The diversity of species at any given place, which we could quantify for example by metabarcoding, as well as their geographical patterns of diversity are not simply accidents of history.
2019-12-09, Sylvius 1.5.03
- Lecture I: Data science tools: R
- Lecture II: Data carpentry
- Lecture III: Data carpentry (cont.)
- Practical: RMarkdown, Phylogenies in R (part 1), Phylogenies in R (part 2)
2019-12-10, Sylvius 1.5.03
- Lecture I: Large phylogenies in biodiversity
- Lecture II: Tree shape metrics
- Lecture III: Inferences from tree shape
- Practical: tree shape analysis, turn this paper into a practical using these scripts
2019-12-11, Sylvius 1.5.03
- Lecture I: Comparative analysis intro
- Lecture II: Scaling rules in Ungulates
- Lecture III: Character data mining and representation (Jeremy Miller)
- Practical: Ancestral state reconstruction under Brownian motion
2019-12-12, Sylvius 1.5.03
- Lecture I: Home study (i.e. no lecture)
- Lecture II: Trait-dependent diversification in Cyprinodontiformes (Tom van Dooren)
- Lecture III: Methods for trait-dependent diversification (Benedict King)
- Practical: Practical BiSSE / elapids
2019-12-13, Sylvius 1.5.03
- Lecture I: Introduction to traits.
- Lecture II: Trait databases, semantics, and analysis
- Lecture III: BayesTraits (preprint)
- Practical: CYPHER