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For - you know - zhaining things... Runs in the browser and in node.js.

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  .do(function() { console.log('Hello') })
  .do(function() { console.log('world') })

(Yeah, that's a really complicated way to say 'Hello world'.)


.do takes a function.

If that function takes parameters, the function is assumed to be asynchronous and the last parameter is expected to be the callback.

Functions without parameters are assumed to be synchronous.

.sync is an alias for .do which can take a function with parameters and is still synchronous.

Like so:

  .do(function() { console.log('Pow!') })              // sync
  .do(function(done) { setTimeout(done, 250) })        // async

Passing state

Return values from synchronous functions are passed on to the next method in the chain:

  .do(function() { return 'Pow!' })
  .sync(function(pow) { console.log('Got: ' + pow) })

The callback provided to asynchronous functions can be invoked with arguments. The first argument is reserved for errors (you know, node.js style), the next arguments are passed on to the next method in the chain:

  .do(function(done) { done(null, 'Pow!', 'Wop!') })
  .do(function(pow, wop, done) { assert.equal(pow, 'Pow!'); done() })

.run and .end and errors

.run runs the chain. It can optionally be passed a function which is invoked once the chain is complete.

.end returns a function that when invoked will run the chain. It's useful for creating re-runnable chains and using zhain in e.g. mocha tests:

var sayPow = zhain().do(function() { console.log('Pow'); }).end()
sayPow(); sayPow()

it('tests things', zhain()
  .do(function() { assert.equal(1,1) })

If no errors occur, the ending function will receive the output of the last method in the chain.

  .do(function() { return 1 })
  .run(function(err, result) { console.log('Haz result: '+result) })

If a method in the chain throws an exception or invokes the callback with an error (1st argument, node.js style), the rest of the chain is bypassed and the ending function is invoked with the received error:


  .do(function() { throw 'Fail...' })
  .do(function() { console.log('I should never be called.') })
  .run(function(err) {
    console.log("D'oh: " + err)


  .do(function(done) { done('Fail...') })
  .do(function() { console.log('I should never be called.') })
  .run(function(err) {
    console.log("D'oh: " + err)

this and that

Inside .do, this is a per-run zhain instance. Passing state between functions can therefore also be done like this:

  .do(function() { this.pow = 'pow' })
  .do(function() { assert.equal(this.pow, 'pow') })

When the function returned by .end is invoked with a this, it's bound to this.context within functions of the chain.

Example - output the test title and set a test specific timeout in mocha:

it('does things', zhain()
  .do(function() { console.log('Running: ' + this.context.test.title) })
  .do(function() { this.context.timeout('2s') })
    // moar test

Extending the Zhain

To make real use of zhain, extend it with something more domain-relevant, like so:

Zhain.prototype.waitForAjax = function() {
  return {
    if (!$.active) return done()
    $('body').one('ajaxStop', function() {

In node.js, the prototype is at require('zhain').prototype

Real'ish World Example

Recipe for writing concise and readable client-side mocha tests:

  1. Extend the zhain prototype with domain-specific helper methods
  2. Write your test, e.g.:
it('updates person name', zhain()
  .assertText($('#person span.first-name'), 'Joe')
  .click($('#person button.edit'))
  .assertVal($('#person input.first-name'), 'Joe')  
  .enterVal($('#person input.first-name'), 'Jack')
  .assertText($('#person span.first-name'), 'Jack')