Managing affinity groups
- name: string # Name of affinity group [required]
cluster: string # Name of cluster for group [required]
description: string # Description of group
host_enforcing: bool # Enforce host rule (true, false)
host_rule: string # Host rule (positive, negative, disabled)
hosts: # List of hosts assigned to affinity groups
- string # Name of host
hosts_labels: # List of host affinity labels assigned to affinity groups
- string # Name of host affinity label
vm_enforcing: bool # Enforce VM rule (true, false)
vm_rule: string # VM rule (positive, negative, disabled)
vms: # List of virtuAffinity Label machines assigned to affinity groups
- string # Name of virtuAffinity Label machine
vms_labels: # List of VM affinity labels assigned to affinity groups
- string # Name of VM affinity label
state: string # State of group (present*, absent)
ovirt_affinity_groups_wait: true # Waiting for a response about groups state
ovirt_affinity_groups_timeout: 3 # Groups state timeout
ovirt_affinity_groups_poll_interval: 1 # Interval for checking groups state
- name: Create affinity groups for K8S nodes
hosts: localhosth
connection: local
gather_facts: false
- mrcnkwcz.ovirt.ovirt_affinity_groups
ovirt_auth_hostname: engine.ovirt.infra.example
ovirt_auth_username: api@ovirt@internal
# It is advisable to use ansible-vault for secrets
ovirt_auth_password: "*******"
# Example of running a VM after creating a affinity group
# The cluster is logically divided into two parts and VMs do not compete for resources
# And with the help of labels and the negative rule, VMs are running on different hosts
# `APP`
# ├── `mrcnkwcz-k8s-group01`
# │ ├── `app-host01`
# │ │ └── `mrcnkwcz-k8s-worker01-sandbox` (`mrcnkwcz-k8s-label01`)
# │ ├── `app-host02`
# │ │ └── `mrcnkwcz-k8s-master01-sandbox` (`mrcnkwcz-k8s-label01`)
# │ └── `app-host03`
# │ └── `mrcnkwcz-k8s-lb01-sandbox` (`mrcnkwcz-k8s-label01`)
# └── `mrcnkwcz-k8s-group02`
# ├── `app-host04`
# │ └── `mrcnkwcz-k8s-worker02-sandbox` (`mrcnkwcz-k8s-label02`)
# ├── `app-host05`
# │ └── `mrcnkwcz-k8s-master02-sandbox` (`mrcnkwcz-k8s-label02`)
# └── `app-host06`
# └── `mrcnkwcz-k8s-lb02-sandbox` (`mrcnkwcz-k8s-label02`)
- name: mrcnkwcz-k8s-group01
cluster: APP
host_enforcing: true
host_rule: positive
- app-host01
- app-host02
- app-host03
vm_enforcing: true
vm_rule: negative
- mrcnkwcz-k8s-label01
- name: mrcnkwcz-k8s-group02
cluster: APP
host_enforcing: true
host_rule: positive
- app-host04
- app-host05
- app-host06
vm_enforcing: true
vm_rule: negative
- mrcnkwcz-k8s-label02