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101 lines (58 loc) · 4.63 KB

JVM Bloggers

Never miss any blog post from developers around JVM in Poland :)

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Goal of this project is to gather information about every developer or company blogging about JVM related technologies in Poland, no matter if he is an oldschool Java fanboy, fancy Scala lover or niche Gosu expert.

Every Friday at 12am application sends a newsletter with all new blog posts from last 7 days. Currently newsletter is sent to the most of Java User Groups in Poland. If you want to have your group or personal e-mail added, please contact me (address below).

I want to promote blogging as the best way to share knowledge and learn from your readers at the same time. And the best way to do that is by helping blog authors to reach wider audience.

Your blog is missing?

Please create a Pull Request adding it to

and that's all. Once it is merged, you are on the list!



  1. Send weekly e-mail about latest blog posts to JUG mailing lists
  2. Add technical blogs from Polish companies
  3. Add moderation to discard off-topic content
  4. Write some admin panel to manage moderation. etc.


  • Publish global RSS feed with all blog posts
  • Create website with all newsletter (latest and old ones)
  • Fetch data about number of comments in articles
  • Analyze tweets from developers and highlight those with most RTs, stars and the most active conversations
  • Maybe export the idea to another country? :)
  • .... this is a place for YOUR idea :)

Technical details

Application is written using Java 8, Spring Boot, Liquibase, Akka and JPA, running on PostgreSQL database. Currenly it runs on a Heroku.

Local development setup

Step 1:

You need a PostgreSQL database (name: jvm_bloggers, user/pass: jvm_bloggers/jvm_bloggers). The easiest and recommended way is to run it as docker container:

docker run --name jvm-bloggers-db -e POSTGRES_USER=jvm_bloggers -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=jvm_bloggers -p 5432:5432 -d postgres

Step 2:

Execute Gradle bootRun task:

./gradlew  -Djasypt.encryptor.password=<SECRET_PASSWORD><JVM_BLOGGERS_DB_HOST_ADDRESS> bootRun

NOTE:If the jvm_bloggers database is running on localhost then property can be omitted (it will be assumed to be localhost by default).

Step 3:

Navigate to http://localhost:8080/admin and fill login form with any login and <SECRET_PASSWORD> (the password provided in the previous step)

NOTE: Admin UI is based on

Step 4:

To import the project into IDE first execute ./gradlew eclipse or ./gradlew idea (depending on your IDE) to generate project files and import them into IDE.

Running locally with Docker

docker run -p 8080:8080 --add-host=jvm_bloggers_db:<JVM_BLOGGERS_DB_HOST_ADDRESS> -e -e jasypt.encryptor.password="<jasypt_password>" -e"dev" tdziurko/jvm-bloggers:<TAG>

where TAG is one from or any tag of your local image repository.


Wanna help? Please let me know, you can simply:

  • join Gitter room
  • write an e-mail to GMail: jvmbloggers (at) (you know what).com :)
  • create an issue or comment on existing one
  • for more details please read our Contribution guide


  1. Before coding please comment on issue that you will be working on so we do not duplicate efforts :)
  2. PR with code cleanups are also welcome :)

This is a community driven open source project, so any help is appreciated!


If you need direct contact, you can reach JVM Bloggers project at GMail: jvmbloggers (at) (you know what).(you know what too) :)