardianes de la Galaxia&synopsis=Un grupo de criminales espaciales debe trabajar juntos para evitar que un fanático destruya la galaxia.&category=Acción&year=2014&url_image=" --cookie cookies.txt 
{"request":"PUT /movies/4","result":"success"}
  • Delete a movie (requires authentication)
DELETE /movies/<id> 

Users have privileges to modify only the movies they have posted.


$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/movies/4 --cookie cookies.txt 

{"request":"DELETE /movies/4","result":"success"}
  • Search movies by title
GET /movies?q=XXXX


$ curl http://localhost:5000/movies?q=godfather

{"request":"GET /movies?q=godfather","result":"success","data":[{"id":1,"title":"The Godfather","url_image":"","year":1972}]}

Movie comments

  • Get all the comments of a movie
GET /movies/<id>/comments


$ curl http://localhost:5000/movies/1/comments

{"request":"GET /movies/1/comments","result":"success","data":[{"content":"Great movie","comment_date":"2014-02-03","username":"test1","email":"[email protected]"},{"content":"I hate it!","comment_date":"2014-02-10","username":"test2","email":"[email protected]"}]}
  • Get only a page of comments (10 comments by default)
GET /movies/<id>/comments/page/1


$ curl http://localhost:5000/movies/1/comments/page/1

{"request":"GET /movies/1/comments/page/1","result":"success","data":[{"content":"Great movie","comment_date":"2014-02-03","username":"test1","email":"[email protected]"},{"content":"I hate it!","comment_date":"2014-02-10","username":"test2","email":"[email protected]"}]}
  • Post a new comment (requires authentication)
POST /movies/<id>/comments content=XXX

This request returns the id of the new comment.


curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/movies/1/comments --data "content=The best movie I've ever seen" --cookie cookies.txt 

{"request":"POST /movies/1/comments/","result":"success","data":4}
  • Delete a comment (requires authentication)
DELETE /movies/<id>/comments/<comment_id>

Users have privileges to delete only their comments


$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/movies/1/comments/4 --cookie cookies.txt 

{"request":"DELETE /movies/1/comments/4","result":"success"}


  • Check if a movie was marked by the user as favorite (requires authentication)
GET /movies/<id>/fav


$ curl http://localhost:5000/movies/1/fav --cookie cookies.txt

{"request":"GET /movies/1/fav","result":"success","data":"true"}
  • Mark a movie as favorite (requires authentication)
POST /movies/<id>/fav


$ curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/movies/3/fav --cookie cookies.txt

{"request":"POST /movies/3/favs","result":"success"}
  • Unmark a movie as favorite (requires authentication)
DELETE /movies/<id>/fav


$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/movies/3/fav --cookie cookies.txt

{"request":"DELETE /movies/3/fav","result":"success"}