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Example service (Quarkus + Hibernate)


This project requires OpenJDK 17 and Apache Maven for its build.


Run the following to build the project:

cd user-service
mvn clean verify
java -Dquarkus.http.port=8082 -jar target/quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar

This starts the "user" service, which is accessed by the example service within one of the regression scenarios. Then build the example service itself:

cd example-service
mvn clean verify

In each test class, there's a method ...Regression() which is commented out. When commenting it in, this test should fail due to a performance "regresssion", e.g. due to higher memory allocation than expected, more IO, or more SQL statements.

JMC Agent is used in the TodoResourceSqlStatementsTest for emitting JFR events from Hibernate / its connection pool. As JMC Agent isn't available as a Maven dependency on Maven Central, it is retrieved using the download-maven-plugin from the[Adoptium JMC Overrides project].

Running in the IDE

When running the TodoResourceSqlStatementsTest in your IDE, make sure to specify the correct JMC Agent configuration, as seen in the example-service/pom.xml file.

Running the Application

For manual testing, build the application, start a separate Postgres instance via Docker Compose and launch the app like so:

docker-compose up
cd example-service
clean verify -DskipTests=true
java -jar ./examples/example-service/target/quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar

# Testing, e.g. via httpie
http POST localhost:8080/todo title=Test priority=2 completed=true