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Image Sequencer

aka "Consequencer"

Build Status


Image Sequencer is different from other image processing systems in that it's non-destructive: instead of modifying the original image, it creates a new image at each step in a sequence. This is because it:

  • produces a legible trail of operations, to "show your work" for evidential, educational, or reproducibility reasons
  • makes the creation of new tools or "modules" simpler -- each must accept an input image, and produce an output image
  • allows many images to be run through the same sequence of steps

It is also for exploring some other related ideas:

  • test-based image processing -- the ability to create a sequence of steps that do the same task as some other image processing tool, provable with example before/after images to compare with
  • logging of each step to produce an evidentiary record of modifications to an original image
  • cascading changes -- change an earlier step's settings, and see those changes affect later steps
  • "small modules"-based extensibility: see Contributing, below




This is a draft proposal: currently, onComplete assignment is done through module.options.onComplete -- clearly non-ideal.

To add a module to Image Sequencer, it must have the following method; you can wrap an existing module to add them:

  • module.draw(onComplete)

The draw() method should accept two paramters, image and onComplete. The onComplete parameter will be a function with one parameter, and will be set to the draw() method of the next step; for example:

function(image, onComplete) {

  // do some stuff with the image


No, let's instead do: module.draw() and module.setOutput(fn) or module.setNext(fn)

See existing module green-channel for an example:

For help integrating, please open an issue.

  • setup()


Notes on development next steps:


  • "add a new step" menu

  • add createUserInterface() which is set up by default to draw on ImageBoardUI, but could be swapped for nothing, or an equiv. lib

  • it could create the interface and use event listeners like module.on('draw', fn()); to update the interface

  • spinners before panels are complete

  • is there a module for generating forms from parameters?

  • click to expand for all images

  • ImageSequencer.Renderer class to manage image output formats and adapters

  • output in animated Gif?

  • remove step


  • ability to start running at any point -- already works?
    • setNextStep()?
  • figure out UI/functional separation -- ui is in module wrapper?
  • commandline runnability?
    • Make available as browserified OR require() includable...
  • standardize panel addition with submodule that offers Panel.display(image)
  • allow passing data as data-uri or Image object, or stream, or ndarray or ImageData array, if both of neighboring pair has ability?
  • ...could we directly include package.json for module descriptions? At least as a fallback.
  • (for node-and-line style UIs) non-linear sequences with Y-splitters
  • sequencer.addModule('path/to/module.js') style module addition -- also to avoid browserifying all of Plotly :-P
  • remove step


  • tests - modules headless; unit tests
  • comparisons with diff
    • testing a module's promised functionality: each module could offer before/after images as part of their API; by running the module on the before image, you should get exactly the after image, comparing with an image diff

Use cases

  • make an Infragram module that accepts a math expression


  • BUG: this doesn't work for defaults: imageboard.loadImage('examples/grid.png', function() {
    • we should make defaults a config of the first module

Module Candidates


Referencing earlier states

Complex sequences with masking could require accessing previous states (or nonlinearity):

  • flood-fill an area
  • select only the flooded area
    • roundabout: lighten everything to <50%, then flood-fill with black? Not 100% reliable.
    • roundabout 2: flood fill, then blink-diff with original
  • then add step which recovers original image, repeat flood-fill/blink-diff for second region
  • reference above masked states in a mask module, with maskModule.draw(image, { getMask: function() { return maskImg } })


pattern-fill module to use patterns in JS canvas:

var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx=c.getContext("2d");
var img=document.getElementById("lamp");
var pat=ctx.createPattern(img,"repeat");

ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
ctx.lineTo(160, 600);
ctx.rect(0, 0, 160, 600);
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);

UI notes: