The goal of EMLeditor is to edit EML-formatted xml files. Specifically, EMLeditor provides many functions that will be useful to the U.S. National Park Service when generating metadata for statistical data packages uploaded to DataStore. NPS affiliation is assumed as default. However, the functions for viewing and editing metadata may be useful to people outside the NPS.
You can install and update the development version of EMLeditor from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
To install all the packages in the NPSdataverse (including EMLeditor):
EMLeditor comes with a template Rmarkdown script that you can edit to generate a fully fledged EML document. The script includes and accompanying documentation includes information on:
- Generating an initial EML document using the R/EMLassemblyline package functions
- Adding in NPS specific and DataStore specific EML elements using the R/EMLeditor package functions
- Generating a draft data package reference on DataStore and incorporating DOIs into the metadata
- Checking the EML document to make sure it is schema-valid and passes
all the necessary tests for uploading to DataStore (using the
function from the DPchecker package) - Uploading a completed data package to DataStore
Please DO NOT ACTIVATE the DataStore reference: prior to activation, data packages need to be reviewed via a yet-to-be-created process.
To access the EML creation script from within EMLeditor, install (or update) the EMLeditor package and restart R. From within Rstudio, select the “File” drop-down menu and choose “New File” (the first option). From within the “New File” menu, select “Rmarkdown…”. In the pop-up menu, select “From Template on the left hand side. Then choose the template,”Editable_EML_Creation_Workflow {EMLeditor}” then click “OK”.
If you use EMLeditor functions to alter your metadata (e.g. “set” class functions) they will also silently add the National Park Service as a publisher (including location, ROR id, etc) to your metadata unless you set NPS=FALSE. If you leave the default setting as NPS=TRUE, EMLeditor will also assume the data package is being created “by or for the NPS” and add that information to the metadata.
EMLeditor will also add information about the version of EMLeditor you used to edit your metadata (for instance if you used “set” class functions).