Introduce the project
Install Rails
rails new demo -c tailwind -j esbuild
Install Plutonium
bundle add plutonium rails g pu:core:install
Install useful gems
rails g pu:gem:annotated
Install rodauth
rails g pu:rodauth:install
Create rodauth user account
rails g pu:rodauth:account user
Create blogging feature package
rails g pu:pkg:feature blogging
Create blog resource
rails g pu:res:scaffold blog user:belongs_to slug:string title:string content:text state:string published_at:datetime
Create dashboard app package
rails g pu:pkg:app dashboard
Connect the blog to the dashboard
rails g pu:res:conn
Scope dashboard to user
# packages/dashboard_app/lib/engine.rb scope_to_entity User, strategy: :current_user # add directives above.
Demonstrate queries
# packages/dashboard_app/lib/engine.rb def define_filters # define custom filters define_search -> (scope, search:) { scope.where("title LIKE ?", "%#{search}%") } end def define_scopes # define custom scopes define_scope :published, -> (scope) { scope.where(state: :published) } define_scope :drafts, -> (scope) { scope.where(state: :draft) } end def define_sorters # define custom sorters define_sorter :title define_sorter :content end
Create a custom action
# packages/blogging/app/interactions/blogging/blog_interactions/publish.rb module Blogging module BlogInteractions class Publish < ResourceInteraction object :resource, class: Blog def execute errors.merge!(resource.errors) unless resource.update(state: "published", published_at: Time.current) resource end end end end
# packages/blogging/app/presenters/blogging/blog_presenter.rb define_interactive_action :publish, label: 'Publish', interaction: BlogInteractions::Publish, icon: "outline/book", color: :green
Create blog_comment resource
rails g pu:res:scaffold blog_comment blogging/blog:belongs_to user:belongs_to content:text
Define associations
# packages/blogging/app/models/blogging/blog.rb has_many :comments
# packages/blogging/app/policies/blogging/blog_policy.rb def permitted_attributes_for_show super + [:comments] end
Connect comments to demonstrate auto linking
rail g pu:res:conn
Demonstrate plutonium association panels
# packages/blogging/app/policies/blogging/blog_policy.rb def permitted_attributes_for_show super end def permitted_associations %i[comments] end
- Demonstrate nested_attributes
accepts_nested_attributes_for :comments, reject_if: :all_blank define_nested_input :comments, inputs: %i[user content], limit: 1 do |input| input.define_field_input :content, type: :markdown end
Create a custom field renderer
rails g pu:field:renderer markdown bundle add redcarpet markdown
Redcarpet::Markdown.new(Redcarpet::Render::HTML, autolink: true).render "content"
Create a custom field input
rails g pu:field:input
# app/views/layouts/resource.html.erb <% layout.with_assets do %> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/easymde/dist/easymde.min.css" /> <script src="https://unpkg.com/easymde/dist/easymde.min.js"></script> <% end %>
rails g stimulus markdown_input
// app/javascript/controllers/markdown_input_controller.js connect() { console.log("markdown-input connected", this.element) this.markdown = new EasyMDE({ element: this.element, toolbar: ["bold", "italic", "heading", "|", "quote"] }) } disconnect() { this.markdown.toTextArea() this.markdown = null }
# app/plutonium/fields/inputs/markdown_input.rb class MarkdownInput < Plutonium::Core::Fields::Inputs::Base def render form.input name, **options end private def input_options {input_html: {data: {controller: "markdown-input"}}} end end
rails g pu:core:assets