Collection of utility classes with common goal of lowering memory overhead.
InternTrie - a trie used to return intern representation of object with a twist
CachingObjectFactory - reuse objects
This project requires Java 1.8, and depends on fantastic Eclipse Collections.
Include Pauseless as dependency.
implementation group: 'mt.fireworks', name: 'pauseless', version: '1.0.0'
Any advise for common problems or issues.
command to run if program contains helper info
Main developer: Marko Talijanac
- 1.0.0 - SNAPSHOT
- Initial version contaning InternTrie
This project is licensed under the [GNU] License - see the file for details
Inspiration, code snippets, etc.
- awesome-readme
- PurpleBooth
- dbader
- zenorocha
- [fvcproductions](