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355 lines (330 loc) · 23.1 KB

File metadata and controls

355 lines (330 loc) · 23.1 KB

Current development version (0.13-SNAPSHOT)


Version 0.12 (20150308)

Version 0.11 (20130107)

  • Fixed infinite loops in simple typedefs ([issue nativelibs4java#288] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#288))
  • Fixed some -beautifyNames cases ([issue nativelibs4java#315] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#315))
  • Fixed parsing of some C++ templates (including template constructors)
  • Fixed "long long" regression
  • Fixed JNAeratorMojo.config documentation ([issue nativelibs4java#330] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#330))
  • Fixed long / long long / short pointer function return types
  • Fixed generation of BridJ C++ constructors
  • Fixed enum names that collide with Java identifiers ([issue nativelibs4java#334] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#334))
  • Added a type definition override switch, useful force mismatching 32/64bits types to some predefined types (for instance, -TmyVal=intptr_t)
  • Added raw bindings generation for BridJ
  • Added parsing of 'using' C++ statements
  • Added TypeRef.resolvedJavaIdentifier
  • Added parser support for complex double (cf. complex.h)
  • Added test for BridJ raw signatures
  • Moved to ECJ 3.7.2
  • Moved to JNA 3.4.0
  • Refactored type resolution and conversion
  • Rationalized CompilerUtils classpath + bootclasspath

Version 0.10 (20120415, commit 6bc061dfce06b941086a29f696195e82fbaffbdc)

  • Release artifacts are available in Maven Central
  • Fixed generation of large long values
  • Fixed conditional parsing of __in modifier (and COM modifiers in general)
  • Fixed generation of globals and variables included more than once
  • Fixed parsing of unary '-' operator
  • Fixed parsing of C++ constructors and class inheritance
  • Fixed parsing of default values for type name template arguments
  • Fixed parsing of const type mutator (fixes void f(struct x * const);) ([issue nativelibs4java#205] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#205))
  • Fixed parsing of null char escape '\0' ([issue nativelibs4java#214] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#214))
  • Fixed conversion of int a; f(&a);
  • Fixed handling of "long int" and "short int" ([issue nativelibs4java#267] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#267))
  • Fixed parsing of __declspec, attribute and some modifiers-related regressions
  • Fixed conversion of __inline functions when -convertBodies is on
  • Fixed NPE in JNAeratorUtils.findBestPlainStorageName ([issue nativelibs4java#258] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#258))
  • Fixed parsing of empty strings (spotted by @ENargit in [issue nativelibs4java#255] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#255))
  • Fixed generation of typedefs ([issue nativelibs4java#273] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#273)) 0 Fixed generation of casted constants ([issue #96] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#96))
  • Fixed generation of unnamed structs and unions ([issue #94] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#94))
  • Fixed multidimensional array sizes for JNA target ([issue nativelibs4java#165] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#165))
  • Fixed handling of hexadecimal constants ([issue nativelibs4java#296] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#296))
  • Fixed conversion of comments for BridJ target runtime
  • Fixed generation of BridJ calling conventions ([issue nativelibs4java#282] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#282))
  • Fixed handling of __stdcall function pointers and functions ([issue nativelibs4java#282] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#282))
  • Fixed mapping of bool for JNA(erator) target runtime ([issue nativelibs4java#289] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#289))
  • Fixed parsing of malloc, free and many potential modifiers ([issue nativelibs4java#278] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#278) and issue #280)
  • Fixed handling of unicode library paths ([issue nativelibs4java#276] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#276))
  • Fixed parsing of friend members in C++ classes, and of assignment operators (operator+=, ...)
  • Fixed generation of very simple edge cases "long f();", "short f();", "f();" ([issue nativelibs4java#270] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#270))
  • Changed naming of anonymous function pointer types : void f(void (*arg)()); now yields callback f_arg_callback
  • Enhanced handling of parsing failures : faster failover to "sliced" parsing, reduced verbosity of errors
  • Added Maven output modes and -mode switch to choose between Jar, StandaloneJar, Directory, Maven, AutoGeneratedMaven (deprecated -noJar and -noComp)
  • Added support for MSVC asm soups + added -removeInlineAsm hack switch that tries to regex-remove __asm soups that still cannot be parsed out
  • Added support for BridJ's bundled libraries mechanism and paths (+ enforce them using an enum param)
  • Added parsing of expression initializer blocks v = { 1, 2, 3};
  • Added preservation of original textual representation of constants
  • Added tr1 to default C++ includes
  • Generate symbols of all files in directories where any file was explicitly listed
  • Added support for command-line definition of macros with arguments : -Df(x)=whatever
  • Added conversion of malloc(x * y * sizeof(whatever))
  • Removed C++ name mangling feature for JNA target runtime (was simplistic anyway)

Version 0.9.9 (20111107, 1cad7b05da2e89ce53246f30b181159ef8fce0c3)

  • Default runtime target is now BridJ: use -runtime JNAerator to retain old behaviour
  • Added option -emptyStructsAsForwardDecls to force generation of opaque pointers for empty structs (even if they inherit from other empty structs)
  • Fixed Maven plugin :
  • Fixed handling of the empty package
  • Fixed verbose mode (logs used to self-overwrite between different parsed files)
  • Fixed rare package/className clash in pretty-printer ([issue nativelibs4java#182] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#182))
  • Fixed C++ / Object.class method name clashes
  • Fixed regression on fake pointers with JNA-based runtimes
  • Fixed parsing of large unsigned longs
  • Fixed generation of multiple anonymous enums ([issue #96] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#96))
  • Fixed BridJ enum items that refer to other items
  • Fixed generation of string constant expressions cast as Pointers (only for JNAerator and BridJ runtimes)
  • Fixed -runtime JNA target bug that used JNAerator target for generated library loading code ([issue #95] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#95) @ jnaerator)
  • Fixed varargs & param name generation for BridJ (thanks to Eric Emonet for the fix :
  • Enhanced BridJ runtime : only use CRuntime when there's no C++ contents
  • Updated to ANTLR 3.4
  • Updated runtime to JNA 3.3.0

Version 0.9.8 (r2128, 20110621)

  • Better COM JNAeration for BridJ (now supports and converts __declspec(uuid("xxx")) attributes !)
  • Accept some ill-formed constructs (mismatched extern "C" { ... }) for better cross-files parsing
  • Fixed JNAeration of nested dependent constants defines
  • Fixed automatic macro definitions : don't override already defined macros
  • Fixed parsing of singleton extern "C" definitions (without curly braces)
  • Fixed issue 86 ( : generate proper array creation code for empty structs with the JNA runtime.
  • Fixed issue 85 ( : generate proper constant pointer casting code for BridJ : #define PTR ((void*)-1) generates Pointer<?> PTR = Pointer.pointerToAddress(-1);
  • Fixed generation of enums
  • Fixed typing of (constant) boolean expressions

Version 0.9.7 (r1817, 20110329)

Version 0.9.6 (r1638, 20110204)

  • Added explicit call to setFieldOrder in JNAerated JNA structures (no need for BridJ, which has its @Field annotations to guarantee proper order)
  • Enhanced parsing and AST generation of C/C++ expressions
  • Fixed BridJ inherited struct fields indexes computation

Version 0.9.5 (r1330, 20101011):

  • Moved to JNA 3.2.7
  • Support anonymous bit fields : struct S { int :7; int b; }
  • Better beautification of underscored typedefs : typedef struct Toto__ { ... } Toto; now handled properly
  • Extended -I command line syntax to include files directly (which does the same as an #include statement) : files are parsed but their content is not targetted for code generation
  • Added -beautifyNames switch to transform some_func() into someFunc() ( )- Fixed names with dollars (and Scala struct field setters in particular !)
  • Added -scalaStructSetters option
  • Fixed callbacks fields
  • Fixed studio JVM hanging issue ( )- JNAerator Studio now launched when there's no command line args (JAR is double-clickable, at last !)
  • Fixed struct** fields (PointerByReference instead of faulty Struct.ByReference[] !)
  • Changed name of callbacks's single method from "invoke" to "apply" (to make them Scala-friendly)
  • Fixed parsing of large files (reverted EASILY_DEBUGGABLE_BUT_FRAGILE_PARSING_MODE to false)
  • Added __restrict keyword
  • Added -synchronized switch to mark generated methods as synchronized (only in direct-mode JNA and BridJ outputs)
  • Fixed generation of BridJ enums, constants and arrays
  • Parse(skip) GCC inline assembler (asm)
  • Parse some ObjectiveC 2 constructs : @package, @required and @optional member modifiers + new @property syntax
  • Fixed parser regressions (0x7f, +10)
  • Added experimental reification feature for BridJ output (-reification switch) : transforms functions that have a first "this-like" pointer argument into methods of the corresponding pointer type. Instead of getting : {{{ public native static TestLibrary.GXEntity gxCreateEntity(int someParam); public native static void gxEntitySetValue(TestLibrary.GXEntity entity, int key, int value); public native static int gxEntityGetValue(TestLibrary.GXEntity entity, int key); /// Pointer to unknown (opaque) type public static class GXEntity extends TypedPointer { public GXEntity(long address) { super(address); } public GXEntity(Pointer address) { super(address); } }; }}} You'd get the assembly-optimizable BridJ binding : {{{ native static @Ptr long gxCreateEntity(int someParam); native static void gxEntitySetValue(@Ptr long entity, int key, int value); native static int gxEntityGetValue(@Ptr long entity, int key); public static class GXEntity extends TypedPointer { public GXEntity(long address) { super(address); } public GXEntity(Pointer address) { super(address); } public static GXEntity create(int someParam) { long ret = gxCreateEntity(someParam); return ret == null ? null : new GXEntity(ret); } public void setValue(int key, int value) { gxEntitySetValue(this.peer, key, value); } public int getValue(int key) { return gxEntityGetValue(this.peer, key); } } }}}

Version 0.9.4 (r1067@nl4j, 20100717)

  • better C/C++ parsing (cast operators, templates, anonymous structs...)
  • fixed JNAerator issues #63 ("JNA runtime does not support bit fields"), #64 ("on Windows, use %ProgramFiles%" to infer Visual Studio install directory.")
  • enhanced BridJ runtime generation support
  • enhanced debug output in verbose mode
  • Added -beanStructs command line option to generate getters and setters for JNA (issue 62 @ jnaerator)

Version 0.9.3 (r760@nl4j, 20100121)

  • Fixed parsing of some common C expressions (better tolerates inline functions)
  • Fixed parsing of OpenCL source codes (used by JavaCL Generator project on NativeLibs4Java/JavaCL project)
  • Introduced experimental lightweight structures support (use new "-runtime JNAeratorNL4JStructs" switch)
  • Added automatic import statements generation to make source code smaller and easier to read (use new -noAutoImports switch to disable).

Version 0.9.2 (r886, 20081030):

  • Fixed [issue #31] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#31) : parse unnamed "char *const *" function arguments
  • Fixed [issue #35] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#35) : byref, byval, in, out and bycopy can now be used in most contexts (general case of issue #22 is still not fixed, though)
  • Fixed regression on structs with callbacks
  • Added "oneway" Objective C modifier
  • Allow java-only modifiers, declspec and gcc attributes as identifiers (native, transient, dllimport...)
  • Fixed [issue #38] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#38) : Function pointer pointers were completely broken
  • Fixed regression since maven move : missed objectivec static forwards exclusion list
  • Deprecated Structure.toArray(), renamed to Structure.castToArray().
  • Added static Structure.newArray(Class<? extends Structure>, int length)
  • JNAerating a typed static newArray(int length) for each structure
  • Added "C type" comment to struct fields with non-primitive types
  • Deprecated StringPointer
  • Added basic output customization capabilities with -choicesOut & -choice switches : syntax is one line of the C function declaration, then n lines of corresponding Java declarations, each function block being separated by an empty line.
  • Fixed [issue #39] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#39) : Failure to parse define with expression containing a cast
  • Fixed long constants being generated as NativeLong (now long)
  • Fixed regression with function pre-comments
  • Fixed generation of references to constants defined in other libraries
  • size_t is now mapped to NativeSize. Classes NativeSizeByReference & GlobalNativeSize have also been added, along with a backwards compatibility switch -sizeAsLong (and a switch -gccLong to treat 'long' as 'size_t')
  • Fixed primitive type promotion of constants (NativeLong -> long)
  • Added -ifRegexMatch switch
  • Define STDC in auto configuration
  • Fixed [issue #44] (nativelibs4java/nativelibs4java#44): Hypens in header names translate to hyphens in class names
  • Byref & globals mapping of NSInteger now uses NativeSizeByReference and GlobalNativeSize, instead of NativeLong derivates