Relic Changelog
2.1.0 - 2019-03-25
- Make into Go module at version 2
2.0.0 - 2018-08-15
- Versions must start from 0.0.1 (0.0.0 is reserved for unreleased)
- Default changelog format follows
- NewHistory takes second parameter for project URL
- Dropped getters from Version since already passed by value so immutable
- Optional top (most recent) release may be provided with empty Version with (via empty string in DeclareReleases) whereby its notes will be listed under 'Unreleased'
- Optional date can be appended to version using the exact format <major.minor.patch - YYYY-MM-DD> e.g. '5.4.2 - 2018-08-14'
- Default changelog format footnote references standard github compare links to see commits between version tags
Add ImmutableHistory and tweak suggested usage docs
Documentation fixes and typos
Minor improvements:
- Rename DeclareReleases to DeclareReleases (breaking API change)
- Add sample snippet to readme
- Sign version tags
First release of Relic extracted from various initial projects, it can:
- Generate changelogs
- Print the current version
- Ensure valid semantic version numbers